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apache 访问出现403 Forbidden


在配置文件httpd.conf中,把”Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf”这句前面的注释去掉,引用httpd-vhosts.conf配置文件。并且在Listion 80 下面新增一行Listion 8080。


<virtualHost *:8080>ServerAdmin cblx@sohu.comDocumentRoot "/var/wordpress"Servername localhost<Directory "/var/wordpress">Options Indexes FollowSymLinks        AllowOverride None        order allow,deny        Allow from all</Directory></VirtualHost>


ForbiddenYou don‘t have permission to access / on this server.


Deny from all


Allow from all


想到selinux,用getenforce 看,发现selinux是关着的。



## Deny access to the entirety of your server‘s filesystem. You must# explicitly permit access to web content directories in other# <Directory> blocks below.#<Directory />   AllowOverride none   Require all denied</Directory>


<Directory />    AllowOverride none#   Require all denied    Options FollowSymLinks    Order deny,allow    allow from all</Directory>


apache 访问出现403 Forbidden