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Stackoverflow 珠玑——封装重试指定次数的功能

最近写的一个 .NET Core 爬虫里用到了需要多次重试的功能,本着无脑输出的精神,google 了一下,还真给我找到了:

      public static T Retry<T, TException>(int timesToRetry, Func<int, T> thingToTry) where TException : Exception {            // Start at 1 instead of 0 to allow for final attempt            int i;            for (i = 1; i < timesToRetry; i++) {                try {                    return thingToTry(i);                }                catch (TException) {                    // Maybe: Trace.WriteLine("Failed attempt...");                }            }            return thingToTry(i); // Final attempt, let exception bubble up        }
public static async Task<T> RetryAsync<T, TException>(int timesToRetry, Func<int, Task<T>> thingToTry) where TException : Exception { // Start at 1 instead of 0 to allow for final attempt int i; for (i = 1; i < timesToRetry; i++) { try { return await thingToTry(i); } catch (TException) { // Maybe: Trace.WriteLine("Failed attempt..."); } } return await thingToTry(i); // Final attempt, let exception bubble up }


using static AStaticClass;class A {    void B() {        //重试 3 次        var result = Retry<int, Exception>(3, nTimes => {            //这里做需要重试的事情            Console.WriteLine($"第 {nTimes} 次尝试");            return 99999;        });    }}



Stackoverflow 珠玑——封装重试指定次数的功能