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Powershell 修改Office365和AD账户


#Import AD Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Import Office 365 Module
if ($Sessions.ComputerName -like "outlook.office365.com"){
    write-host "Detecting current Office365 session, skip.." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    write-host "Starting new Office365 session" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $UserCredential = Get-Credential 
    Connect-MsolService -Credential $UserCredential
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Import-PSSession $Session
#Get Primary SMTP Address
function Get-PrimarySMTP(){
        # Param1 help description
    $obj=New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $pp
    foreach($user in $users){
    $info=get-aduser -Filter {name -eq $user} -Properties proxyaddresses
    $primarySMTPAddress = ""
    foreach ($address in $info.proxyAddresses)
        if (($address.Length -gt 5) -and ($address.SubString(0,5) -ceq ‘SMTP:‘) )
            $primarySMTPAddress = $address.SubString(5)
    $objtemp=$obj | select *
    return $result 
#Get AD User Informtion
#$ADUsers = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "ou=mango,ou=ddb_group,ou=melbourne,dc=omnicom,dc=com,dc=au" -Properties proxyaddresses, emailaddress, displayname -Filter *
Write-Host " "
$uName=Read-Host "Please input User AD name" 
$ADUsers=get-aduser $uName -Properties proxyaddresses, emailaddress, displayname
#Change SamAccountName and UPN
foreach ($ADUser in $ADUsers) {
$GivenName = $ADUser.GivenName
$SurName = $ADUser.Surname
if (($GivenName -ne $null) -or ($SurName -ne $null))
$newSAM = $GivenName.ToLower() + ‘.‘+$SurName.ToLower()
        $domainName= $oldUPN.Split(‘@‘)[1]
$newUPN = $newSAM + ‘@‘+$domainName
        write-host "Updating ADUPN: $oldupn -> $newUPN" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        #Change AD UPN and SamAccount
Set-ADUser $ADUser -SamAccountName $newSAM -UserPrincipalName $newUPN 
        #Change AD email
        write-host "Updating Email:$oldEmail -> $newEmail" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        set-aduser $newSAM -EmailAddress $newEmail
        #Change Primary SMTP
        $primary=Get-PrimarySMTP -users $ADUser.name | select -ExpandProperty primarysmtp
        Write-Host "Updating ProxyAddress.." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        #Write-Host "Current Primary address is $primary" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        set-aduser $newSAM -replace @{proxyaddresses=[string[]]$ADUser.proxyaddresses} 
        #Change cloud UPN. If Office365 session is not connected properly, follow commands wont‘ work!
        $oldmsolupn=Get-MsolUser -SearchString $ADUser.Name 
        $oldmsolupn=$oldmsolupn| select -First 1 | select -ExpandProperty UserPrincipalName
        write-host "Updating MSOLUPN: $oldmsolupn -> $newmsolupn" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Set-MsolUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName $oldmsolupn -NewUserPrincipalName $newmsolupn 
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Warning "Either GivenName or Surname is Empty"
#Confirm result 
Write-Host "Confirm AD Result " -ForegroundColor Cyan
get-aduser $newSAM -Properties proxyaddresses,mail | select Name, SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName, proxyaddresses, mail
Write-Host "Confirm O365 Result" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Get-MsolUser -SearchString $ADUser.Name | select UserPrincipalName

修改其实都满简单地,我的脚本里面也没有写太多容错处理。修改完了之后,windows用户可能存在Profile和注册表对不上号的问题,因此还需要修改一些注册表,具体操作参考 http://beanxyz.blog.51cto.com/5570417/1930788

本文出自 “麻婆豆腐” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://beanxyz.blog.51cto.com/5570417/1944991

Powershell 修改Office365和AD账户