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How to suppress 'Maybe this is program method' warnings from ProGuard

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I‘m using ProGuard with my Android application and I‘m running getting the warnings below in my build log. I‘ve added the appropriate ‘-keep public class com.foo.OtherClass { public static *; }‘ statement to my proguard.cfg file, but I still get the warnings. My app runs fine and is dynamically accessing the class correctly. Is it possible to suppress these warnings?

 [proguard] Note: com.foo.MyClass accesses a method ‘getInstance()‘ dynamically
[proguard]       Maybe this is program method ‘com.foo.OtherClass { com.foo.OtherClass getInstance(); }‘


15down voteaccepted

You can avoid it by explicitly mentioning the method in the configuration:

-keep class com.foo.OtherClass { com.foo.OtherClass getInstance(); }

Alternatively, you can suppress notes on a class:

-dontnote com.foo.MyClass

How to suppress 'Maybe this is program method' warnings from ProGuard