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edge box




  • 使用c语言编写函数
  • 利用mexFunction()函数创建C与matlab接口
  • 从Matlab中编译函数

# include <mex.h>: 为了实现matlab与c混合编程的接口

//例如实现一个 add函数在接口

#include “mex.h”
double add(double x, double y)
return x+y;



void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[])
double  a,b;
double *c;
c= mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

其中,nlhs为输出函数的个数,nrhs为输入参数的个数。plhs[] 和prhs[] 都是指针数组,每个元素为一个指针,指针指向的类型为mxArray. mxArray 为matlab中的矩阵。

prhs[],为输入参数, prhs[0] 指向a, prhs[1]指向b。不能用*(prhs[0])得到a的值。因为指向mxArray类型。把值以一个常用的数值形式赋给一个标量(Scalar).

plhs[] 为输出的参数,c应该是以mxArray的类型出现的,为了得到mxArray类型的输出量,要使用 mxCreateDoubleMatrix()函数,它创建一个指向mxArray类型的指针。参数(1, 1, mxREAL)定义了对应c的尺寸类型,MATLAB中c是以1×1的实数矩阵形式报保存的。而使用mxGetPr()函数可以得到plhs[0]指向的mxArray的第一个double类型的指针。

编译add.c 为mex 文件: mex add.c


正式结束 edgeBox toolbox:

首先第一个函数 edgesNmsMex.cpp

* Structured Edge Detection Toolbox      Version 3.01
* Code written by Piotr Dollar, 2014.
* Licensed under the MSR-LA Full Rights License [see license.txt]
#include <mex.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef USEOMP
#include <omp.h>

// return I[x,y] via bilinear interpolation
inline float interp( float *I, int h, int w, float x, float y ) {
  x = x<0 ? 0 : (x>w-1.001 ? w-1.001 : x);
  y = y<0 ? 0 : (y>h-1.001 ? h-1.001 : y);
  int x0=int(x), y0=int(y), x1=x0+1, y1=y0+1;
  float dx0=x-x0, dy0=y-y0, dx1=1-dx0, dy1=1-dy0;
  return I[x0*h+y0]*dx1*dy1 + I[x1*h+y0]*dx0*dy1 +
    I[x0*h+y1]*dx1*dy0 + I[x1*h+y1]*dx0*dy0;

// E = mexFunction(E,O,r,s,m,nThreads)
void mexFunction( int nl, mxArray *pl[], int nr, const mxArray *pr[] )
  float *E0 = (float*) mxGetData(pr[0]);    // original edge map
  float *O = (float*) mxGetData(pr[1]);     // orientation map
  int r = (int) mxGetScalar(pr[2]);         // radius for nms supr
  int s = (int) mxGetScalar(pr[3]);         // radius for supr boundaries
  float m = (float) mxGetScalar(pr[4]);     // multiplier for conservative supr
  int nThreads = (int) mxGetScalar(pr[5]);  // number of threads for evaluation

  int h=(int) mxGetM(pr[0]), w=(int) mxGetN(pr[0]);
  pl[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(h,w,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL);
  float *E = (float*) mxGetData(pl[0]);

  // suppress edges where edge is stronger in orthogonal direction
  #ifdef USEOMP
  nThreads = nThreads<omp_get_max_threads() ? nThreads : omp_get_max_threads();
  #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nThreads)
  for( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) {
    float e=E[x*h+y]=E0[x*h+y]; if(!e) continue; e*=m;
    float coso=cos(O[x*h+y]), sino=sin(O[x*h+y]);
    for( int d=-r; d<=r; d++ ) if( d ) {
float e0 = interp(E0,h,w,x+d*coso,y+d*sino);
if(e < e0) { E[x*h+y]=0; break; } } } // suppress noisy edge estimates near boundaries
s=s>w/2?w/2:s; s=s>h/2? h/2:s; for( int x=0; x<s; x++ ) for( int y=0; y<h; y++ ) { E[x*h+y]*=x/float(s); E[(w-1-x)*h+y]*=x/float(s); } for( int x=0; x<w; x++ ) for( int y=0; y<s; y++ ) { E[x*h+y]*=y/float(s); E[x*h+(h-1-y)]*=y/float(s); } }


* Structured Edge Detection Toolbox      Version 3.01
* Code written by Piotr Dollar and Larry Zitnick, 2014.
* Licensed under the MSR-LA Full Rights License [see license.txt]
#include "mex.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14159265f
int clamp( int v, int a, int b ) { return v<a?a:v>b?b:v; }

// trivial array class encapsulating pointer arrays
template <class T> class Array { public: Array() { _h=_w=0; _x=0; _free=0; } virtual ~Array() { clear(); } void clear() { if(_free) delete [] _x; _h=_w=0; _x=0; _free=0; } void init(int h, int w) { clear(); _h=h; _w=w; _x=new T[h*w](); _free=1; }//初始化矩阵 T& val(size_t c, size_t r) { return _x[c*_h+r]; }//取矩阵中的值val(i,j) int _h, _w; T *_x; bool _free; }; // convenient typedefs typedef vector<float> vectorf; typedef vector<int> vectori; typedef Array<float> arrayf; typedef Array<int> arrayi; // bounding box data structures and routines typedef struct { int c, r, w, h; float s; } Box; typedef vector<Box> Boxes; bool boxesCompare( const Box &a, const Box &b ) { return a.s<b.s; } float boxesOverlap( Box &a, Box &b ); void boxesNms( Boxes &boxes, float thr, float eta, int maxBoxes ); // main class for generating edge boxes class EdgeBoxGenerator { public: // method parameters (must be manually set) float _alpha, _beta, _eta, _minScore; int _maxBoxes; float _edgeMinMag, _edgeMergeThr, _clusterMinMag; float _maxAspectRatio, _minBoxArea, _gamma, _kappa; // main external routine (set parameters first) void generate( Boxes &boxes, arrayf &E, arrayf &O, arrayf &V ); private: // edge segment information (see clusterEdges) int h, w; // image dimensions int _segCnt; // total segment count arrayi _segIds; // segment ids (-1/0 means no segment) vectorf _segMag; // segment edge magnitude sums vectori _segR, _segC; // segment lower-right pixel vector<vectorf> _segAff; // segment affinities vector<vectori> _segAffIdx; // segment neighbors // data structures for efficiency (see prepDataStructs) arrayf _segIImg, _magIImg; arrayi _hIdxImg, _vIdxImg; vector<vectori> _hIdxs, _vIdxs; vectorf _scaleNorm; float _scStep, _arStep, _rcStepRatio; // data structures for efficiency (see scoreBox) arrayf _sWts; arrayi _sDone, _sMap, _sIds; int _sId; // helper routines void clusterEdges( arrayf &E, arrayf &O, arrayf &V ); void prepDataStructs( arrayf &E ); void scoreAllBoxes( Boxes &boxes ); void scoreBox( Box &box ); void refineBox( Box &box ); void drawBox( Box &box, arrayf &E, arrayf &V ); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//在mexFunction中定义一个EdgeBoxGenerator对象edgeBoxGen和Boxes对象EdgeBoxGenerator edgeBoxGen; Boxes boxes;
//调用edgeBoxGen对象的generat函数:  edgeBoxGen.generate( boxes, E, O, V );

void EdgeBoxGenerator::generate( Boxes &boxes, arrayf &E, arrayf &O, arrayf &V )
  clusterEdges(E,O,V); prepDataStructs(E); scoreAllBoxes(boxes);
// 先将edge聚类为edge group
void EdgeBoxGenerator::clusterEdges( arrayf &E, arrayf &O, arrayf &V )
int c, r, cd, rd, i, j; h=E._h; w=E._w; // greedily merge connected edge pixels into clusters (create _segIds) _segIds.init(h,w); _segCnt=1;
//初始化一个种子矩阵用定义的Array class,将edge梯度模值大于阈值的点作为seed
for( c=0; c<w; c++ ) for( r=0; r<h; r++ ) { if( c==0 || r==0 || c==w-1 || r==h-1 || E.val(c,r)<=_edgeMinMag ) _segIds.val(c,r)=-1; else _segIds.val(c,r)=0; } for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ ) { if(_segIds.val(c,r)!=0) continue; float sumv=0; int c0=c, r0=r; vectorf vs; vectori cs, rs; while( sumv < _edgeMergeThr ) {
//将种子点分为不同的类,类的标号为_segCnt _segIds.val(c0,r0)
=_segCnt; float o0 = O.val(c0,r0), o1, v; bool found;
for( cd=-1; cd<=1; cd++ ) for( rd=-1; rd<=1; rd++ ) {
if( _segIds.val(c0+cd,r0+rd)!=0 ) continue; found=false; for( i=0; i<cs.size(); i++ )
if( cs[i]==c0+cd && rs[i]==r0+rd ) { found=true; break; } if( found ) continue; o1=O.val(c0+cd,r0+rd); v=fabs(o1-o0)/PI; if(v>.5) v=1-v; vs.push_back(v); cs.push_back(c0+cd); rs.push_back(r0+rd); } float minv=1000; j=0; for( i=0; i<vs.size(); i++ ) if( vs[i]<minv ) { minv=vs[i]; c0=cs[i]; r0=rs[i]; j=i; } sumv+=minv; if(minv<1000) vs[j]=1000; } _segCnt++; } // merge or remove small segments _segMag.resize(_segCnt,0); for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ ) if( (j=_segIds.val(c,r))>0 ) _segMag[j]+=E.val(c,r); for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ )
//如果edge group的梯度模值过小删除
if( (j=_segIds.val(c,r))>0 && _segMag[j]<=_clusterMinMag) _segIds.val(c,r)=0; i=1; while(i>0) { i=0; for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ ) { if( _segIds.val(c,r)!=0 ) continue; float o0=O.val(c,r), o1, v, minv=1000; j=0; for( cd=-1; cd<=1; cd++ ) for( rd=-1; rd<=1; rd++ ) {
//合并四邻域内的edge group.
if( _segIds.val(c+cd,r+rd)<=0 ) continue; o1=O.val(c+cd,r+rd); v=fabs(o1-o0)/PI; if(v>.5) v=1-v; if( v<minv ) { minv=v; j=_segIds.val(c+cd,r+rd); } } _segIds.val(c,r)=j; if(j>0) i++; } } // compactify representation
//上一步合并之后 _segCnt 的值不是0,1,2,3,。。。, 中间有些点被合并,重新从0,1,2,3,...排起。 _segMag.assign(_segCnt,0); vectori map(_segCnt,0); _segCnt=1; for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ ) if( (j=_segIds.val(c,r))>0 ) _segMag[j]+=E.val(c,r); for( i=0; i<_segMag.size(); i++ ) if( _segMag[i]>0 ) map[i]=_segCnt++; for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ ) if( (j=_segIds.val(c,r))>0 ) _segIds.val(c,r)=map[j]; //重新计算梯度方向与位置// compute positional means and recompute _segMag _segMag.assign(_segCnt,0); vectorf meanX(_segCnt,0), meanY(_segCnt,0); vectorf meanOx(_segCnt,0), meanOy(_segCnt,0), meanO(_segCnt,0); for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ ) { j=_segIds.val(c,r); if(j<=0) continue; float m=E.val(c,r), o=O.val(c,r); _segMag[j]+=m; meanOx[j]+=m*cos(2*o); meanOy[j]+=m*sin(2*o); meanX[j]+=m*c; meanY[j]+=m*r; } for( i=0; i<_segCnt; i++ ) if( _segMag[i]>0 ) { float m=_segMag[i]; meanX[i]/=m; meanY[i]/=m; meanO[i]=atan2(meanOy[i]/m,meanOx[i]/m)/2; } // compute segment affinities
//计算分割的edge group 之间的相似度在-2 到2 的范围内, 每个group有一个相似groupindex 的stack和
_segAff.resize(_segCnt); _segAffIdx.resize(_segCnt); for(i=0; i<_segCnt; i++) _segAff[i].resize(0); for(i=0; i<_segCnt; i++) _segAffIdx[i].resize(0); const int rad = 2; for( c=rad; c<w-rad; c++ ) for( r=rad; r<h-rad; r++ ) { int s0=_segIds.val(c,r); if( s0<=0 ) continue; for( cd=-rad; cd<=rad; cd++ ) for( rd=-rad; rd<=rad; rd++ ) { int s1=_segIds.val(c+cd,r+rd); if(s1<=s0) continue; bool found = false; for(i=0;i<_segAffIdx[s0].size();i++) if(_segAffIdx[s0][i] == s1) { found=true; break; } if( found ) continue; float o=atan2(meanY[s0]-meanY[s1],meanX[s0]-meanX[s1])+PI/2; float a=fabs(cos(meanO[s0]-o)*cos(meanO[s1]-o)); a=pow(a,_gamma); _segAff[s0].push_back(a); _segAffIdx[s0].push_back(s1); _segAff[s1].push_back(a); _segAffIdx[s1].push_back(s0); } } // compute _segC and _segR _segC.resize(_segCnt); _segR.resize(_segCnt); for( c=1; c<w-1; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h-1; r++ ) if( (j=_segIds.val(c,r))>0 ) { _segC[j]=c; _segR[j]=r; } // optionally create visualization (assume memory initialized is 3*w*h) if( V._x ) for( c=0; c<w; c++ ) for( r=0; r<h; r++ ) { i=_segIds.val(c,r); V.val(c+w*0,r) = i<=0 ? 1 : ((123*i + 128)%255)/255.0f; V.val(c+w*1,r) = i<=0 ? 1 : ((7*i + 3)%255)/255.0f; V.val(c+w*2,r) = i<=0 ? 1 : ((174*i + 80)%255)/255.0f; } } void EdgeBoxGenerator::prepDataStructs( arrayf &E ) { int c, r, i; // initialize step sizes _scStep=sqrt(1/_alpha); _arStep=(1+_alpha)/(2*_alpha); _rcStepRatio=(1-_alpha)/(1+_alpha); // create _scaleNorm _scaleNorm.resize(10000); for( i=0; i<10000; i++ ) _scaleNorm[i]=pow(1.f/i,_kappa);
// 生成分割图
// create _segIImg arrayf E1; E1.init(h,w); for( i=0; i<_segCnt; i++ ) if( _segMag[i]>0 ) { E1.val(_segC[i],_segR[i]) = _segMag[i]; } _segIImg.init(h+1,w+1); for( c=1; c<w; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h; r++ ) { _segIImg.val(c+1,r+1) = E1.val(c,r) + _segIImg.val(c,r+1) + _segIImg.val(c+1,r) - _segIImg.val(c,r); } //得到边缘图// create _magIImg _magIImg.init(h+1,w+1); for( c=1; c<w; c++ ) for( r=1; r<h; r++ ) { float e = E.val(c,r) > _edgeMinMag ? E.val(c,r) : 0; _magIImg.val(c+1,r+1) = e + _magIImg.val(c,r+1) + _magIImg.val(c+1,r) - _magIImg.val(c,r); } // create remaining data structures _hIdxs.resize(h); _hIdxImg.init(h,w); for( r=0; r<h; r++ ) { int s=0, s1; _hIdxs[r].push_back(s); for( c=0; c<w; c++ ) { s1 = _segIds.val(c,r); if( s1!=s ) { s=s1; _hIdxs[r].push_back(s); } _hIdxImg.val(c,r) = int(_hIdxs[r].size())-1; } } _vIdxs.resize(w); _vIdxImg.init(h,w); for( c=0; c<w; c++ ) { int s=0; _vIdxs[c].push_back(s); for( r=0; r<h; r++ ) { int s1 = _segIds.val(c,r); if( s1!=s ) { s=s1; _vIdxs[c].push_back(s); } _vIdxImg.val(c,r) = int(_vIdxs[c].size())-1; } } // initialize scoreBox() data structures int n=_segCnt+1; _sWts.init(n,1); _sDone.init(n,1); _sMap.init(n,1); _sIds.init(n,1); for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) _sDone.val(0,i)=-1; _sId=0; } void EdgeBoxGenerator::scoreBox( Box &box ) { int i, j, k, q, bh, bw, r0, c0, r1, c1, r0m, r1m, c0m, c1m; float *sWts=_sWts._x; int sId=_sId++; int *sDone=_sDone._x, *sMap=_sMap._x, *sIds=_sIds._x; // add edge count inside box r1=clamp(box.r+box.h,0,h-1); r0=box.r=clamp(box.r,0,h-1); c1=clamp(box.c+box.w,0,w-1); c0=box.c=clamp(box.c,0,w-1); bh=box.h=r1-box.r; bh/=2; bw=box.w=c1-box.c; bw/=2; float v = _segIImg.val(c0,r0) + _segIImg.val(c1+1,r1+1) - _segIImg.val(c1+1,r0) - _segIImg.val(c0,r1+1); // subtract middle quarter of edges r0m=r0+bh/2; r1m=r0m+bh; c0m=c0+bw/2; c1m=c0m+bw; v -= _magIImg.val(c0m, r0m) + _magIImg.val(c1m+1,r1m+1) - _magIImg.val(c1m+1,r0m) - _magIImg.val(c0m,r1m+1); // short circuit computation if impossible to score highly float norm = _scaleNorm[bw+bh]; box.s=v*norm; if( box.s<_minScore ) { box.s=0; return; } // find interesecting segments along four boundaries int cs, ce, rs, re, n=0; cs=_hIdxImg.val(c0,r0); ce=_hIdxImg.val(c1,r0); // top for( i=cs; i<=ce; i++ ) if( (j=_hIdxs[r0][i])>0 && sDone[j]!=sId ) { sIds[n]=j; sWts[n]=1; sDone[j]=sId; sMap[j]=n++; } cs=_hIdxImg.val(c0,r1); ce=_hIdxImg.val(c1,r1); // bottom for( i=cs; i<=ce; i++ ) if( (j=_hIdxs[r1][i])>0 && sDone[j]!=sId ) { sIds[n]=j; sWts[n]=1; sDone[j]=sId; sMap[j]=n++; } rs=_vIdxImg.val(c0,r0); re=_vIdxImg.val(c0,r1); // left for( i=rs; i<=re; i++ ) if( (j=_vIdxs[c0][i])>0 && sDone[j]!=sId ) { sIds[n]=j; sWts[n]=1; sDone[j]=sId; sMap[j]=n++; } rs=_vIdxImg.val(c1,r0); re=_vIdxImg.val(c1,r1); // right for( i=rs; i<=re; i++ ) if( (j=_vIdxs[c1][i])>0 && sDone[j]!=sId ) { sIds[n]=j; sWts[n]=1; sDone[j]=sId; sMap[j]=n++; } // follow connected paths and set weights accordingly (w=1 means remove) for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) { float w=sWts[i]; j=sIds[i]; for( k=0; k<int(_segAffIdx[j].size()); k++ ) { q=_segAffIdx[j][k]; float wq=w*_segAff[j][k]; if( wq<.05f ) continue; // short circuit for efficiency if( sDone[q]==sId ) { if( wq>sWts[sMap[q]] ) { sWts[sMap[q]]=wq; i=min(i,sMap[q]-1); } } else if(_segC[q]>=c0 && _segC[q]<=c1 && _segR[q]>=r0 && _segR[q]<=r1) { sIds[n]=q; sWts[n]=wq; sDone[q]=sId; sMap[q]=n++; } } } // finally remove segments connected to boundaries for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) { k = sIds[i]; if( _segC[k]>=c0 && _segC[k]<=c1 && _segR[k]>=r0 && _segR[k]<=r1 ) v -= sWts[i]*_segMag[k]; } v*=norm; if(v<_minScore) v=0; box.s=v; } void EdgeBoxGenerator::refineBox( Box &box ) { int rStep = int(box.h*_rcStepRatio); int cStep = int(box.w*_rcStepRatio); while( 1 ) { // prepare for iteration rStep/=2; cStep/=2; if( rStep<=2 && cStep<=2 ) break; rStep=max(1,rStep); cStep=max(1,cStep); Box B; // search over r start B=box; B.r=box.r-rStep; B.h=B.h+rStep; scoreBox(B); if(B.s<=box.s) { B=box; B.r=box.r+rStep; B.h=B.h-rStep; scoreBox(B); } if(B.s>box.s) box=B; // search over r end B=box; B.h=B.h+rStep; scoreBox(B); if(B.s<=box.s) { B=box; B.h=B.h-rStep; scoreBox(B); } if(B.s>box.s) box=B; // search over c start B=box; B.c=box.c-cStep; B.w=B.w+cStep; scoreBox(B); if(B.s<=box.s) { B=box; B.c=box.c+cStep; B.w=B.w-cStep; scoreBox(B); } if(B.s>box.s) box=B; // search over c end B=box; B.w=B.w+cStep; scoreBox(B); if(B.s<=box.s) { B=box; B.w=B.w-cStep; scoreBox(B); } if(B.s>box.s) box=B; } } void EdgeBoxGenerator::drawBox( Box &box, arrayf &E, arrayf &V ) { // score box and draw color coded edges (red=out, green=in) int i, c, r; float e, o; if( !V._x ) return; int sId=_sId; scoreBox(box); int c0, r0, c1, r1; r1=clamp(box.r+box.h,0,h-1); r0=box.r=clamp(box.r,0,h-1); c1=clamp(box.c+box.w,0,w-1); c0=box.c=clamp(box.c,0,w-1); for( c=0; c<w; c++ ) for( r=0; r<h; r++ ) V.val(c+w*0,r)=V.val(c+w*1,r)=V.val(c+w*2,r)=1; for( c=0; c<w; c++ ) for( r=0; r<h; r++ ) { i=_segIds.val(c,r); if(i<=0) continue; e = E.val(c,r); o = (_sDone._x[i]==sId) ? _sWts._x[_sMap._x[i]] : (_segC[i]>=c0 && _segC[i]<=c1 && _segR[i]>=r0 && _segR[i]<=r1 ) ? 0 : 1; V.val(c+w*0,r)=1-e+e*o; V.val(c+w*1,r)=1-e*o; V.val(c+w*2,r)=1-e; } // finally draw bounding box r=r0; for(c=c0; c<=c1; c++) V.val(c+w*0,r)=V.val(c+w*1,r)=V.val(c+w*2,r)=0; r=r1; for(c=c0; c<=c1; c++) V.val(c+w*0,r)=V.val(c+w*1,r)=V.val(c+w*2,r)=0; c=c0; for(r=r0; r<=r1; r++) V.val(c+w*0,r)=V.val(c+w*1,r)=V.val(c+w*2,r)=0; c=c1; for(r=r0; r<=r1; r++) V.val(c+w*0,r)=V.val(c+w*1,r)=V.val(c+w*2,r)=0; } void EdgeBoxGenerator::scoreAllBoxes( Boxes &boxes ) { // get list of all boxes roughly distributed in grid boxes.resize(0); int arRad, scNum; float minSize=sqrt(_minBoxArea); arRad = int(log(_maxAspectRatio)/log(_arStep*_arStep)); scNum = int(ceil(log(max(w,h)/minSize)/log(_scStep))); for( int s=0; s<scNum; s++ ) { int a, r, c, bh, bw, kr, kc, bId=-1; float ar, sc; for( a=0; a<2*arRad+1; a++ ) { ar=pow(_arStep,float(a-arRad)); sc=minSize*pow(_scStep,float(s)); bh=int(sc/ar); kr=max(2,int(bh*_rcStepRatio)); bw=int(sc*ar); kc=max(2,int(bw*_rcStepRatio)); for( c=0; c<w-bw+kc; c+=kc ) for( r=0; r<h-bh+kr; r+=kr ) { Box b; b.r=r; b.c=c; b.h=bh; b.w=bw; boxes.push_back(b); } } } // score all boxes, refine top candidates, perform nms int i, k=0, m = int(boxes.size()); for( i=0; i<m; i++ ) { scoreBox(boxes[i]); if( !boxes[i].s ) continue; k++; refineBox(boxes[i]); } sort(boxes.rbegin(),boxes.rend(),boxesCompare); boxes.resize(k); boxesNms(boxes,_beta,_eta,_maxBoxes); } float boxesOverlap( Box &a, Box &b ) { float areai, areaj, areaij; int r0, r1, c0, c1, r1i, c1i, r1j, c1j; r1i=a.r+a.h; c1i=a.c+a.w; if( a.r>=r1i || a.c>=c1i ) return 0; r1j=b.r+b.h; c1j=b.c+b.w; if( a.r>=r1j || a.c>=c1j ) return 0; areai = (float) a.w*a.h; r0=max(a.r,b.r); r1=min(r1i,r1j); areaj = (float) b.w*b.h; c0=max(a.c,b.c); c1=min(c1i,c1j); areaij = (float) max(0,r1-r0)*max(0,c1-c0); return areaij / (areai + areaj - areaij); } void boxesNms( Boxes &boxes, float thr, float eta, int maxBoxes ) { sort(boxes.rbegin(),boxes.rend(),boxesCompare); if( thr>.99 ) return; const int nBin=10000; const float step=1/thr, lstep=log(step); vector<Boxes> kept; kept.resize(nBin+1); int i=0, j, k, n=(int) boxes.size(), m=0, b, d=1; while( i<n && m<maxBoxes ) { b = boxes[i].w*boxes[i].h; bool keep=1; b = clamp(int(ceil(log(float(b))/lstep)),d,nBin-d); for( j=b-d; j<=b+d; j++ ) for( k=0; k<kept[j].size(); k++ ) if( keep ) keep = boxesOverlap( boxes[i], kept[j][k] ) <= thr; if(keep) { kept[b].push_back(boxes[i]); m++; } i++; if(keep && eta<1 && thr>.5) { thr*=eta; d=ceil(log(1/thr)/lstep); } } boxes.resize(m); i=0; for( j=0; j<nBin; j++ ) for( k=0; k<kept[j].size(); k++ ) boxes[i++]=kept[j][k]; sort(boxes.rbegin(),boxes.rend(),boxesCompare); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Matlab entry point: bbs = mex( E, O, prm1, prm2, ... )
//matlab 中调用


void mexFunction( int nl, mxArray *pl[], int nr, const mxArray *pr[] ) { // check and get inputs if(nr != 14) mexErrMsgTxt("Fourteen inputs required."); if(nl > 2) mexErrMsgTxt("At most two outputs expected."); if(mxGetClassID(pr[0])!=mxSINGLE_CLASS) mexErrMsgTxt("E must be a float*"); if(mxGetClassID(pr[1])!=mxSINGLE_CLASS) mexErrMsgTxt("O must be a float*"); arrayf E; E._x = (float*) mxGetData(pr[0]); arrayf O; O._x = (float*) mxGetData(pr[1]); int h = (int) mxGetM(pr[0]); O._h=E._h=h; int w = (int) mxGetN(pr[0]); O._w=E._w=w; // optionally create memory for visualization arrayf V; if( nl>1 ) { const int ds[3] = {h,w,3}; pl[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(3,ds,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL); V._x = (float*) mxGetData(pl[1]); V._h=h; V._w=w; } // setup and run EdgeBoxGenerator EdgeBoxGenerator edgeBoxGen; Boxes boxes; edgeBoxGen._alpha = float(mxGetScalar(pr[2])); edgeBoxGen._beta = float(mxGetScalar(pr[3])); edgeBoxGen._eta = float(mxGetScalar(pr[4])); edgeBoxGen._minScore = float(mxGetScalar(pr[5])); edgeBoxGen._maxBoxes = int(mxGetScalar(pr[6])); edgeBoxGen._edgeMinMag = float(mxGetScalar(pr[7])); edgeBoxGen._edgeMergeThr = float(mxGetScalar(pr[8])); edgeBoxGen._clusterMinMag = float(mxGetScalar(pr[9])); edgeBoxGen._maxAspectRatio = float(mxGetScalar(pr[10])); edgeBoxGen._minBoxArea = float(mxGetScalar(pr[11])); edgeBoxGen._gamma = float(mxGetScalar(pr[12])); edgeBoxGen._kappa = float(mxGetScalar(pr[13])); edgeBoxGen.generate( boxes, E, O, V ); // create output bbs and output to Matlab int n = (int) boxes.size(); pl[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(n,5,mxSINGLE_CLASS,mxREAL); float *bbs = (float*) mxGetData(pl[0]); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { bbs[ i + 0*n ] = (float) boxes[i].c+1; bbs[ i + 1*n ] = (float) boxes[i].r+1; bbs[ i + 2*n ] = (float) boxes[i].w; bbs[ i + 3*n ] = (float) boxes[i].h; bbs[ i + 4*n ] = boxes[i].s; } }


edge box