首页 > 代码库 > 【数据结构】数组操作(LowArrayApp.java)


 1 // LowArrayApp.java   2 // demonstrates array class with low-level interface 3 // to run this program: C>java LowArrayAPP 4 //java数据结构和算法(第二版)拉佛 著  pdf第46页  数组操作 5  6 package first; 7  8 class LowArray 9 {10     private long[] a;                 // ref to array a11     12     public LowArray(int size)         // constructor13     { a = new long[size]; }           // create array14     15     public void setElem(int index, long value)      // set value16     { a[index] =  value; }17     18     public long getElem(int index)    // get value19     { return a[index]; }20     21 }    // end class LowArray22 23 24 public class LowArrayAPP 25 {26     public static void main(String[] args)27     {28         LowArray arr;                  // reference29         arr = new LowArray(100);       //create LowArray object30         int nElems = 0;                // number of items in array31         int j;                         // loop variable32         33         arr.setElem(0, 77);34         arr.setElem(1, 99);35         arr.setElem(2, 44);36         arr.setElem(3, 55);37         arr.setElem(4, 22);38         arr.setElem(5, 88);39         arr.setElem(6, 11);40         arr.setElem(7, 00);41         arr.setElem(8, 66);42         arr.setElem(9, 33);43         nElems = 10;        // now 10 items in array44     45     // display items46     for (j = 0; j < nElems; j++) 47         System.out.print(arr.getElem(j) + " ");48         System.out.println("");49     50     //search for data item51     int searchKey = 26;52     for(j=0; j < nElems; j++)53         if(arr.getElem(j) == searchKey)54             break;55     if(j == nElems)56         System.out.println("Can‘t find " + searchKey);57     else58         System.out.println("Found " + searchKey);59     60     //delete value 5561     for(j = 0; j < nElems; j++)62         if (arr.getElem(j) == 55)63             break;64     65     for(int k = j; k < nElems; k++)        // 删掉的数据项后面所有单元逐个前移一位66         arr.setElem(k, arr.getElem(k+1));67     nElems--;68     69     // display items70         for (j = 0; j < nElems; j++) 71             System.out.print(arr.getElem(j) + " ");72             System.out.println("");73     74     } // end main()75 } // end class LowArrayAPP 

77 99 44 55 22 88 11 0 66 33 Can‘t find 2677 99 44 22 88 11 0 66 33 



