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SQL Server 查询时间段内数据


ALTER Proc [dbo].[usp_Rpt_AcctTypeAudit]@FromDate        datetime=null,    -- yyyy-mm-dd  (may change in the future!)@ToDate            datetime=null,    -- yyyy-mm-dd  (may change in the future!)@UserID            nvarchar(50) = ALLasBEGIN   set nocount on   if @ToDate is not null    begin        set @ToDate=convert(varchar,@ToDate,112)+ 23:59:59:998    end       select        AcctType,AcctDesc,HostAcctType,AcctNumLength,       case [Action] when A then Add when D then Delete when M then Before-Modify when N then After-Modify else ‘‘ end as [Action]       ,UserID,WsID,CrtTime       from AcctTypeMasterHist with(nolock)       where (CrtTime >= @FromDate or @FromDate is null)         and (CrtTime <= @ToDate or @ToDate is null)         and (UserID = @UserID or @UserID=ALL or isnull(@UserID,‘‘)=‘‘)       order by crttime,LogIDEND




create  PROCEDURE [dbo].[Sp_CCBA_ProcessLogRpt] @FromDate datetime,@ToDate datetime,@UserID varchar(27),@Workstation  varchar(28)ASSelect * from ProcessLogInfWHERE DATEDIFF(day, @FromDate, AcDate)>= 0    ANd DATEDIFF(day, AcDate, @ToDate)>= 0    AND LogUser = CASE RTRIM(@UserID) WHEN ALL THEN LogUser WHEN ‘‘ THEN LogUser ELSE @UserID END    AND LogWs = CASE RTRIM(@Workstation) WHEN ALL THEN LogWs WHEN ‘‘ THEN LogWs ELSE @Workstation END


SQL Server 查询时间段内数据