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[leetCode][013] Two Sum 2


Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number.

The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 must be less than index2. Please note that your returned answers (both index1 and index2) are not zero-based.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution.

    Input: numbers={2, 7, 11, 15}, target=9
    Output: index1=1, index2=2


题意:请首先看"[leetCode][012] Two Sum 1",大家发现什么异同了没(没发现的童鞋面壁去),这道题目仅仅更改了输入条件,Input的数组为已经排序的数组,并且呈现升序。输入条件变严格,我们依然可以使用前一篇问丈夫中的方法进行。那这里既然为升序,我们能不能不使用前一种方法而又能够达到O(n)时间复杂度呢? 答案是必然的。


key Point:




  由于两个int之和有可能出现INT_MAX的情况,所以如果输入类型给定int,则我们需要使用long long类型来表示才能避免出现溢出的情况。




 1 class Solution{ 2 public: 3         std::vector<int> twoSum(std::vector<int> &numbers, int target){ 4         std::vector<int> vecRet; 5         int nLeft = 0; 6         int nRight = numbers.size() - 1; 7  8         while (nLeft < nRight){ 9             // 小心两个int之和溢出,使用long long类型10             long long int nAdd = numbers[nLeft] + numbers[nRight];11             if (nAdd == target){12                 vecRet.push_back(nLeft + 1);13                 vecRet.push_back(nRight + 1);14 15                 return vecRet;16             }17             else if (nAdd > target){18                 nRight--;19             }20             else if (nAdd < target){21                 nLeft++;22             }23         }24 25         return vecRet;26     } 27 };






[leetCode][013] Two Sum 2