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Android 源码VecotorDrawable




而是 attrs.xml 下的声明

 <!-- Drawable used to draw vector paths. -->    <declare-styleable name="VectorDrawable">        <!-- If set, specifies the color to apply to the drawable as a tint. By default,             no tint is applied. May be a color state list. -->        <attr name="tint" />        <!-- When a tint color is set, specifies its Porter-Duff blending mode. The             default value is src_in, which treats the drawable as an alpha mask. -->        <attr name="tintMode" />        <!-- Indicates if the drawable needs to be mirrored when its layout direction is             RTL (right-to-left). -->        <attr name="autoMirrored" />        <!-- The intrinsic width of the Vector Drawable. -->        <attr name="width" />        <!-- The intrinsic height of the Vector Drawable. -->        <attr name="height" />        <!-- The width of the canvas the drawing is on. -->        <attr name="viewportWidth" format="float"/>        <!-- The height of the canvas the drawing is on. -->        <attr name="viewportHeight" format="float"/>        <!-- The name of this vector drawable -->        <attr name="name" />        <!-- The opacity of the whole vector drawable, as a value between 0             (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque). -->        <attr name="alpha" />    </declare-styleable>


pathRenderer.mViewportWidth = a.getFloat(
R.styleable.VectorDrawable_viewportWidth, pathRenderer.mViewportWidth);


Android 源码VecotorDrawable