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<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>jQuery仿Android锁屏图案应用插件DEMO演示</title><link href="css/patternLock.css"  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script><script src="js/patternLock.js"></script><style type="text/css">    #warp{width:600px; margin:auto;}    #warp div{margin-bottom:50px;}</style></head><body><div id="warp">    <h1>图案锁实例</h1>    <p>1、基础初始化</p>    <div id="patternContainer"></div>    <p>2、两点间到达目标点才画线</p>    <div id="patternContainer1"></div>    <p>3、当图案连线完成后才显示连线</p>    <div id="patternContainer2"></div>    <p>4、改变两个点之间的距</p>    <div id="patternContainer3"></div>    <p>5、自定义距阵</p>    <div id="patternContainer4"></div>    <p>6、使用映射</p>  <div id="patternContainer5"></div>    <p>7、作为验证码使用,这个在服务端需用到  patternCaptha,有兴趣的朋友可以研究下,这里就不多说了。</p>    <div id="patternContainer6"></div></div></body></html><script>    $(function(){            var lock = new PatternLock("#patternContainer");                        var lock1 = new PatternLock("#patternContainer1",{lineOnMove:false});                        var lock2 = new PatternLock("#patternContainer2",{patternVisible:false});                        var lock3 = new PatternLock("#patternContainer3",{radius:30,margin:20});                        var lock4 = new PatternLock("#patternContainer4",{matrix:[4,4]});                        var lock5 = new PatternLock("#patternContainer5",                {                    mapper: function(idx){                        return (idx%9) + 1;                 }            });                })    </script>


/*    patternLock.js v 0.2.0    Author: Sudhanshu Yadav    Copyright (c) 2013 Sudhanshu Yadav - ignitersworld.com , released under the MIT license.    Demo on: ignitersworld.com/lab/patternLock.html*/.patt-holder{background:#3382c0;}.patt-wrap{position:relative; cursor:pointer;}.patt-wrap ul, .patt-wrap li{    list-style: none;    margin:0;    padding: 0;}.patt-circ{    position:relative;    float: left;    box-sizing: border-box;    -moz-box-sizing: border-box; }.patt-circ.hovered{    border:3px solid #009900;} .patt-error .patt-circ.hovered{    border:3px solid #BA1B26;}.patt-hidden .patt-circ.hovered{border:0;}.patt-dots{    background: #FFF;    width: 10px;height: 10px;    border-radius:5px;    position:absolute;    top:50%;    left:50%;    margin-top:-5px;    margin-left:-5px;}.patt-lines{    border-radius:5px;    height:10px;    background:rgba(255,255,255,.7);    position:absolute;    transform-origin:5px 5px;    -ms-transform-origin:5px 5px; /* IE 9 */    -webkit-transform-origin:5px 5px;}.patt-hidden .patt-lines{    display:none;}


/*    patternLock.js v 0.2.0    Author: Sudhanshu Yadav    Copyright (c) 2013 Sudhanshu Yadav - ignitersworld.com , released under the MIT license.    Demo on: ignitersworld.com/lab/patternLock.html*/(function ($, window, document, undefined) {    "use strict";    var isTouchSupported = !!(‘ontouchstart‘ in window),        touchStart = isTouchSupported ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",        touchEnd = isTouchSupported ? "touchend" : "mouseup",        touchMove = isTouchSupported ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",        nullFunc = function () {},        objectHolder = {};    //internal functions    function readyDom(iObj) {        var holder = iObj.holder,            option = iObj.option,            matrix = option.matrix,            margin = option.margin,            radius = option.radius,            html = [‘<ul class="patt-wrap" style="padding:‘ + margin + ‘px">‘];        for (var i = 0, ln = matrix[0] * matrix[1]; i < ln; i++) {            html.push(‘<li class="patt-circ" style="margin:‘ + margin + ‘px; width : ‘ + (radius * 2) + ‘px; height : ‘ + (radius * 2) + ‘px; -webkit-border-radius: ‘ + radius + ‘px; -moz-border-radius: ‘ + radius + ‘px; border-radius: ‘ + radius + ‘px; "><div class="patt-dots"></div></li>‘);        }        html.push(‘</ul>‘);        holder.html(html.join(‘‘)).css({            ‘width‘: (matrix[1] * (radius * 2 + margin * 2) + margin * 2) + ‘px‘,            ‘height‘: (matrix[0] * (radius * 2 + margin * 2) + margin * 2) + ‘px‘        });        //select pattern circle        iObj.pattCircle = iObj.holder.find(‘.patt-circ‘);    }    //return height and angle for lines    function getLengthAngle(x1, x2, y1, y2) {        var xDiff = x2 - x1,            yDiff = y2 - y1;        return {            length: Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff)),            angle: Math.round((Math.atan2(yDiff, xDiff) * 180) / Math.PI)        };    }    var startHandler = function (e, obj) {            e.preventDefault();            var iObj = objectHolder[obj.token];            //check if pattern is visible or not            if (!iObj.option.patternVisible) {                iObj.holder.addClass(‘patt-hidden‘);            }            //assign events            $(this).on(touchMove + ‘.pattern-move‘, function (e) {                moveHandler.call(this, e, obj);            });            $(document).one(touchEnd, function () {                endHandler.call(this, e, obj);            });            //set pattern offset            var wrap = iObj.holder.find(‘.patt-wrap‘),                offset = wrap.offset();            iObj.wrapTop = offset.top;            iObj.wrapLeft = offset.left;            //reset pattern            obj.reset();        },        moveHandler = function (e, obj) {            e.preventDefault();            var x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX,                y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY,                iObj = objectHolder[obj.token],                li = iObj.pattCircle,                patternAry = iObj.patternAry,                lineOnMove = iObj.option.lineOnMove,                posObj = iObj.getIdxFromPoint(x, y),                idx = posObj.idx,                pattId = iObj.mapperFunc(idx) || idx;            if (patternAry.length > 0) {                var laMove = getLengthAngle(iObj.lineX1, posObj.x, iObj.lineY1, posObj.y);                iObj.line.css({                    ‘width‘: (laMove.length + 10) + ‘px‘,                    ‘transform‘: ‘rotate(‘ + laMove.angle + ‘deg)‘                });            }            if (idx) {                if (patternAry.indexOf(pattId) == -1) {                    var elm = $(li[idx - 1]);                    elm.addClass(‘hovered‘);                    //push pattern on array                    patternAry.push(pattId);                    //add start point for line                    var margin = iObj.option.margin,                        radius = iObj.option.radius,                        newX = (posObj.i - 1) * (2 * margin + 2 * radius) + 2 * margin + radius,                        newY = (posObj.j - 1) * (2 * margin + 2 * radius) + 2 * margin + radius;                    if (patternAry.length != 1) {                        //to fix line                        var lA = getLengthAngle(iObj.lineX1, newX, iObj.lineY1, newY);                        iObj.line.css({                            ‘width‘: (lA.length + 10) + ‘px‘,                            ‘transform‘: ‘rotate(‘ + lA.angle + ‘deg)‘                        });                        if (!lineOnMove) iObj.line.show();                    }                    //to create new line                    var line = $(‘<div class="patt-lines" style="top:‘ + (newY - 5) + ‘px; left:‘ + (newX - 5) + ‘px"></div>‘);                    iObj.line = line;                    iObj.lineX1 = newX;                    iObj.lineY1 = newY;                    //add on dom                    iObj.holder.append(line);                    if (!lineOnMove) iObj.line.hide();                }            }        },        endHandler = function (e, obj) {            e.preventDefault();            var iObj = objectHolder[obj.token],                pattern = iObj.patternAry.join(‘‘);            //remove hidden pattern class and remove event            iObj.holder.off(‘.pattern-move‘).removeClass(‘patt-hidden‘);            if (!pattern) return;            iObj.option.onDraw(pattern);            //to remove last line            iObj.line.remove();            if (iObj.rightPattern) {                if (pattern == iObj.rightPattern) {                    iObj.onSuccess();                } else {                    iObj.onError();                    obj.error();                }            }        };    function InternalMethods() {}    InternalMethods.prototype = {        constructor: InternalMethods,        getIdxFromPoint: function (x, y) {            var option = this.option,                matrix = option.matrix,                xi = x - this.wrapLeft,                yi = y - this.wrapTop,                idx = null,                margin = option.margin,                plotLn = option.radius * 2 + margin * 2,                qsntX = Math.ceil(xi / plotLn),                qsntY = Math.ceil(yi / plotLn),                remX = xi % plotLn,                remY = yi % plotLn;            if (qsntX <= matrix[1] && qsntY <= matrix[0] && remX > margin * 2 && remY > margin * 2) {                idx = (qsntY - 1) * matrix[1] + qsntX;            }            return {                idx: idx,                i: qsntX,                j: qsntY,                x: xi,                y: yi            };        }    };    function PatternLock(selector, option) {        var self = this,            token = self.token = Math.random(),            iObj = objectHolder[token] = new InternalMethods(),            holder = iObj.holder = $(selector);        //if holder is not present return        if (holder.length == 0) return;        iObj.object = self;        option = iObj.option = $.extend({}, PatternLock.defaults, option);        readyDom(iObj);        //add class on holder        holder.addClass(‘patt-holder‘);        //change offset property of holder if it does not have any property        if (holder.css(‘position‘) == "static") holder.css(‘position‘, ‘relative‘);        //assign event        holder.on(touchStart, function (e) {            startHandler.call(this, e, self);        });        //handeling callback        iObj.option.onDraw = option.onDraw || nullFunc;        //adding a mapper function          var mapper = option.mapper;        if (typeof mapper == "object") {            iObj.mapperFunc = function (idx) {                return mapper[idx];            };        } else if (typeof mapper == "function") {            iObj.mapperFunc = mapper;        } else {            iObj.mapperFunc = nullFunc;        }        //to delete from option object        iObj.option.mapper = null;    }    PatternLock.prototype = {        constructor: PatternLock,        option: function (key, val) {            var iObj = objectHolder[this.token],                option = iObj.option;            //for set methods            if (!val) {                return option[key];            }            //for setter            else {                option[key] = val;                if (key == "margin" || key == "matrix" || key == "radius") {                    readyDom(iObj);                }            }        },        getPattern: function () {            return objectHolder[this.token].patternAry.join(‘‘);        },        reset: function () {            var iObj = objectHolder[this.token];            //to remove lines            iObj.pattCircle.removeClass(‘hovered‘);            iObj.holder.find(‘.patt-lines‘).remove();            //add/reset a array which capture pattern            iObj.patternAry = [];            //remove error class if added            iObj.holder.removeClass(‘patt-error‘);        },        error: function () {            objectHolder[this.token].holder.addClass(‘patt-error‘);        },        checkForPattern: function (pattern, success, error) {            var iObj = objectHolder[this.token];            iObj.rightPattern = pattern;            iObj.onSuccess = success || nullFunc;            iObj.onError = error || nullFunc;        }    };    PatternLock.defaults = {        matrix: [3, 3],        margin: 20,        radius: 25,        patternVisible: true,        lineOnMove: true    };    window.PatternLock = PatternLock;}(jQuery, window, document));

