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angular2 localStorage的使用

最近从ng1  转ng2     相信 使用ng1的同学都知道 ngStorage 这个插件吧,  存储 本地数据


下面介绍一下 ng2 使用 localStorage






 1 nodejs 下载  npm install --save angular2-localstorage

 2 引入到AppModule 

import {Component} from "angular2/core";import {WebStorageModule, LocalStorageService} from "angular2-localstorage";@NgModule({    import: [WebStorageModule]@Component({    providers: [LocalStorageService]})export class AppModule {}

3 组件中使用

import {LocalStorage, SessionStorage} from "angular2-localstorage/WebStorage";class MySuperComponent {    @LocalStorage() public lastSearchQuery:Object = {};    @LocalStorage(‘differentLocalStorageKey‘) public lastSearchQuery:Object = {};}





注意:localstorage 后 再次刷新页面的时候,会先去 读取本地资源值,给属性赋值


@Component({    selector: ‘app-login‘,    template: `<form>    <div>        <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="username" placeholder="Username" />        <input type="password" [(ngModel)]="password" placeholder="Password" />    </div>        <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="rememberMe" /> Keep me logged in    <button type="submit">Login</button></form>    `})class AppLoginComponent {    //here happens the magic. `username` is always restored from the localstorage when you reload the site    @LocalStorage() public username:string = ‘‘;        public password:string;        //here happens the magic. `rememberMe` is always restored from the localstorage when you reload the site    @LocalStorage() public rememberMe:boolean = false;}@Component({    selector: ‘admin-menu‘,    template: `<div *ngFor="#menuItem of menuItems() | mapToIterable; #i = index">    <h2 (click)="hiddenMenuItems[i] = !!!hiddenMenuItems[i]">        {{i}}: {{category.label}}    </h2>    <div style="padding-left: 15px;" [hidden]="hiddenMenuItems[i]">        <a href>Some sub menu item 1</a>        <a href>Some sub menu item 2</a>        <a href>Some sub menu item 3</a>    </div></div>    `})class AdminMenuComponent {    public menuItems = [{title: ‘Menu1‘}, {title: ‘Menu2‘}, {title: ‘Menu3‘}];    //here happens the magic. `hiddenMenuItems` is always restored from the localstorage when you reload the site    @LocalStorage() public hiddenMenuItems:Array<boolean> = [];        //here happens the magic. `profile` is always restored from the sessionStorage when you reload the site from the current tab/browser. This is perfect for more sensitive information that shouldn‘t stay once the user closes the browser.    @SessionStorage() public profile:any = {};}


angular2 localStorage的使用