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[leetcode]Valid Parentheses

Given a string containing just the characters ‘(‘‘)‘‘{‘‘}‘‘[‘ and ‘]‘, determine if the input string is valid.

The brackets must close in the correct order, "()" and "()[]{}" are all valid but "(]" and "([)]" are not.

#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <stack>#include <map>using namespace std;class Solution {private:		map<char,char> pairs;		stack<int> pstack;public:	Solution()	{		pairs[‘)‘] = ‘(‘;		pairs[‘}‘] = ‘{‘;		pairs[‘]‘] = ‘[‘;	}    bool isValid(string s) {		int len = s.length();		if(len%2)return false;        int i = 0;		map<char,char>::iterator it;		char sen;		for(i = 0; i < len; i++){			it = pairs.find(s[i]);						if(it == pairs.end()){				pstack.push(s[i]);				continue;			}			sen = it ->second;			if(!pstack.empty()){				char tmp = pstack.top();				if(tmp == sen){					pstack.pop();				}else{					return false;				}			}else{				return false;			}		}		if(pstack.empty())return true;		return false;    }};int main(){	Solution s = Solution();	cout << s.isValid("[{}]{{}()}") << endl;	return 0;}


[leetcode]Valid Parentheses