首页 > 代码库 > 多线程中的锁系统(四)-谈谈自旋锁













自旋锁:原子操作+自循环。通常说的用户构造模式。  线程不休眠,一直循环尝试对资源访问,直到可用。



混合锁:内核锁+自旋锁。 混合锁是先自旋锁一段时间或自旋多少次,再转成内核锁。


           缺点: 自旋多少时间、自旋多少次,这些策略很难把控。 





        int signal = 0;            var li = new List<int>();            Parallel.For(0, 1000 * 10000, r =>            {                while (Interlocked.Exchange(ref signal, 1) != 0)//加自旋锁                {                    //黑魔法                }                li.Add(r);                Interlocked.Exchange(ref signal, 0);  //释放锁            });            Console.WriteLine(li.Count);            //输出:10000000



1:定义signal  0可用,1不可用。

2:Parallel模拟并发竞争,原子更改signal状态。 后续线程自旋访问signal,是否可用。

3:A线程使用完后,更改signal为0。 剩余线程竞争访问资源,B线程胜利后,更改signal为1,失败线程继续自旋,直到可用。




  var li = new List<int>();            var sl = new SpinLock();            Parallel.For(0, 1000 * 10000, r =>            {                bool gotLock = false;     //释放成功                sl.Enter(ref gotLock);    //进入锁                li.Add(r);                if (gotLock) sl.Exit();  //释放            });            Console.WriteLine(li.Count);            //输出:10000000


new SpinLock(false)   这个构造函数主要用来帮我们检查死锁用,true是开启。



  public void Enter(ref bool lockTaken)         {            if (lockTaken)             {                 lockTaken = false;                throw new System.ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("SpinLock_TryReliableEnter_ArgumentException"));             }            // Fast path to acquire the lock if the lock is released            // If the thread tracking enabled set the new owner to the current thread id             // Id not, set the anonymous bit lock            int observedOwner = m_owner;             int newOwner = 0;             bool threadTrackingEnabled = (m_owner & LOCK_ID_DISABLE_MASK) == 0;            if (threadTrackingEnabled)             {                if (observedOwner == LOCK_UNOWNED)                    newOwner = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;            }             else if ((observedOwner & LOCK_ANONYMOUS_OWNED) == LOCK_UNOWNED)            {                 newOwner = observedOwner | LOCK_ANONYMOUS_OWNED; // set the lock bit             }            if (newOwner != 0)             {#if !FEATURE_CORECLR                Thread.BeginCriticalRegion();#endif #if PFX_LEGACY_3_5                 if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, newOwner, observedOwner) == observedOwner)                 {                    lockTaken = true;                     return;                }#else                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, newOwner, observedOwner, ref lockTaken) == observedOwner)                 {                    // Fast path succeeded                     return;                 }#endif #if !FEATURE_CORECLR                Thread.EndCriticalRegion();#endif            }             //Fast path failed, try slow path            ContinueTryEnter(Timeout.Infinite, ref lockTaken);         } private void ContinueTryEnter(int millisecondsTimeout, ref bool lockTaken)        {             long startTicks = 0;             if (millisecondsTimeout != Timeout.Infinite && millisecondsTimeout != 0)            {                 startTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;            }#if !FEATURE_PAL && !FEATURE_CORECLR   // PAL doesn‘t support  eventing, and we don‘t compile CDS providers for Coreclr             if (CdsSyncEtwBCLProvider.Log.IsEnabled())            {                 CdsSyncEtwBCLProvider.Log.SpinLock_FastPathFailed(m_owner);             }#endif             if (IsThreadOwnerTrackingEnabled)            {                // Slow path for enabled thread tracking mode                 ContinueTryEnterWithThreadTracking(millisecondsTimeout, startTicks, ref lockTaken);                return;             }             // then thread tracking is disabled             // In this case there are three ways to acquire the lock            // 1- the first way the thread either tries to get the lock if it‘s free or updates the waiters, if the turn >= the processors count then go to 3 else go to 2            // 2- In this step the waiter threads spins and tries to acquire the lock, the number of spin iterations and spin count is dependent on the thread turn            // the late the thread arrives the more it spins and less frequent it check the lock avilability             // Also the spins count is increaes each iteration            // If the spins iterations finished and failed to acquire the lock, go to step 3             // 3- This is the yielding step, there are two ways of yielding Thread.Yield and Sleep(1)             // If the timeout is expired in after step 1, we need to decrement the waiters count before returning             int observedOwner;            //***Step 1, take the lock or update the waiters             // try to acquire the lock directly if possoble or update the waiters count            SpinWait spinner = new SpinWait();             while (true)             {                observedOwner = m_owner;                 if ((observedOwner & LOCK_ANONYMOUS_OWNED) == LOCK_UNOWNED)                {#if !FEATURE_CORECLR                    Thread.BeginCriticalRegion(); #endif #if PFX_LEGACY_3_5                     if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, observedOwner | 1, observedOwner) == observedOwner)                    {                         lockTaken = true;                        return;                    }#else                     if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, observedOwner | 1, observedOwner, ref lockTaken) == observedOwner)                    {                         return;                     }#endif #if !FEATURE_CORECLR                    Thread.EndCriticalRegion();#endif                 }                else //failed to acquire the lock,then try to update the waiters. If the waiters count reached the maximum, jsut break the loop to avoid overflow                     if ((observedOwner & WAITERS_MASK) ==  MAXIMUM_WAITERS || Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, observedOwner + 2, observedOwner) == observedOwner)                         break;                 spinner.SpinOnce();            }            // Check the timeout.             if (millisecondsTimeout == 0 ||                (millisecondsTimeout != Timeout.Infinite &&                 TimeoutExpired(startTicks, millisecondsTimeout)))             {                DecrementWaiters();                 return;            }            //***Step 2. Spinning             //lock acquired failed and waiters updated            int turn = ((observedOwner + 2) & WAITERS_MASK) / 2;             int processorCount = PlatformHelper.ProcessorCount;             if (turn < processorCount)            {                 int processFactor = 1;                for (int i = 1; i <= turn * SPINNING_FACTOR; i++)                {                    Thread.SpinWait((turn + i) * SPINNING_FACTOR * processFactor);                     if (processFactor < processorCount)                        processFactor++;                     observedOwner = m_owner;                     if ((observedOwner & LOCK_ANONYMOUS_OWNED) == LOCK_UNOWNED)                    { #if !FEATURE_CORECLR                        Thread.BeginCriticalRegion();#endif                         int newOwner = (observedOwner & WAITERS_MASK) == 0 ? // Gets the number of waiters, if zero                            observedOwner | 1 // don‘t decrement it. just set the lock bit, it is zzero because a previous call of Exit(false) ehich corrupted the waiters                             : (observedOwner - 2) | 1; // otherwise decrement the waiters and set the lock bit                         Contract.Assert((newOwner & WAITERS_MASK) >= 0);#if PFX_LEGACY_3_5                         if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, newOwner, observedOwner) == observedOwner)                        {                            lockTaken = true;                            return;                         }#else                         if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, newOwner, observedOwner, ref lockTaken) == observedOwner)                         {                            return;                         }#endif#if !FEATURE_CORECLR                         Thread.EndCriticalRegion();#endif                     }                 }            }             // Check the timeout.            if (millisecondsTimeout != Timeout.Infinite && TimeoutExpired(startTicks, millisecondsTimeout))            {                 DecrementWaiters();                return;             }             //*** Step 3, Yielding             //Sleep(1) every 50 yields            int yieldsoFar = 0;            while (true)            {                 observedOwner = m_owner;                if ((observedOwner & LOCK_ANONYMOUS_OWNED) == LOCK_UNOWNED)                 { #if !FEATURE_CORECLR                    Thread.BeginCriticalRegion(); #endif                    int newOwner = (observedOwner & WAITERS_MASK) == 0 ? // Gets the number of waiters, if zero                           observedOwner | 1 // don‘t decrement it. just set the lock bit, it is zzero because a previous call of Exit(false) ehich corrupted the waiters                           : (observedOwner - 2) | 1; // otherwise decrement the waiters and set the lock bit                     Contract.Assert((newOwner & WAITERS_MASK) >= 0);#if PFX_LEGACY_3_5                     if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, newOwner, observedOwner) == observedOwner)                     {                        lockTaken = true;                         return;                    }#else                    if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, newOwner, observedOwner, ref lockTaken) == observedOwner)                     {                        return;                     } #endif #if !FEATURE_CORECLR                    Thread.EndCriticalRegion();#endif                }                 if (yieldsoFar % SLEEP_ONE_FREQUENCY == 0)                 {                     Thread.Sleep(1);                }                 else if (yieldsoFar % SLEEP_ZERO_FREQUENCY == 0)                {                    Thread.Sleep(0);                }                 else                { #if PFX_LEGACY_3_5                     Platform.Yield();#else                     Thread.Yield();#endif                }                 if (yieldsoFar % TIMEOUT_CHECK_FREQUENCY == 0)                {                     //Check the timeout.                     if (millisecondsTimeout != Timeout.Infinite && TimeoutExpired(startTicks, millisecondsTimeout))                    {                         DecrementWaiters();                        return;                    }                }                 yieldsoFar++;             }         }         /// <summary>        /// decrements the waiters, in case of the timeout is expired        /// </summary>        private void DecrementWaiters()         {            SpinWait spinner = new SpinWait();             while (true)             {                int observedOwner = m_owner;                 if ((observedOwner & WAITERS_MASK) == 0) return; // don‘t decrement the waiters if it‘s corrupted by previous call of Exit(false)                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_owner, observedOwner - 2, observedOwner) == observedOwner)                {                    Contract.Assert(!IsThreadOwnerTrackingEnabled); // Make sure the waiters never be negative which will cause the thread tracking bit to be flipped                     break;                }                 spinner.SpinOnce();             }         }
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1:内部使用了Interlocked.CompareExchange保持原子操作, m_owner 0可用,1不可用。


3:ContinueTryEnter函数第一种获得锁的方式。 使用了while+SpinWait,后续再讲。

4:第一种方式达到最大等待者数量后,命中走第二种。 继续自旋 turn * 100次。100这个值是处理器核数(4, 8 ,16)下最好的。

5:第二种如果还不能获得锁,走第三种。   这种就有点混合构造的意味了,如下:

    if (yieldsoFar % 40 == 0)                     Thread.Sleep(1);                else if (yieldsoFar % 10 == 0)                    Thread.Sleep(0);                else                    Thread.Yield();

 Thread.Sleep(1) : 终止当前线程,放弃剩下时间片 休眠1毫秒。 退出跟其他线程抢占cpu。当然这个一般会更多,系统无法保证这么细的时间粒度。

 Thread.Sleep(0):  终止当前线程,放弃剩下时间片。  但立马还会跟其他线程抢cpu,能不能抢到跟线程优先级有关。

 Thread.Yeild():       结束当前线程。让出cpu给其他准备好的线程。其他线程ok后或没有准备好的线程,继续执行。 跟优先级无关。 



从源码中,我们可以学到不少编程技巧。 比如我们也可以使用  自旋+Thread.Yeild()   或 while+Thread.Yeild() 等组合。



本章谈了自旋锁的基础+楼主的经验。  SpinLock类源码这块,只粗浅理解了下,并没有深究。

测了下SpinLock和自己实现的自旋锁性能对比(并行添加1000w List<int>()),SpinLock是单纯的自旋锁性能2倍以上。

还测了下lock的性能,是系统SpinLock性能的3倍以上。  可见lock内部自旋的效率更高,可惜看不到monitor.enter CLR实现的代码。





作者:蘑菇先生   出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/mushroom/p/4245529.html
