首页 > 代码库 > 单链表环问题
1. 判断单链表是否有环
fun IsLooped :
stepSlow = stepFast = N1;
if stepFast->next == null or stepFast->next->next == null:
return no-looped;
stepFast = stepFast->next->next;
while stepSlow != stepFast and stepFast->next != null and stepFast->next->next != null:
stepSlow = stepSlow->next;
stepFast = stepFast->next->next;
if stepSlow == stepFast: // 相遇
return looped;
else : // 速度快的对象至终点
return no-looped;
end fun.
2. 若单链表存在环,则求环的长度
fun LoopLength :
stepSlow = stepFast = N1;
len = 0;
if stepFast->next == null or stepFast->next->next == null:
return no-looped;
stepFast = stepFast->next->next;
while stepSlow != stepFast and stepFast->next != null and stepFast->next->next != null:
stepSlow = stepSlow->next;
stepFast = stepFast->next->next;
if stepSlow == stepFast: // 相遇
len = 1; // 相遇位置即是第一个点
stepFast = stepFast->next;
while stepSlow != stepFast: // 没有回到相遇点,则说明该点未被统计,长度加1
stepFast = stepFast->next;
return looped, len;
else : // 速度快的对象至终点
return no-looped;
end fun.
3. 若单链表存在环,则求环的入口点
分析: 从上面可知,能够得到相遇位置Mi和环的长度n,额外地,可知道速度慢的对象B走过的路程S(即相遇点前面的点的个数); 由于速度快的对象A先于B到达循环部分,故在B达到点M1时,A已在循环部分溜达了t圈,并且已经在点Ms的位置,根据A走过路程有方程:
m+tn+s = 2m (1);
m+(i-1) = S (2),
m+tn+n+(i-1) = 2S (3)
现在有方程 m+tn+s = 2m =>
m = tn + s , 0<=s<n (1)
m + (i-1) = S (2)
m + tn + n + (i-1) = 2S (3)
S = tn + n (4),方程(1)代入(2)
tn + s + (i-1) = S = tn + n =>
s + (i-1) = n, => s = n - (i-1), 而Mi,Mi+1,...,Mn,M1走过的路程为n - (i-1),说明,若对象C,D分别位于Ntn+1(0<=tn<=m),Mi时,经过s步可在M1处相遇,即可得到入口。tn可由方程(4)得到
fun LoopEntry :
stepSlow = stepFast = N1;
len = 0;
steps = 0;
if stepFast->next == null or stepFast->next->next == null:
return no-looped;
stepFast = stepFast->next->next;
while stepSlow != stepFast and stepFast->next != null and stepFast->next->next != null:
stepSlow = stepSlow->next;
stepFast = stepFast->next->next;
if stepSlow == stepFast: // 相遇
len = 1; // 相遇位置即是第一个点
stepFast = stepFast->next;
while stepSlow != stepFast: // 没有回到相遇点,则说明该点未被统计,长度加1
stepFast = stepFast->next;
else : // 速度快的对象至终点
return no-looped;
// 环长度大于0,即存在环,下面一定是存在环的,因为不存在环的情况已经在上面返回了
if len > 0 :
tn = steps - len;
i = 0;
entryNode = N1;
// entryNode移至Mtn+1位置
while i < tn :
entryNode = entryNode->next;
// entryNode与Mi同时移动s步,与入口处相遇
while entryNode != stepSlow :
entryNode = entryNode->next;
stepSlow = stepSlow->next;
return looped, entryNode;
end fun.