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Tiny Laravel 4 package for handling user roles and permissions.


Add the following to the require key of your composer.json file:

"mrterryh/permissions": "dev-master"

Run $ composer update.

Navigate to your config/app.php file and add‘Mrterryh\Permissions\PermissionsServiceProvider‘ to the $providers array.

Create the tables by running $ php artisan migrate package="mrterryh/permissions". Ensure that your users table exists first.

Navigate to your models/User.php file and add the Mrterryh\Permissions\Can trait below the class decloration line:

class User extends Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {    use Mrterryh\Permissions\Can;


Create a new role:

$role = new \Mrterryh\Permissions\Role();$role->name = ‘Administrator‘;$role->save();

Create a new permission:

$permission = new \Mrterryh\Permissions\Permission();$permission->name = ‘read_articles‘;$permission->display_name =‘Can read articles‘;$permission->save();

Attach the permission to the role:


Create a user:

$user = new User;$user->role_id = 1;$user->save();

And you‘re set! To check if a user has a permission:

$user = User::find(1);if ($user->can(‘read_articles‘))    echo ‘The user with the ID of "1" can read articles‘;

To check if the current authenticated user has a permission:

if (Auth::user()->can(‘read_articles‘))    echo ‘The current authenticated user can read articles‘;
