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C++ smart pointer智能指针

  在C++中,程序员可以直接操作内存,给编程增加了不少的灵活性。但是灵活性是有代价的,程序员必须负责自己负责释放自己申请的内存,否则就会出现内存泄露。智能指针就是为了解决这个问题而存在的。它和其他指针没有本质的区别,主要的目的就是为了避免悬挂指针、内存泄露的问题。在这里,我使用对象的应用计数做了一个smart pointer,当一个对象还有引用的时候,就不执行释放内存的操作,当引用计数为0时,就执行内存释放操作,并且将指针重置为NULL。


#include <iostream>#include <malloc.h>/* desc:   A smart pointer to automatic alloc and dellocat memories. author: justinzhang(uestczhangchao@gmail.com). time: 2015-1-22 09:44:24*/template <class T>class smartPtr {public:  smartPtr() {    ptr = NULL;    refCnt = (unsigned *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned));  }  smartPtr( T * pt) {    this->ptr = pt;    refCnt = (unsigned *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned));    std::cout << "Enter constructor, refCnt is "<< *refCnt << std::endl;    *refCnt = 1;        std::cout << "Leave constructor, refCnt is " << *refCnt << std::endl;      }  smartPtr(smartPtr<T> &copy) {       ptr = copy.ptr;        refCnt = copy.refCnt;    std::cout << "Enter copy constructor, refCnt is " << *refCnt << std::endl;        ++*refCnt;        std::cout << "Leave copy constructor, refCnt is "<< *refCnt << std::endl;  }    smartPtr<T> & operator=(smartPtr<T> &copy) {        std::cout << "Enter operator=, refCnt is "<< *copy.refCnt << std::endl;        if(this != &copy) {      ptr = copy.ptr;      refCnt = copy.refCnt;      ++*refCnt;    }    std::cout << "Leave operator=, refCnt is " << *refCnt << std::endl;    return *this;  }    ~smartPtr() {      std::cout << "Enter destructor, refCnt is " << *refCnt << std::endl;    --*refCnt;    if(*refCnt == 0 ) {      std::cout << "In destructor, refCnt is 0 , this pointer will be freed." << std::endl;        if( NULL != ptr ) {    delete ptr;        ptr = NULL;      }      if(NULL != refCnt ) {    free(refCnt);    refCnt = NULL;      }    } else {      std::cout << "Leave destructor, refCnt is " << *refCnt << std::endl;    }  }  T getValue() {    return *ptr;  }protected:  T * ptr;  unsigned *refCnt;};int main() {  int * p = new int[2];  smartPtr<int > intSmart(p) ;   smartPtr<int> copySmart(intSmart); // copy constructor will be called.  smartPtr<int> operatorSmart = intSmart ; // Here the copy consturctor will be called, not the assignment operator.  operatorSmart = intSmart; // Here the assignment operator will  be called.    return 0;}



C++ smart pointer智能指针