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db2 函数、存储过程示例


--drop function getMaxDate; create FUNCTION getMaxDate (y int, m int )returns datebegin     DECLARE maxDate date ;     select max(dateid ) into maxDate from d_time where years = y and months = m;     return maxDate;end;values getMaxDate(2013 ,3);


--drop procedure test ; CREATE  PROCEDURE TEST ( IN BEGINDATE DATE ,   IN ENDDATE DATE ,   OUT NUM int ) begin  declare currDate date ; --   declare cy int ;   declare cm int ;     DECLARE  at_end    INT  DEFAULT  0 ; --   DECLARE  not_found    CONDITION  FOR  SQLSTATE  02000 ; --     declare C1 cursor for    select dateid , years ,months from d_time where dateid >beginDate and dateid <=endDate + 1  days order by dateid ; --   DECLARE  CONTINUE  HANDLER  FOR  not_found        SET  at_end    =  1 ; --       set num = 0 ;         open C1 ; --         fetch  C1 into currDate ,cy ,cm ; --                             WHILE  at_end = 0   DO           SET at_end =0 ; --           fetch  C1 into currDate ,cy ,cm ; --               insert into test (dateid ,y , m ) values ( currDate ,cy ,cm );                  set num = num + 1 ;        END  WHILE ;   --       CLOSE  C1 ;   -- END ; call test (date 2014-01-01 ,date 2014-02-23 , ?);

db2 函数、存储过程示例