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  1 #include<stdio.h>  2 #include<stdlib.h>  3 #include<semaphore.h>  4 #include<pthread.h>  5 #include<unistd.h>  6   7 #define NumOf_Producer 5  //the max num of producer  8 #define NumOf_Consumer 10  //the max num of consumer  9 #define Maxnum 10  //  the max num of product 10 sem_t Empty_sem; //the goal of whether the num of product is null 11 sem_t Full_sem;  //the goal of whether the num of product is equal to Maxnum 12  13 pthread_mutex_t Mutex;  //the goal of whether someone use the buff 14  15 int Producer_id = 0; 16 int Consumer_id = 0; 17 int NowNumOfProduce = 0; 18 void *Producer(void *arg)    //the thread of producer 19 { 20     int id = Producer_id++; 21     while(1) 22     { 23         sleep(0.1); 24         sem_wait(&Full_sem);   //when it comes to zero ,it means that the num of product is equal to Maxnum 25         pthread_mutex_lock(&Mutex);  //lock the buff 26         NowNumOfProduce++; 27         printf("Producerthread %d product one,the num is:%d \n",id%NumOf_Producer,NowNumOfProduce); 28         pthread_mutex_unlock(&Mutex); 29         sem_post(&Empty_sem);   //when it comes to ten ,it means there are ten products can be used by consumer 30     } 31  32     return ((void *)0); 33 } 34  35 void *Consumer(void *arg) 36 { 37     int id = Consumer_id++; 38     while(1) 39     { 40         sleep(0.2); 41         sem_wait(&Empty_sem); 42         pthread_mutex_lock(&Mutex); 43         NowNumOfProduce--; 44         printf("Consumerthread %d use product one,the num is:%d \n",id%NumOf_Consumer,NowNumOfProduce); 45         pthread_mutex_unlock(&Mutex); 46         sem_post(&Full_sem); 47     } 48     return ((void *)0); 49 } 50  51 int main() 52 { 53     pthread_t Con[NumOf_Consumer]; 54     pthread_t Pro[NumOf_Producer]; 55  56     int temp1 = sem_init(&Empty_sem,0,0); 57     int temp2 = sem_init(&Full_sem,0,Maxnum); 58     if(temp1&&temp2!=0) 59     { 60         printf("sem init failed \n"); 61         exit(1); 62     } 63  64     int temp3 = pthread_mutex_init(&Mutex,NULL); 65  66     if(temp3!=0) 67     { 68         printf("Mutex init failed \n"); 69         exit(1); 70     } 71  72     for(int i=0 ;i<NumOf_Producer;i++) 73     { 74         int temp4 = pthread_create(&Pro[i],NULL,Producer,(void *)&i); 75         if(temp4!=0) 76         { 77             printf("thread create failed !\n"); 78             exit(1); 79         } 80     } 81  82     for(int i=0;i<NumOf_Consumer;i++) 83     { 84         int temp5 = pthread_create(&Con[i],NULL,Consumer,(void *)&i); 85         if(temp5!=0) 86         { 87             printf("thread create failed !\n"); 88         } 89         exit(1); 90     } 91     //destroy the thread 92     for(int i=0;i<NumOf_Consumer;i++) 93     { 94            pthread_join(Con[i],NULL); 95     } 96  97     for(int i=0;i<NumOf_Producer;i++) 98     { 99         pthread_join(Pro[i],NULL);100     }101 102     return 0;103 }

