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package cn.itcast_01_mythread.thread.testThread;

public class MyThreadWithImpliment_Synch_method implements Runnable {
    int x;

    public MyThreadWithImpliment_Synch_method(int x) {
        this.x = x;

    public synchronized void queryCurrentTime(){        
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            String name = Thread.currentThread().getName();
            System.out.println("to "+name + " current is " + i);
            /*try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    public void run() {
        String name = Thread.currentThread().getName();
        System.out.println("线程" + name + "的run方法被调用……");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(new MyThreadWithImpliment_Synch_method(1), "thread-1");
        Thread thread2 = new Thread(new MyThreadWithImpliment_Synch_method(2), "thread-2");
        // 注意调用run和调用start的区别,直接调用run,则都运行在main线程中
//        thread1.run();
//        thread2.run();


to thread-2 current is 0
to thread-2 current is 1
to thread-2 current is 2
to thread-2 current is 3
to thread-2 current is 4
to thread-2 current is 5
to thread-2 current is 6
to thread-2 current is 7
to thread-2 current is 8
to thread-2 current is 9
to thread-1 current is 0
to thread-1 current is 1
to thread-1 current is 2
to thread-1 current is 3
to thread-1 current is 4
to thread-1 current is 5
to thread-1 current is 6
to thread-1 current is 7
to thread-1 current is 8
to thread-1 current is 9

queryCurrentTime();//执行的结果 与预期的不一样!!,好像就没有实现锁的功能

to thread-1 current is 0
to thread-2 current is 0
to thread-1 current is 1
to thread-2 current is 1
to thread-1 current is 2
to thread-2 current is 2
to thread-1 current is 3
to thread-2 current is 3
to thread-1 current is 4
to thread-2 current is 4
to thread-1 current is 5
to thread-2 current is 5
to thread-1 current is 6
to thread-2 current is 6
to thread-1 current is 7
to thread-2 current is 7
to thread-1 current is 8
to thread-2 current is 8
to thread-1 current is 9
to thread-2 current is 9



