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Getting Started

Welcome to Training for Android developers. Here you‘ll find sets of lessons within classes that describe how to accomplish a specific task with code samples you can re-use in your app. Classes are organized into several groups you can see at the top-level of the left navigation.

This first group, Getting Started, teaches you the bare essentials for Android app development. If you‘re a new Android app developer, you should complete each of these classes in order:





Building Your First App

After you‘ve installed the Android SDK, start with this class to learn the basics about Android app development.
  • Creating an Android Project
  • Running Your Application
  • Building a Simple User Interface
  • Starting Another Activity
在你安装了Android SDK之后,开始这个课程以便学习android 程序开发的基本知识。
  • 用 Eclipse 创建一个 Android 工程
  • 运行你的应用
  • 构建一个简单的用户界面
  • 启动另一个活动

Managing the Activity Lifecycle


How Android activities live and die and how to create a seamless user experience by implementing lifecycle callback methods.
  • Starting an Activity
  • Pausing and Resuming an Activity
  • Stopping and Restarting an Activity
  • Recreating an Activity
在这里,你将了解到android activities 是如何live和die的,以及如何利用生命周期回调函数完成无缝的用户体验。

  • 启动Activity
  • 暂停和恢复 Activity
  • 停止和重启Activity
  • 重建Activity

Supporting Different Devices


How to build your app with alternative resources that provide an optimized user experience on multiple device form factors using a single APK.
  • Supporting Different Languages
  • Supporting Different Screens
  • Supporting Different Platform Versions
  • 多语言支持
  • 多屏幕支持
  • 不同平台版本支持

Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments


How to build a user interface for your app that is flexible enough to present multiple UI components on large screens and a more constrained set of UI components on smaller screens—essential for building a single APK for both phones and tablets.
  • Using the Support Library
  • Creating a Fragment
  • Building a Flexible UI
  • Communicating with Other Fragments
  • 利用android支持的库
  • 创建一个片段
  • 建立一个灵活的用户界面
  • 与其他片段交互

Saving Data


How to save data on the device, whether it‘s temporary files, downloaded app assets, user media, structured data, or something else.
  • Saving Key-Value Sets
  • Saving Files
  • Saving Data in SQL Databases

Interacting with Other Apps


How to build a user experience that leverages other apps available on the device to perform advanced user tasks, such as capture a photo or view an address on a map.
  • Sending the User to Another App
  • Getting a Result from the Activity
  • Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity
  • 让用户转移到另一个应用程序
  • 从另一个Activity中取回反馈结果
  • 允许其他应用程序去启动您的Activity

Sharing Content


How to take your app interaction to the next level by sharing information with other apps, receive information back, and provide a simple and scalable way to perform Share actions with user content.
  • Sending Content to Other Apps
  • Receiving Content from Other Apps
  • Adding an Easy Share Action
  • 将内容发送到其他应用程序
  • 从其他应用程序接收内容
  • 添加一个简单的共享行动
