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Images of Future AI

2013-5-3 Yongwu Shen

Future AI system would be the one that is able to grow from the rootby itself, rather than being created brick by brick like existing ones.

Building an AI system in the future would be more like planting atree than building a structure(As what we do today). What people do is tocreate the seed and proper environment,then let the tree grow freely without havingto know what’s exactly going on inside the tree.

Once grown up,The AI system created in this way would have quitedifferent behaviors from what existing system has.The behaviors of future AIsystems are far more unpredictable and diversitized.The same seeds could growinto systems that have totally distinguished features like any living things onthe planet.Most of these features may not be favored by human,but the rest featureswould be exploited as a rich intelligence resource.

Not surprisingly ,this kind of system would observe the worlddifferently than human does, in result it will develop a different way of thinking(If any)from the human’s. People don’t really THINK DIFFERENTLY untill the emergingof the system of this kind.This system is going to display a brand new pictureof the world that we thought we already knew everything about,and we are going tore-disover and re-think about this world with the help of the future AI system.

The relations between human and the AI system would be overwrittendramatically though unnoticeablly.So far,we have been trying to develop AIsystem that simulates the way people learn and think,but in the future peoplewill follow the way that machine learns and thinks.It is going to help us re-buildour mind.

    I would call it Machine Intelligence rather than Artificial Intelligence.