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Select *  from  表名
select  列名1,、列名2、列名3 、列名4  from  表名

 select * from libuser;
 --select userid,uaccount,passwd,age,regdate,sex from libuser;
 --select userid,uaccount,age,regdate from libuser;

Select *  from  表名  where  列名=‘查询条件’

-- 查询数据使用select进行查询, select 列名(多个列可以使用逗号进行分隔或使用*表示所有的列) from 表名 where 条件(列名=查询条件) 
 select * from libuser where uaccount = lisi; 

select  列名1,、列名2  from  表名  where 列名>=查询条件
                     列名 like%123%’   ‘%123’   ‘%12__’
 select userid,uaccount,passwd,age,regdate,sex from libuser where age >= 22;
select * from libuser where uaccount like %lin%; 

select * from libuser where uaccount like lin%;
select * from libuser where uaccount like %ing; 

select * from libuser where uaccount like %ing_;
select * from libuser where uaccount like %in__;

select  列名1,、列名2  from  表名  where 列名格式=查询条件

select userid,uaccount,age,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) from libuser where to_char(regdate,yyyymm)=201606;

select userid,uaccount,age,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) from libuser where regdate<to_date(2016-7-13,yyyy-mm-dd);

--练习:查找注册时间在2016-07-12 13:30:52后的人,包含2016-07-12 13:30:52

 select to_char(regdate,day),to_number(to_char(regdate,D)) from libuser;

select  列名1,、列名2  from  表名  where 列名=查询条件 and列名=查询条件
 列名=查询条件 or列名=查询条件   1X(1+0)X1=1   1X(1+0)X0=0
列名=查询条件 or列名=查询条件 and列名=查询条件 or列名=查询条件             
 select userid,uaccount,passwd,age,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) from libuser where uaccount=linling and passwd=linling;
 select userid,uaccount,passwd,age,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) from libuser where uaccount=linling or uaccount=linling8
 --查找出userid为10003且密码等于123456的用户 或者账号为linling且密码等于linling的用户
 select userid,uaccount,passwd,age,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) from libuser 
       where userid=10003 and passwd=123456 or uaccount=linling and passwd=linling;
  select userid,uaccount,passwd,age,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) from libuser 
       where (userid=10003 and passwd=123456) or (uaccount=linling and passwd=linling);
  -- 理解逻辑运行的优先级别  
   select userid,uaccount,passwd,age,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) from libuser 
       where userid=10003 and (passwd=123456 or uaccount=linling) and passwd=linling;  

select  列名1,、列名2  from  表名  where 列名 is null
select  列名1,、列名2  from  表名  where 列名 is not null

  --查询字段为null的数据用 is null
  select userid,uaccount,passwd,age ,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) regdate from libuser where age is null;
  --查询字段不为空null的数据用is not null 
  select userid,uaccount,passwd,age ,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) regdate from libuser where age is not null;

select  列名1,、列名2  from  表名  where 表名in(查询条件)
select  列名1,、列名2  from  表名  where 表名not in(查询条件)

  select userid,uaccount,passwd,age ,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) regdate from libuser 
     where userid in (10003,10005 ,100020 ,20000 ,2001 ,200003, 200052); 
 --使用 not in 查询过滤数据
 select userid,uaccount,passwd,age ,to_char(regdate,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) regdate from libuser 
     where userid not in (10003,10005 ,100020 ,20000 ,2001 ,200003, 200052); 

关联查询 子查询 使用join关联查询 
select stationid,stationname,select Areaid from Area where Areaname = 北京市,stationsite, from Station where stationid=1;
  select s.stationid,s.stationname,s.stationsite,a.areaname from Station s join area a on s.areaid=a.areaid;
  select a.areaid,a.areaname,a.superior,a2.areaname from Area a left join Area a2 on a.superior = a2.areaid order by a.areaid ;
  select s.stationid,s.stationname,a.areaname,s.stationsite from Station s join Area a on s.areaid=a.areaid order by s.stationid;
  select t.trainid,tr.typename,st.stationname z,sta.stationname,t.starttime,t.sndtime,t.mile,t.price from train t join traintype tr on t.tpid=tr.tpid join Station st on st.stationid=t.starstation join Station sta on sta.stationid=t.endstation;
select * from goods t left outer join category c on t.category=c.id;

select * from goods t right outer join category c on t.category=c.id;

select * from goods t  join category c on t.category=c.id;
select * from goods t inner join category c on t.category=c.id;

   select * from book where btype=(select bid from booktype where btname=航空航天3);
   --select 列名 from 外键表,主键表  where 外键表的外键=主键表的主键
   select * from book b,booktype bt where b.btype=bt.bid
   select * from booktype bt,book b where bt.bid=b.btype
   select b.*,bt.btname from booktype bt,book b where bt.bid=b.btype
   select b.bookname,b.price,bt.btname from book b,booktype bt where b.btype=bt.bid;
   --select b.bookname from book b,booktype bt where   bt.btname=‘航空航天3‘;
   select b.bookname from book b,booktype bt where b.btype=bt.bid and bt.btname=航空航天3;
   --select b.bookname from book b where b.btype=16
   --select bid from booktype where btname=‘航空航天3‘
   select b.bookname from book b where b.btype=( select bid from booktype where btname=航空航天3);
   --select 列 from 表  join 关联表 on 关联条件 where 其他查询条件
   select b.bookname from book b join booktype bt on b.btype=bt.bid where bt.btname=航空航天3;
   select b.bookname,bt.btname from book b join booktype bt on b.btype=bt.bid where b.isbn=ISBN-2016-NUM23;
   --练习:查询价格为"20.02" ,且类型名为"航空航天3"的书名
   select b.bookname from book b join booktype bt on b.btype=bt.bid where b.price=20.02 and bt.btname=航空航天3;
   select b.bookname from book b join booktype bt on b.btype=bt.bid and b.price=20.02 and bt.btname=航空航天3;
   -- 2.根据书籍名称查询类型名称(已知书籍的名称"oracle项目化编程",要求查询该书籍的类型名称)
   select bt.btname from booktype bt ,book b where bt.bid=b.btype and b.bookname=oracle项目化编程;
   select bt.btname from booktype bt where bt.bid = (select btype from book where  bookname=oracle项目化编程);
   select bt.btname from booktype bt join book b on bt.bid = b.btype where b.bookname=oracle项目化编程;

