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windows config yii framework

download and config

  • download yii-1.1.12
  • unzip into yii-1.1.12
  • config yii-1.1.12 dir an apache httpdoc dir

check yii requirements


ok, your soap extension need to be turned on

modify your php.ini and restart apache

yiic webapp

mkdir testdrive(your destiny app dir)

cd YiiPath/framework                (Linux)
cd YiiPath\framework                  (Windows)
./yiic webapp ../testdrive          (Linux) 
yiic webapp ..\testdrive              (Windows)

other errors

maybe you‘ll get such error: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘C:/php/ext\php_imagick.dll‘

;extension=php_imagick.dll turn it off and restart apache