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Insert Buffering Insert Buffering

  Database applications often insert new rows in the ascending order of the primary key. In this case, due to the layout

of the clustered index in the same order as the primary key, insertions into an InnoDB table do not require random reads

from a disk.

  On the other hand, secondary indexes are usually nonunique, and insertions into secondary indexes happen in a relatively

random order. In the same way, deletes and updates can affect data pages that are not adjacent in secondary indexes. This

would cause a lot of random disk I/O operations without a special mechanism used in InnoDB.

  When an index record is inserted, marked for deletion, or deleted from a nonunique secondary index, InnoDBchecks whether

the secondary index page is in the buffer pool. If that is the case, InnoDB applies the change directly to the index page. If the

index page is not found in the buffer pool, InnoDB records the change in a special structure known as the insert buffer. The insert

buffer is kept small so that it fits entirely in the buffer pool, and changes can be applied very quickly. This process is known

as change buffering. (Formerly, it applied only to inserts and was called insert buffering. The data structure is still called the insert


Disk I/O for Flushing the Insert Buffer

  Periodically, the insert buffer is merged into the secondary index trees in the database. Often, it is possible to merge several

changes into the same page of the index tree, saving disk I/O operations. It has been measured that the insert buffer can speed

up insertions into a table up to 15 times.

  The insert buffer merging may continue to happen after the transaction has been committed. In fact, it may continue to

happen after a server shutdown and restart (see Section 14.21.2, “Starting InnoDB on a Corrupted Database”).

  Insert buffer merging may take many hours when many secondary indexes must be updated and many rows have been

inserted. During this time, disk I/O will be increased, which can cause significant slowdown on disk-bound queries. Another

significant background I/O operation is the purge thread (see Section 14.5.12, “InnoDB Multi-Versioning”).