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DevExpress.XtraLayout.LayoutControl 动态添加控件

// Create an item within a specified group,
// bound to a specified data field with the specified editor
private LayoutControlItem CreateItemWithBoundEditor(BaseEdit editor, object dataSource,
   string dataMember, LayoutControlGroup parentGroup) {
   editor.DataBindings.Add("EditValue", dataSource, dataMember);
   LayoutControlItem item = parentGroup.AddItem(dataMember, editor) as LayoutControlItem;
   return item;
private void CreateLayout() {
   //Add First Name and Last Name items
   LayoutControlItem itemFirstName = CreateItemWithBoundEditor(new TextEdit(), employeesSource,
      "FirstName", layoutControl1.Root);
   LayoutControlItem itemLastName = CreateItemWithBoundEditor(new TextEdit(), employeesSource,
      "LastName", layoutControl1.Root);
   // Move the Last Name to the right of the First Name
   itemLastName.Move(itemFirstName, InsertTypes.Right);

   // Add the Birthday group with a birthday editor inside
   LayoutControlGroup birthdayGroup = layoutControl1.AddGroup("Birthday Information");
   CreateItemWithBoundEditor(new DateEdit(), employeesSource, "BirthDate", birthdayGroup);

   // Add a tab with three address fields
   TabbedControlGroup tabbedGroup = layoutControl1.AddTabbedGroup();
   LayoutControlGroup addressGroup = tabbedGroup.AddTabPage("Address Details");
   string[] dataFields = new string[] { "Country", "City", "Address" };
   foreach (string dataField in dataFields)
      CreateItemWithBoundEditor(new TextEdit(), employeesSource, dataField, addressGroup);

   // Add a tab with a photo
   LayoutControlGroup groupPhoto = tabbedGroup.AddTabPage("Photo");
   CreateItemWithBoundEditor(new PictureEdit(), employeesSource, "Photo", groupPhoto);







谢谢你提供的这篇代码,帮我解决了layoutControl多列自动排版的问题, 关键代码: 
// Move the Last Name to the right of the First Name
itemLastName.Move(itemFirstName, DevExpress.XtraLayout.Utils.InsertType.Right);