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mysql+thinkphp +amcharts 完成图表统计功能

思路:从mysql数据库查询数据,经过thinkphp 后端控制器做逻辑处理,返回给前端,前端调用阿妈charts 插件



public function order($time=‘‘,$radio=1){        if($time== ‘‘){            $time = Date("Y");        }        $bt = $time."-01-01 00:00:00";        $et = (string)((int)$time+1)."-01-01 00:00:00";        $sql=‘‘;        if($radio==1){            $sql="SELECT right(tt.month,2) as month, IFNULL( we.web, 0 ) as web, IFNULL( wx.weixin, 0 ) as weixin, IFNULL( ad.andriod, 0 ) as andriod , IFNULL( ip.iphone, 0 ) as iphone             FROM (            (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH FROM  `order`             WHERE State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS tt            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , SUM(  `PayMoney` ) AS web            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =1            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS we ON tt.month = we.month            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , SUM(  `PayMoney` ) AS weixin            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =2            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS wx ON tt.month = wx.month            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , SUM(  `PayMoney` ) AS andriod            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =3            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS ad ON tt.month = ad.month            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , SUM(  `PayMoney` ) AS iphone            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =4            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS ip ON tt.month = ip.month            )";        }else{            $sql="SELECT right(tt.month,2) as month, IFNULL( we.web, 0 ) as web, IFNULL( wx.weixin, 0 ) as weixin, IFNULL( ad.andriod, 0 ) as andriod, IFNULL( ip.iphone, 0 ) as iphone            FROM (            (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH FROM  `order`             WHERE State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS tt            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , count(  `id` ) AS web            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =1            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS we ON tt.month = we.month            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , count(  `id` ) AS weixin            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =2            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS wx ON tt.month = wx.month            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , count(  `id` ) AS andriod            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =3            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS ad ON tt.month = ad.month            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , count(  `id` ) AS iphone            FROM  `order`             WHERE  `OrderSource` =4            AND State = 2            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS ip ON tt.month = ip.month            )";        }        $m = new Model();//实例化对象模型        //echo $sql;        $o = $m->query($sql);        //dump(json_encode($o));        $this-> o = json_encode($o);        $this-> ol = $o;        $this-> time = $time;        $this-> radio = $radio;        $this-> timearr = $temp;        $this ->display(‘order‘);        }    public function recharge($time=‘‘,$radio=1,$year=NULL,$month=NULL){        $this->meta_title = ‘充值信息统计‘;        $sql= ‘‘;        if($radio==1){//按月统计            if($time== ‘‘){            $time = Date("Y");            }            $bt = $time."-01-01 00:00:00";            $et = (string)((int)$time+1)."-01-01 00:00:00";            $sql="SELECT right(tt.month,2) as month, IFNULL( we.usum, 0 ) as usum            FROM (            (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH FROM  `recharge`             WHERE PayType in(0,1)            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS tt            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS             MONTH , sum(  `Money` ) AS usum            FROM  `recharge`             WHERE PayType in(0,1)            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS we ON tt.month = we.month            )";            $this-> showname = ‘月‘;        }else{//按天统计            if(!$year){                $year = Date("Y");            }            $time = Date("Y");            if(!$month){                $month = Date("m");            }            $bt = $year.‘-‘.$month."-01 00:00:00";            $et = date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s‘,strtotime(‘+1 month‘,strtotime($bt)));             $sql="SELECT right(tt.month,2) as month, IFNULL( we.usum, 0 ) as usum            FROM (            (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m-%d‘ ) AS             MONTH FROM  `recharge`             WHERE PayType in(0,1)            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS tt            LEFT JOIN (            SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m-%d‘ ) AS             MONTH , sum(  `Money` ) AS usum            FROM  `recharge`             WHERE PayType in(0,1)            AND AddTime >= ‘$bt‘             AND AddTime < ‘$et‘            GROUP BY MONTH            ) AS we ON tt.month = we.month            )";            $this-> showname = ‘天‘;        }            $m = new Model();//实例化对象模型        //echo $sql;        $o = $m->query($sql);        //dump($o);        $this-> o = json_encode($o);        $this-> ol = $o;        $this-> time = $time;        $this-> radio = $radio;        $this-> year = $year;        $this-> month = $month;        $this ->display(‘recharge‘);    }

用到分组查询,sql 函数 有

A.  right(tt.month,2) as month

B.  IFNULL( we.usum, 0 ) as usum

C.  count(  `id` ) AS unum

D. sum(  `Money` ) AS usum

E.  SELECT DATE_FORMAT(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m‘ ) AS
            MONTH FROM  `table`
            WHERE XXXXX
            GROUP BY MONTH(分组group by  直接用select 后面的month即可)
‘%Y-%m‘   是时间格式,DATE_FORMAT  用于时间格式为“2012-01-01 00:01:22”的这种形式。

F.  SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(  `AddTime` ,  ‘%Y-%m-%d‘) AS
        MONTH , count(  `id` ) AS unum
        FROM  `table`
        WHERE  XXXXX

     FROM_UNIXTIME 用于时间戳格式。

分组的思想是先查询出有哪些组,然后在查询出符合的数据,然后用left join 来组合。


2. 前端数据整合

A.  数据格式


var chartData = http://www.mamicode.com/[
                    "month": "01",
                    "web": 2.5,
                    "weixin": 2.5,
                    "andriod": 2.1,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "02",
                    "web": 2.6,
                   "weixin": 2.7,
                     "andriod": 2.2,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "03",
                    "web": 2.5,
                    "weixin": 2.5,
                    "andriod": 2.1,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "04",
                    "web": 2.6,
                   "weixin": 2.7,
                     "andriod": 2.2,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "05",
                    "web": 2.8,
                  "weixin": 2.9,
                      "andriod": 2.4,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "06",
                    "web": 2.8,
                  "weixin": 2.9,
                      "andriod": 2.4,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "07",
                    "web": 2.5,
                    "weixin": 2.5,
                    "andriod": 2.1,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "08",
                    "web": 2.6,
                   "weixin": 2.7,
                     "andriod": 2.2,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "09",
                    "web": 2.8,
                  "weixin": 2.9,
                      "andriod": 2.4,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "10",
                    "web": 2.8,
                  "weixin": 2.9,
                      "andriod": 2.4,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "11",
                    "web": 2.8,
                  "weixin": 2.9,
                      "andriod": 2.4,
                    "iphone": 1.3
                    "month": "12",
                    "web": 2.8,
                  "weixin": 2.9,
                      "andriod": 2.4,
                    "iphone": 1.3

thinkphp  查询出来的数据时数组,用json_encode  转换成JSON 数组

$o = $m->query($sql);

$this-> o = json_encode($o);

$this-> ol = $o;


B.  html  代码(要画图的层)

<div id="chartdiv" style="width: 700px; height: 500px;float:left"></div> 

C. 画图


var chart;            var chartData = http://www.mamicode.com/<?=$o?>;                        AmCharts.ready(function () {                // SERIAL CHART                chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();                chart.dataProvider = chartData;                chart.categoryField = "month";                chart.plotAreaBorderAlpha = 0.2;                // AXES                // category                var categoryAxis = chart.categoryAxis;                categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0.1;                categoryAxis.axisAlpha = 0;                categoryAxis.gridPosition = "start";                // value                var valueAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();                valueAxis.stackType = "regular";                valueAxis.gridAlpha = 0.1;                valueAxis.axisAlpha = 0;                chart.addValueAxis(valueAxis);                // GRAPHS                // first graph                var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();                graph.title = "官网";                graph.labelText = "[[value]]";                graph.valueField = "web";                graph.type = "column";                graph.lineAlpha = 0;                graph.fillAlphas = 1;                graph.lineColor = "#ef3051";                graph.balloonText = "<span style=‘color:#555555;‘>[[category]]</span><br><span style=‘font-size:14px‘>[[title]]:<b>[[value]]</b></span>";                chart.addGraph(graph);                // second graph                graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();                graph.title = "微信";                graph.labelText = "[[value]]";                graph.valueField = "weixin";                graph.type = "column";                graph.lineAlpha = 0;                graph.fillAlphas = 1;                graph.lineColor = "#d46724";                graph.balloonText = "<span style=‘color:#555555;‘>[[category]]</span><br><span style=‘font-size:14px‘>[[title]]:<b>[[value]]</b></span>";                chart.addGraph(graph);                // third graph                graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();                graph.title = "安卓";                graph.labelText = "[[value]]";                graph.valueField = "andriod";                graph.type = "column";                //graph.newStack = true; // this line starts new stack                graph.lineAlpha = 0;                graph.fillAlphas = 1;                graph.lineColor = "#21d277";                graph.balloonText = "<span style=‘color:#555555;‘>[[category]]</span><br><span style=‘font-size:14px‘>[[title]]:<b>[[value]]</b></span>";                chart.addGraph(graph);                // fourth graph                graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();                graph.title = "苹果";                graph.labelText = "[[value]]";                graph.valueField = "iphone";                graph.type = "column";                graph.lineAlpha = 0;                graph.fillAlphas = 1;                graph.lineColor = "#7e90f2";                graph.balloonText = "<span style=‘color:#555555;‘>[[category]]</span><br><span style=‘font-size:14px‘>[[title]]:<b>[[value]]</b></span>";                chart.addGraph(graph);                // LEGEND                var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();                legend.borderAlpha = 0.2;                legend.horizontalGap = 10;                chart.addLegend(legend);                chart.depth3D = 25;                chart.angle = 30;                // WRITE                chart.write("chartdiv");            });            // this method sets chart 2D/3D            function setDepth() {                if (document.getElementById("rb1").checked) {                    chart.depth3D = 0;                    chart.angle = 0;                } else {                    chart.depth3D = 25;                    chart.angle = 30;                }                chart.validateNow();            }


    var chart;    var chartData = http://www.mamicode.com/<?=$o?>;AmCharts.ready(function () {           // SERIAL CHART    chart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();    chart.pathToImages = "__IMG__/amcharts/images/";    chart.marginLeft = 20;    chart.marginRight = 20;    chart.marginTop = 20;    chart.dataProvider = chartData;    chart.categoryField = "month";    // AXES    // category    var categoryAxis = chart.categoryAxis;    categoryAxis.parseDates = false; // as our data is date-based, we set parseDates to true    categoryAxis.minPeriod = "MM"; // our data is daily, so we set minPeriod to DD    // value axis    var valueAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();    valueAxis.inside = true;    valueAxis.tickLength = 0;    valueAxis.axisAlpha = 0;    //valueAxis.minimum = 0;    //valueAxis.maximum = 100000000;    chart.addValueAxis(valueAxis);    // GRAPH    var graph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();    graph.dashLength = 3;    graph.lineColor = "#7717D7";    graph.valueField = "usum";    graph.dashLength = 3;    graph.bullet = "round";    chart.addGraph(graph);    // CURSOR    var chartCursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();    chartCursor.cursorAlpha = 0;    chart.addChartCursor(chartCursor);    // GUIDES are used to create horizontal range fills    var guide = new AmCharts.Guide();    guide.value = http://www.mamicode.com/0;    guide.toValue = http://www.mamicode.com/1000000000000;    guide.fillColor = "#CC0000";    guide.fillAlpha = 0.2;    guide.lineAlpha = 0;    valueAxis.addGuide(guide);    // WRITE    chart.write("chartdiv");});    // this method sets chart 2D/3D    function setDepth() {        if (document.getElementById("rb1").checked) {            chart.depth3D = 0;            chart.angle = 0;        } else {            chart.depth3D = 25;            chart.angle = 30;        }        chart.validateNow();    }

amcharts  插件要用到的文件:
amcharts.js    amcharts图片文件夹(如下)