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  1 Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, _  2     ByVal X As Long, _  3     ByVal Y As Long, _  4     ByVal nWidth As Long, _  5     ByVal nHeight As Long, _  6     ByVal hSrcDC As Long, _  7     ByVal xSrc As Long, _  8     ByVal ySrc As Long, _  9     ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long 10 Private OnDraw As Boolean 11 Private OnDrag As Boolean 12 Private EndDraw As Boolean 13 Private LocalX As Single 14 Private LocalY As Single 15 Private DragX As Single 16 Private DragY As Single 17  18 Private Sub Form_Load() 19     OnDraw = False 20     OnDrag = False 21     EndDraw = False 22      23     Shape2(0).Width = 5 * 15 24     Shape2(0).Height = 5 * 15 25     For i = 1 To 7 26         Call Load(Shape2(i)) 27         Shape2(i).Width = 5 * 15 28         Shape2(i).Height = 5 * 15 29     Next 30      31     Call ShowShape(False) 32 End Sub 33  34 Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 35     drag the rect 36     If Button = vbLeftButton And EndDraw = True Then 37         If X > Shape1.Left And X < (Shape1.Left + Shape1.Width) And _ 38             Y > Shape1.Top And Y < (Shape1.Top + Shape1.Height) Then 39                 OnDrag = True 40                 Me.MousePointer = vbSizeAll 41                 DragX = X 42                 DragY = Y 43                 Exit Sub 44         End If 45     End If 46  47     draw the rect 48     If Button = vbLeftButton And OnDraw = False Then 49         Me.MousePointer = vbCrosshair 50         LocalX = X 51         LocalY = Y 52         Shape1.Left = X 53         Shape1.Top = Y 54         Shape1.Width = 100 * 15 55         Shape1.Height = 100 * 15 56         Call MoveShape 57         Call ShowShape(False) 58         OnDraw = True 59     End If 60 End Sub 61  62 Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 63     drag the rect 64     If Button = vbLeftButton And OnDrag = True Then 65         Shape1.Left = LocalX - (DragX - X) 66         Shape1.Top = LocalY - (DragY - Y) 67         Call MoveShape 68         Exit Sub 69     End If 70      71     If Button = vbLeftButton And OnDraw = True Then 72         If X > LocalX Then 73             Shape1.Width = X - LocalX 74         Else 75             Shape1.Width = LocalX - X 76             Shape1.Left = LocalX - Shape1.Width 77         End If 78          79         If Y > LocalY Then 80             Shape1.Height = Y - LocalY 81         Else 82             Shape1.Height = LocalY - Y 83             Shape1.Top = LocalY - Shape1.Height 84         End If 85          86         Call MoveShape 87         Call ShowShape(True) 88     End If 89 End Sub 90  91 Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 92     If Button = vbLeftButton Then 93         If OnDrag = True Then 94             OnDrag = False 95             LocalX = Shape1.Left 96             LocalY = Shape1.Top 97         End If 98         Me.MousePointer = vbDefault 99         Call DrawShape100         OnDraw = False101         EndDraw = True102     ElseIf Button = vbRightButton Then103     RESET104         Call ShowShape(False)105         OnDraw = False106         OnDrag = False107         EndDraw = False108     End If109 End Sub110 111 Private Sub MoveShape()112     Shape2(0).Left = Shape1.Left113     Shape2(0).Top = Shape1.Top114     115     Shape2(1).Left = Shape1.Left + Shape1.Width / 2 - (5 * 15) / 2116     Shape2(1).Top = Shape1.Top117     118     Shape2(2).Left = Shape1.Left + Shape1.Width - (5 * 15)119     Shape2(2).Top = Shape1.Top120     121     Shape2(3).Left = Shape1.Left + Shape1.Width - (5 * 15)122     Shape2(3).Top = Shape1.Top + Shape1.Height / 2 - (5 * 15) / 2123     124     Shape2(4).Left = Shape1.Left + Shape1.Width - (5 * 15)125     Shape2(4).Top = Shape1.Top + Shape1.Height - (5 * 15)126     127     Shape2(5).Left = Shape1.Left + Shape1.Width / 2 - (5 * 15) / 2128     Shape2(5).Top = Shape1.Top + Shape1.Height - (5 * 15)129     130     Shape2(6).Left = Shape1.Left131     Shape2(6).Top = Shape1.Top + Shape1.Height - (5 * 15)132     133     Shape2(7).Left = Shape1.Left134     Shape2(7).Top = Shape1.Top + Shape1.Height / 2 - (5 * 15) / 2135 End Sub136 137 Private Sub ShowShape(ByVal bool As Boolean)138     Shape1.Visible = bool139     For i = 0 To 7140         Shape2(i).Visible = bool141     Next142     DoEvents143 End Sub144 145 Private Sub DrawShape()146     Call ShowShape(False)147     Call Picture1.Cls148     Call BitBlt(Picture1.hDC, 0&, 0&, Shape1.Width / 15, Shape1.Height / 15, Me.hDC, Shape1.Left / 15, Shape1.Top / 15, vbSrcCopy)149     Call ShowShape(True)150 End Sub

