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[原创]从Confluence获取html table并将其序列化为C#类文件的工具




 1 using UnityEngine; 2 using System.Collections; 3  4 public class MonsterData 5 { 6     public    int         monsterId;                        //人物id 7     public    string      name;                             //怪物名称 8     public    int         hp;                               //怪物最大生命值 9     public    int         dodgeRate;                        //躲闪几率10     public    int         hitRate;                          //命中几率11     public    int         critHitRate;                      //暴击几率12     public    string      description;                      //描述13     public    int         exp;                              //经验14     public    int         atk;                              //攻击15     public    int         def;                              //防御16     public    string      imageName;                        //怪物图片的名字17     public    int         coins;                            //击杀怪物获得的金币数18     public    int         isBoss;                           //是否是Boss19 }





1.从Conflunce上获取对应文档页面的html table;

2.本地解析这个html table后,将其按照C#类的格式写入到文件中。


Confluence自带了Remote API,给开发者提供了非常方便的接口来访问或者更改指定页面的数据,点击这里可以查看它的官方文档。不过这个Remote API默认是关闭的,需要手工在设置里面开启,具体开启的步骤可以看这里,每个版本可能设置的布局略有不同,但是设置的东西都是一样的。

在python中可以使用xmlrpclib来调用Confluence的API。具体的实例可以看这两个链接:Updating a Confluence Wiki with a script和modify wiki page confluence programmatically.这样,第一个问题就解决了。

这里插一句,我在开始的时候不知道有这个Remote API,所以尝试过不用他来实现获取Confluence的页面内容,能够访问到对应的页面,可是一直拿不到想要的html内容,不知道是什么问题,后来因为知道了Remote API,也没再继续尝试自己去获取了,有时间再研究以下。




  1 #!/usr/bin/python  2   3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup  4   5 #for change encoding  6 import sys  7   8 #for login in confluence  9 import xmlrpclib 10  11 import os 12  13 def mkdir(path): 14   15     path = path.strip() 16  17     path = path.rstrip("\\") 18   19     isExists = os.path.exists(path) 20   21     if not isExists: 22         print path +  create successfully! 23         os.makedirs(path) 24         return True 25     else: 26         print path +  exists! 27         return False 28   29 def makeTableContentList(table): 30     result = [] 31     allrows = table.findAll(tr) 32     rowIndex = 0 33     for row in allrows: 34         result.append([]) 35         #exclude the strike one 36         if row.findAll(s):     37             continue 38  39         allcols = row.findAll(td) 40         #print "rowIndex = ",rowIndex 41         #print "allcols = ",allcols 42  43         for col in allcols: 44             #print "col",col 45             thestrings = [unicode(s) for s in col.findAll(text=True)] 46             thetext = ‘‘.join(thestrings) 47  48             result[-1].append(thetext) 49         rowIndex += 1 50     return result 51  52 def makeFile(tableContentList): 53  54     className = tableContentList[0][0] 55  56     outputFile = file("output/" + className + ".cs","w") 57      58     #start to write file 59  60     #write header 61     outputFile.write("using UnityEngine;\n") 62     outputFile.write("using System.Collections;\n\n") 63     outputFile.write("public class " + className + "\n{\n") 64  65     #write members 66     rowCounter = 0 67     for row in tableContentList: 68         if row and rowCounter > 0:  #rowCounter == 0 is className 69  70             #--------format--------- 71             beginSpaces = "    public    " 72             typeString = "{:<12}".format(row[0]) 73             memberName = "{:<30}".format(row[1] + ";") 74             comments = "" 75  76             if len(row[2]) > 1: 77                 comments = "    //" + row[2]   78              79             s = beginSpaces + typeString + memberName + comments + "\n" 80  81             outputFile.write(s) 82  83         rowCounter += 1 84  85     #write tail 86     outputFile.write("}\n") 87  88     outputFile.close() 89  90 def setDefaultEncodingUTF8(): 91     reload(sys) 92     sys.setdefaultencoding(utf-8) 93  94 def loadConfluencePage(pageID): 95  96     # login Confluence 97     CONFLUENCE_URL = ""  98     CONFLUENCE_USER_NAME = "userName"   # use your Confluence user Name 99     CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD = "password"    # use your Confluence password100 101     # get this from the page url while editing102     # e.g. ../editpage.action?pageId=132350005 <-- here103     #PAGE_ID = "4686604" 104 105     client = xmlrpclib.Server(CONFLUENCE_URL, verbose = 0)106     auth_token = client.confluence2.login(CONFLUENCE_USER_NAME, CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD)107     page = client.confluence2.getPage(auth_token, pageID)108 109     htmlContent = page[content]110 111     client.confluence2.logout(auth_token)112  113     return htmlContent114 115 def main():116 117     #change Encoding to UTF8118     setDefaultEncodingUTF8()119 120     #make output directory121     mkdir(sys.path[0] + "/output")122 123     #there are two pages contain data model124     pageIDs = ("4686602","4686604")125 126     for pageID in pageIDs:127 128         print "Make data in page with id: ",pageID129 130         htmlContent = loadConfluencePage(pageID)131     132         soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlContent)133         #print soup.prettify()134 135         tables = soup.findAll(table)136 137         for table in tables:138             #print table139             result = makeTableContentList(table)140             makeFile(result)141             #print "result = "142             #print result143 144     print "Make Over! Have a nice day!"145 146 if __name__ == "__main__":147     main()


