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/*        1.是否以某字符串结尾     endsWith(theStr,endStr)        @param theStr:要判断的字符串        @param endStr:以此字符串结尾        @return boolean;*/function endsWith(theStr,endStr){        var theStrLength=theStr.length;        var endStrLength=endStr.length;        var theStrEnd=theStr.substring(theStrLength-endStrLength,theStrLength);        if (theStrEnd==endStr)                return true;        else                return false;}/*        1.是否以某字符串开始     startsWith(theStr,endStr)        @param theStr:要判断的字符串        @param endStr:以此字符串结尾        @return boolean;*/function startsWith(theStr,startStr){        var theStrLength=theStr.length;        var startStrLength=startStr.length;        var theStrStart=theStr.substring(0,startStrLength);        if (theStrStart==startStr)                return true;        else                return false;}/*        2.是否是整数        @param str:要判断的字符串        @param bEmpty:如果str为空返回此值*/function isInt(str,bEmpty){        if(str==null||trim(str)=="")        {                return bEmpty;        }               if(trim(str) == "0")         {          return false;         }         var ch = str.substring(0,1);               if (ch == "0" && trim(str) != "0")        {                return false;        }               for (var i=0; i<str.length ; i++)        {                var s = str.substring(i, i+1);                if (!(s >= "0" && s <="9"))                {                        return false;                }        }        return true;}/*        3、裁减字符串空格              @param Str:要裁减的字符串        @param Flag:方向,输入l或L裁减左边空格;输入r或R裁减右边空格;否则裁减两边空格*/function trim(Str , Flag){        Str     = ""+Str;        if( Flag == "l" || Flag == "L" )/*trim left side only*/        {                RegularExp      = /^\s+/gi;                return Str.replace( RegularExp,"" );        }        else if( Flag == "r" || Flag == "R" )/*trim right side only*/        {                RegularExp      = /\s+$/gi;                return Str.replace( RegularExp,"" );        }        else/*defautly, trim both left and right side*/        {                RegularExp      = /^\s+|\s+$/gi;                return Str.replace( RegularExp,"" );        }}/*        4、是否是浮点数        @param checkstr:要判断的字符串        @param bEmpty:如果checkstr为空时返回的值        @param tcount:小数点位数*/function isFloat(checkstr, bEmpty, tcount){        if(checkstr==null||trim(checkstr)=="")        {                return bEmpty;        }              var str = trim(checkstr);        if(str.substring(0,1)==".")        {                return false;                  }        var temp=0;        for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++)        {                var ch=str.substring(i,i+1);                            if(!((ch>="0" && ch<="9") || ch=="."))                {                        return false;                          }                if(ch==".")                        temp++;                if(temp>1)                {                        return false;                          }        }                             if(tcount != null && tcount > 0)        {                if(str.indexOf(".") != -1 && str.length - (str.indexOf(".")+1) > tcount)                {                                                      return false;                }              }                                               var start1 = checkstr.substring(0,1);        var start2 = checkstr.substring(1,2);        if(start1 == 0 && start2!=".")        {            for(var i=0;i<str.length;i++)            {             var ch=str.substring(i,i+1);             if (ch==0)             temp++;             }           if (temp == str.length)            {              return true;            }            return false;          }        return true;}/*        5、是否所有字符为数字类型        @param str:要判断的字符串        @param bEmpty:str为空时返回此值*/function isNumber(str,bEmpty){        if(str==null||trim(str)=="")        {                return bEmpty;        }        for (var i=0; i<str.length ; i++)        {                var s = str.substring(i, i+1);                if (!(s >= "0" && s <="9"))                {                        return false;                }        }        return true;}      /*         6、是否为空         @param str:要判断的字符串*/function isNull(str){        if (str == null || trim(str) == "")        {                return true;        }        return false;}/*        8、是否是EMAIL              @param str:要判断的字符串        @param bEmpty:str为空时返回此值*/function isEmail(str,bEmpty){        if (str == null || trim(str) == "")        {                return bEmpty;        }           //校验邮件的正则表达式,包括aa@bb.cc.dd 和 aa@bb.cc的形式       var pattern1 = /^(([\u4E00-\u9FA5]|[\uFE30-\uFEFF]|[\d]|[a-zA-Z]|[\_\-\.])+[\@])(((([\d]|[a-zA-Z]|[\_\-]|[\[\]\{\}\>\<])+[\.])+)([\d]|[a-zA-Z\_\-])+)$/;            if(str.match(pattern1) )                        return true;        return false;}      /*         9、是否是电话号码              @param str:要判断的字符串        @param bEmpty:str为空时返回此值*/function isTel(str,bEmpty){        if(str==null||trim(str)=="")                return bEmpty;                             var str     = trim(str);        var myphone = /^[\-0-9+()\/]{1,32}$/;        if(myphone.test(str)) return true;               return false;}              //--身份证号码验证-支持新的带x身份证 function isIdCardNo(num) {     var factorArr = new Array(7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1);     var error;     var varArray = new Array();     var intValue;     var lngProduct = 0;     var intCheckDigit;     var intStrLen = num.length;     var idNumber = num;           var checkDate = function(date) {       return true;     }          // initialize     if ((intStrLen != 15) && (intStrLen != 18)) {         //error = "输入身份证号码长度不对!";         //alert(error);         //frmAddUser.txtIDCard.focus();         return false;     }         // check and set value     for(i=0;i<intStrLen;i++) {         varArray[i] = idNumber.charAt(i);         if ((varArray[i] < ‘0‘ || varArray[i] > ‘9‘) && (i != 17)) {             //error = "错误的身份证号码!.";             //alert(error);             //frmAddUser.txtIDCard.focus();             return false;         } else if (i < 17) {             varArray[i] = varArray[i]*factorArr[i];         }     }     if (intStrLen == 18) {         //check date         var date8 = idNumber.substring(6,14);         if (checkDate(date8) == false) {             //error = "身份证中日期信息不正确!.";             //alert(error);             return false;         }                 // calculate the sum of the products         for(i=0;i<17;i++) {             lngProduct = lngProduct + varArray[i];         }                 // calculate the check digit         intCheckDigit = 12 - lngProduct % 11;         switch (intCheckDigit) {             case 10:                 intCheckDigit = ‘X‘;                 break;             case 11:                 intCheckDigit = 0;                 break;             case 12:                 intCheckDigit = 1;                 break;         }                 // check last digit         if (varArray[17].toUpperCase() != intCheckDigit) {             //error = "身份证效验位错误!正确为: " + intCheckDigit + ".";             //alert(error);             return false;         }     }     else{        //length is 15         //check date         var date6 = idNumber.substring(6,12);         if (checkDate(date6) == false) {             //alert("身份证日期信息有误!.");             return false;         }     }     //alert ("Correct.");     return true; }/*日期验证*/ function strDateTime(str)      {         var r = str.match(/^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/);         if(r==null)return false;         var d= new Date(r[1], r[3]-1, r[4]);         return (d.getFullYear()==r[1]&&(d.getMonth()+1)==r[3]&&d.getDate()==r[4]);      }function replaceAll(str,replaceStr,toStr){        var raRegExp = new RegExp(replaceStr.replace(/([\(\)\[\]\{\}\^\$\+\-\*\?\.\"\‘\|\/\\])/g,"\\$1"),"ig");        return str.replace(raRegExp,toStr);}function url(str){        str=replaceAll(str,"?","$param$");        str=replaceAll(str,"&","$and$");        str=replaceAll(str,"%","$percent$");        return str;}