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#coding = utf-8
#张军伟 2016-11-19
import os product_list = [ [iphone6, 5888], [联想笔记本, 8000], [iphone7, 6888], ] shop_car = [] if os.path.getsize (wages.txt): # 判断是否写入工资 money = open (wages.txt, r, encoding=utf-8) your_money = money.readline () money.close () while True: for item,p in enumerate (product_list): print (item, p[0], p[1]) user_choice = input (请输入要购买的商品编号,按q退出:) if user_choice.isdigit (): user_choice = int (user_choice) p_price = product_list[user_choice][1] your_money = int(your_money) if p_price < your_money: shop_car.append(product_list[user_choice]) your_money -= p_price with open (wages.txt, w, encoding=utf-8) as m: m.write(str(your_money)) print(加入购物车,剩余%d%your_money) else: print(工资不够,努力赚钱) elif user_choice == q: for k,v in enumerate(shop_car): print(k,v) print(剩余钱数%d%your_money) exit() else: print(参数不正确,请重新选择) else: your_money = input(请输入你的工资) if your_money.isdigit: your_money = int (your_money) with open (wages.txt, w, encoding=utf-8) as money: money.write (str (your_money)) while True: for item, p in enumerate (product_list): print (item, p[0], p[1]) user_choice = input (请输入要购买的商品编号,按q退出:) if user_choice.isdigit (): user_choice = int (user_choice) p_price = product_list[user_choice][1] if p_price < int(your_money): shop_car.append (product_list[user_choice]) your_money -= p_price with open (wages.txt, w, encoding=utf-8) as m: m.write (str (your_money)) print (加入购物车,剩余%d % your_money) else: print (工资不够,努力赚钱吧小伙) elif user_choice == q: for k, v in enumerate (shop_car): print (k, v) print (剩余钱数%d % your_money) exit () else: print (参数不正确,请重新选择) else: exit (您的工资不合法:)

