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and then stick to the Arctic into the wealth of all mankind.

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according to the published in May 17th, "Global Times" reported, Russia and other G8 recently in Nuuk held the Arctic Council meeting of foreign ministers. The meeting stressed the 8 countries bordering the Arctic has a "privilege" in the Arctic affairs,chaussures tn, and receiving the observer is discussed. "USA VOA" and other Western media analysis says, Russia and the United States and other countries don‘t want China,new jordan shoes, India and South Korea share the Arctic "cake".

an unnamed Chinese scholars 16 to accept the "Global Times" reporter the interview said,replica jerseys, the Arctic Council meeting of foreign ministers in some countries to carve up the prelude of the arctic. If some countries claimed that only the Arctic coastal countries on the Arctic sovereignty, it is to be ignored at the UN in 1982 Third Conference on the law of the sea through the "International Convention on the law of the sea". The Convention is determined for each country‘s territorial width from the baseline amount of not more than 12 nautical miles, every country has the right to the exclusive economic zone from the baseline amount of not more than 200 nautical miles in territorial waters. (Global Times)

said,personalized jerseys, "these countries to stop China intervene in the arctic". The report quoted the words of Russian Energy Foundation leaders Simonov, Chinese in recent years in the Arctic has become increasingly active,cheap oakley sunglasses, which can not but arouse Russian alert. He said, China after Russia‘s Arctic Coastal Waterway of particular interest. Use of this channel can move goods from Chinese to europe. But Russia has been that the Arctic is its sphere of influence, do not want to let more countries to participate in the. He said: "not only Russia think so, I think the Arctic Canada, Norway and Denmark, America also hold this position."

Russian "Kommersant" says 14 days, meeting no non Arctic countries have the opportunity to participate in the cooperative development agreement. A member of the Russian delegation said,jordan retro 1, currently apply to become more and more countries observer, which is the most active of China, India and South korea. This is mainly due to the Arctic the emergence of new business opportunities. But if the green light to these countries,nike ***, there will be more than 100 observer countries, they will demand more and more rights,jordan retro 3, and then stick to the Arctic into the wealth of all mankind.

Russia and other G8 recently in Nuuk held the Arctic Council meeting of foreign ministers. The meeting stressed the 8 countries bordering the Arctic has a "privilege" in the Arctic affairs,tn requin nike, and receiving the observer is discussed. "USA VOA" and other Western media analysis says, Russia and the United States and other countries don‘t want China,nfl cheap jerseys, India and South Korea share the Arctic "cake".

"America VOA" says 15 days, the meeting in addition to sign a legally binding "Arctic search and rescue agreement", also identified the responsibilities and rights of observers, and procedures to obtain observer status. Want to become the observer countries must first acknowledge the Council members to sovereignty over the Arctic,tn pas cher homme, observer rights restricted to only participate in scientific research or some project financing etc..

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