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 1 /** 2  *  3  */ 4 package com.b510.image.client; 5  6 import java.io.File; 7  8 import com.b510.image.common.Common; 9 import com.b510.image.util.ImageUtil;10 import com.b510.image.util.TextUtil;11 12 /**13  * This project is a tool for processing the image. <br>Including TWO functions :14  * <li>Color image to converted black and white picture.15  * <li>Imitating the original image to paint into the TXT file with alphabets.16  * You can change the code according to your requirement.17  * 18  * @author Hongten19  * @mail hongtenzone@foxmail.com20  * @created Jul 23, 201421  */22 public class Client {23 24     public static void main(String[] args) {25         colorImage2BWPic();26         painting();27     }28 29     private static void painting() {30         double[][] result = ImageUtil.getImageGRB(Common.ORIGINAL_IMAGE);31         StringBuffer stringBuffer = ImageUtil.getCanvas(result);32         TextUtil.write2File(stringBuffer);33     }34 35     /**36      * Color image to converted black and white picture.37      */38     private static void colorImage2BWPic() {39         File input = new File(Common.ORIGINAL_IMAGE);40         File out = new File(Common.PROCESSED_IMAGE);41         ImageUtil.colorImage2BlackAndWhitePicture(input, out);42     }43 }


 1 /** 2  *  3  */ 4 package com.b510.image.common; 5  6 /** 7  * @author Hongten 8  * @created Jul 23, 2014 9  */10 public class Common {11     12     public static final String PATH = "src/com/b510/image/resources/";13     14     public static final String ORIGINAL_IMAGE = PATH + "original_image.png";15     public static final String PROCESSED_IMAGE =  PATH + "processed_image.png";16     17     public static final String OUTPUT_TXT = PATH + "output.txt";18 19     public static final String PROCESSED_SUCCESS = "Processed successfully...";20     public static final String PROCESS_ERROR = "Processing encounters error!";21 22     public static final String R = "R";23     public static final String A = "A";24     public static final String X = "X";25     public static final String M = "M";26     public static final String W = "W";27     public static final String H = "H";28     public static final String E = "E";29     public static final String J = "J";30     public static final String L = "L";31     public static final String C = "C";32     public static final String V = "V";33     public static final String Z = "Z";34     public static final String Q = "Q";35     public static final String T = "T";36     public static final String r = "r";37     public static final String s = "s";38     public static final String w = "w";39     public static final String u = "u";40     public static final String l = "l";41     public static final String i = "i";42     public static final String e = "e";43     public static final String m = "m";44     public static final String a = "a";45     public static final String COMMA = ",";46     public static final String BLANK = " ";47     48     public static final String NEW_LINE = "\n";49 }


  1 /**  2  *   3  */  4 package com.b510.image.util;  5   6 import java.awt.Image;  7 import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;  8 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;  9 import java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp; 10 import java.io.File; 11 import java.io.FileOutputStream; 12 import java.io.IOException; 13  14 import javax.imageio.ImageIO; 15  16 import com.b510.image.common.Common; 17 import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec; 18 import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder; 19  20 /** 21  * @author Hongten 22  * @created Jul 23, 2014 23  */ 24 public class ImageUtil { 25  26     private static int height = 0; 27     private static int width = 0; 28  29     /** 30      * Color image is converted to black and white picture. 31      * @param input 32      * @param out 33      */ 34     public static void colorImage2BlackAndWhitePicture(File input, File out) { 35         try { 36             Image image = ImageIO.read(input); 37             int srcH = image.getHeight(null); 38             int srcW = image.getWidth(null); 39             BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(srcW, srcH, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); 40             bufferedImage.getGraphics().drawImage(image, 0, 0, srcW, srcH, null); 41             bufferedImage = new ColorConvertOp(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_GRAY), null).filter(bufferedImage, null); 42             FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(out); 43             JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(fos); 44             encoder.encode(bufferedImage); 45             fos.close(); 46             System.out.println(Common.PROCESSED_SUCCESS); 47         } catch (Exception e) { 48             throw new IllegalStateException(Common.PROCESS_ERROR, e); 49         } 50     } 51  52     /** 53      * Get the image(*.jpg, *.png.etc) GRB value 54      * @param filePath the original image path 55      * @return 56      */ 57     public static double[][] getImageGRB(String filePath) { 58         File file = new File(filePath); 59         double[][] result = null; 60         if (!file.exists()) { 61             return result; 62         } 63         try { 64             BufferedImage bufImg = readImage(file); 65             result = new double[height][width]; 66             for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { 67                 for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { 68                     double temp = Double.valueOf(bufImg.getRGB(x, y) & 0xFFFFFF); 69                     result[y][x] = Math.floor(Math.cbrt(temp)); 70                 } 71             } 72         } catch (IOException e) { 73             e.printStackTrace(); 74         } 75         return result; 76     } 77  78     /** 79      * Read the original image to convert BufferedImage 80      * @param file Original image path 81      * @return 82      * @see BufferedImage 83      * @throws IOException 84      */ 85     private static BufferedImage readImage(File file) throws IOException { 86         BufferedImage bufImg = ImageIO.read(file); 87         height = bufImg.getHeight(); 88         width = bufImg.getWidth(); 89         return bufImg; 90     } 91      92     /** 93      * Get the canvas, which is made up of alphabets. 94      * @param result 95      * @return 96      */ 97     public static StringBuffer getCanvas(double[][] result) { 98         StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); 99         for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {100             for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {101                 fullBlank(result, stringBuffer, y, x);102             }103             stringBuffer.append(Common.NEW_LINE);104         }105         return new StringBuffer(stringBuffer.substring(0, stringBuffer.length() - 1));106     }107 108     /**109      * Full blank110      * @param result111      * @param stringBuffer112      * @param y113      * @param x114      */115     private static void fullBlank(double[][] result, StringBuffer stringBuffer, int y, int x) {116         if (result[y][x] > 0.0 && result[y][x] < 168.0) {117             fullBlackColor(result, stringBuffer, y, x);118         } else if (result[y][x] >= 168.0 && result[y][x] < 212.0) {119             fullGreyColor(result, stringBuffer, y, x);120         } else {121             fullWhiteColor(result, stringBuffer, y, x);122         }123     }124 125     /**126      * Full black color, and you can change the alphabet if you need.127      * @param result128      * @param stringBuffer129      * @param y130      * @param x131      */132     private static void fullBlackColor(double[][] result, StringBuffer stringBuffer, int y, int x) {133         if (result[y][x] > 0.0 && result[y][x] < 25.0) {134             stringBuffer.append(Common.R);135         } else if (result[y][x] >= 25.0 && result[y][x] < 50.0) {136             stringBuffer.append(Common.R);137         } else if (result[y][x] >= 50.0 && result[y][x] < 75.0) {138             stringBuffer.append(Common.A);139         } else if (result[y][x] >= 75.0 && result[y][x] < 100.0) {140             stringBuffer.append(Common.X);141         } else if (result[y][x] >= 100.0 && result[y][x] < 125.0) {142             stringBuffer.append(Common.R);143         } else if (result[y][x] >= 125.0 && result[y][x] < 150.0) {144             stringBuffer.append(Common.A);145         } else if (result[y][x] >= 150.0 && result[y][x] < 154.0) {146             stringBuffer.append(Common.X);147         } else if (result[y][x] >= 154.0 && result[y][x] < 158.0) {148             stringBuffer.append(Common.M);149         } else if (result[y][x] >= 158.0 && result[y][x] < 162.0) {150             stringBuffer.append(Common.W);151         } else if (result[y][x] >= 162.0 && result[y][x] < 168.0) {152             stringBuffer.append(Common.M);153         }154     }155 156     /**157      * Full grey color158      * @param result159      * @param stringBuffer160      * @param y161      * @param x162      */163     private static void fullGreyColor(double[][] result, StringBuffer stringBuffer, int y, int x) {164         if (result[y][x] >= 168.0 && result[y][x] < 172.0) {165             stringBuffer.append(Common.H);166         } else if (result[y][x] >= 172.0 && result[y][x] < 176.0) {167             stringBuffer.append(Common.E);168         } else if (result[y][x] >= 176.0 && result[y][x] < 180.0) {169             stringBuffer.append(Common.H);170         } else if (result[y][x] >= 180.0 && result[y][x] < 184.0) {171             stringBuffer.append(Common.H);172         } else if (result[y][x] >= 184.0 && result[y][x] < 188.0) {173             stringBuffer.append(Common.J);174         } else if (result[y][x] >= 188.0 && result[y][x] < 192.0) {175             stringBuffer.append(Common.L);176         } else if (result[y][x] >= 192.0 && result[y][x] < 196.0) {177             stringBuffer.append(Common.C);178         } else if (result[y][x] >= 196.0 && result[y][x] < 200.0) {179             stringBuffer.append(Common.V);180         } else if (result[y][x] >= 200.0 && result[y][x] < 204.0) {181             stringBuffer.append(Common.Z);182         } else if (result[y][x] >= 204.0 && result[y][x] < 208.0) {183             stringBuffer.append(Common.Q);184         } else if (result[y][x] >= 208.0 && result[y][x] < 212.0) {185             stringBuffer.append(Common.T);186         }187     }188 189     /**190      * Full white color191      * @param result192      * @param stringBuffer193      * @param y194      * @param x195      */196     private static void fullWhiteColor(double[][] result, StringBuffer stringBuffer, int y, int x) {197         if (result[y][x] >= 212.0 && result[y][x] < 216.0) {198             stringBuffer.append(Common.r);199         } else if (result[y][x] >= 216.0 && result[y][x] < 220.0) {200             stringBuffer.append(Common.s);201         } else if (result[y][x] >= 220.0 && result[y][x] < 224.0) {202             stringBuffer.append(Common.w);203         } else if (result[y][x] >= 224.0 && result[y][x] < 228.0) {204             stringBuffer.append(Common.u);205         } else if (result[y][x] >= 228.0 && result[y][x] < 232.0) {206             stringBuffer.append(Common.l);207         } else if (result[y][x] >= 232.0 && result[y][x] < 236.0) {208             stringBuffer.append(Common.i);209         } else if (result[y][x] >= 236.0 && result[y][x] < 240.0) {210             stringBuffer.append(Common.e);211         } else if (result[y][x] >= 240.0 && result[y][x] < 244.0) {212             stringBuffer.append(Common.COMMA);213         } else if (result[y][x] >= 244.0 && result[y][x] < 248.0) {214             stringBuffer.append(Common.m);215         } else if (result[y][x] >= 248.0 && result[y][x] < 252.0) {216             stringBuffer.append(Common.a);217         } else if (result[y][x] >= 252.0 && result[y][x] < 257.0) {218             stringBuffer.append(Common.BLANK);219         }220     }221 }


 1 /** 2  *  3  */ 4 package com.b510.image.util; 5  6 import java.io.BufferedWriter; 7 import java.io.File; 8 import java.io.FileWriter; 9 import java.io.IOException;10 11 import com.b510.image.common.Common;12 13 /**14  * @author Hongten15  * @created Jul 23, 201416  */17 /**18  * @author Hongten19  * @created 2014-7-2620  */21 public class TextUtil {22 23     /**24      * Write the string to file.25      * @param stringBuffer26      */27     public static void write2File(StringBuffer stringBuffer) {28         File f = new File(Common.OUTPUT_TXT);29         BufferedWriter output = null;30         try {31             output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f));32             output.write(stringBuffer.toString());33             output.close();34         } catch (IOException e) {35             e.printStackTrace();36         }37     }38 }



More reading,and english is important.

I‘m Hongten

