首页 > 代码库 > 微软企业库5.0学习笔记(10)ASP.NET模块依赖注入





您可以使用HTTP模块,一个到ASP.NET HttpApplicationState类的扩展,在Global.asax编写代码强制ASP.NET在每一个页面请求时自动注入依赖的对象,就像在ASP.NET Web窗体应用程序中讨论的一样.



using System;  using System.Collections.Generic;  using System.Web;  using System.Web.UI;  using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;    namespace Unity.Web  {    public class UnityHttpModule : IHttpModule    {      public void Init(HttpApplication context)      {        context.PreRequestHandlerExecute += OnPreRequestHandlerExecute;      }        public void Dispose() { }        private void OnPreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)      {        IHttpHandler currentHandler = HttpContext.Current.Handler;        HttpContext.Current.Application.GetContainer().BuildUp(                            currentHandler.GetType(), currentHandler);          // User Controls are ready to be built up after page initialization is complete        var currentPage = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;        if (currentPage != null)        {          currentPage.InitComplete += OnPageInitComplete;        }      }        // Build up each control in the page‘s control tree      private void OnPageInitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)      {        var currentPage = (Page)sender;        IUnityContainer container = HttpContext.Current.Application.GetContainer();        foreach (Control c in GetControlTree(currentPage))        {          container.BuildUp(c.GetType(), c);        }        context.PreRequestHandlerExecute -= OnPreRequestHandlerExecute;      }        // Get the controls in the page‘s control tree excluding the page itself      private IEnumerable<Control> GetControlTree(Control root)      {        foreach (Control child in root.Controls)        {          yield return child;          foreach (Control c in GetControlTree(child))          {            yield return c;          }        }      }    }  }  

    下面显示了一个应用程序状态的实现,并暴露一个静态的 GetContainer方法,这个方法能够在



using System.Web;  using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;    namespace Unity.Web  {    public static class HttpApplicationStateExtensions    {      private const string GlobalContainerKey = "EntLibContainer";        public static IUnityContainer GetContainer(this HttpApplicationState appState)      {        appState.Lock();        try        {          var myContainer = appState[GlobalContainerKey] as IUnityContainer;          if (myContainer == null)          {            myContainer = new UnityContainer();            appState[GlobalContainerKey] = myContainer;          }          return myContainer;        }        finally        {            appState.UnLock();        }      }    }  }