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C++ Code_Slider


1. 滑块控件属性设置

2. 使用滑块控件设置颜色

3. 显示Slider的数值











// CProject02Dlg dialog
//class CProject02Dlg : public CDialog
// Construction
//    CProject02Dlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL);    // standard constructor
    COLORREF m_clColor;

// Dialog Data

在CProject02Dlg中右键添加个Add MemberFunction


void CProject02Dlg::updatePicCtrl()
    CDC * pDC = m_ctrl_pic1.GetDC();
    CRect rc;
    pDC -> FillRect(rc, & CBrush(m_clColor));
BOOL CProject02Dlg::OnInitDialog() 部分添加slider的初始化部分代码
    // TODO: Add extra initialization here
void CProject02Dlg::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar)
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
    if (nSBCode == SB_THUMBTRACK)
        if (pScrollBar -> m_hWnd == m_ctrl_Slider1_Red.m_hWnd)
            m_nEdt1_Red = nPos;
        if (pScrollBar -> m_hWnd == m_ctrl_Slider2_Green.m_hWnd)
            m_nEdt2_Green = nPos;
        if (pScrollBar -> m_hWnd == m_ctrl_Slider3_Blue.m_hWnd)
            m_nEdt3_Blue = nPos;
        m_clColor = RGB(m_nEdt1_Red,m_nEdt2_Green,m_nEdt3_Blue);
    CDialog::OnHScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar);
void CProject02Dlg::OnChangeEdit1()
    // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control, the control will not
    // send this notification unless you override the CDialog::OnInitDialog()
    // function and call CRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask()
    // with the ENM_CHANGE flag ORed into the mask.
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CProject02Dlg::OnChangeEdit2()
    // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control, the control will not
    // send this notification unless you override the CDialog::OnInitDialog()
    // function and call CRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask()
    // with the ENM_CHANGE flag ORed into the mask.
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CProject02Dlg::OnChangeEdit3()
    // TODO: If this is a RICHEDIT control, the control will not
    // send this notification unless you override the CDialog::OnInitDialog()
    // function and call CRichEditCtrl().SetEventMask()
    // with the ENM_CHANGE flag ORed into the mask.
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here



