首页 > 代码库 > Visual 3D Modeling from Images

Visual 3D Modeling from Images

  • Acknowledgments
  • Notations
  • Contents
  • Introduction
    • 3D from images
    • Overview

  • Projective geometry
    • Projective geometry
      • The projective plane
      • Projective 3-space
      • Transformations
      • Conics and quadrics
    • The stratification of 3D geometry
      • Projective stratum
      • Affine stratum
      • Metric stratum
      • Euclidean stratum
      • Overview of the different strata
    • Conclusion

  • Camera model and multiple view geometry
    • The camera model
      • A simple model
      • Intrinsic calibration
      • Camera motion
      • The projection matrix
        • Relation between projection matrices and image homographies
      • Deviations from the camera model
    • Multi view geometry
      • Two view geometry
        • Relation between the fundamental matrix and image homographies
      • Three view geometry
      • Multi view geometry
    • Conclusion

  • Relating images
    • Feature extraction and matching
      • Comparing image regions
      • Feature point extraction
      • Matching using affinely invariant regions
    • Two view geometry computation
      • Eight-point algorithm
      • Seven-point algorithm
      • More points...
      • Robust algorithm
      • Degenerate case
    • Three and four view geometry computation

  • Structure and motion
    • Initial structure and motion
      • Initial frame
      • Initializing structure
    • Updating the structure and motion
      • projective pose estimation
      • Relating to other views
        • Example
      • Refining and extending structure
    • Refining structure and motion
    • Dealing with dominant planes
      • Detecting dominant planes
      • Partial projective structure and motion recovery
      • Combined metric structure and motion recovery
        • Example
    • Conclusion

  • Self-calibration
    • Calibration
      • Scene knowledge
      • Camera knowledge
    • Self-calibration
      • A counting argument
      • Geometric interpretation of constraints
      • The image of the absolute conic
      • Self-calibration methods
      • Critical motion sequences
    • A practical approach to self-calibration
      • linear self-calibration
        • coupled self-calibration
      • non-linear self-calibration refinement
      • Metric bundle adjustment
    • Conclusion

  • Dense depth estimation
    • Image pair rectification
      • Planar rectification
      • Polar rectification
        • Epipolar geometry
        • Rectification method
      • Examples
    • Stereo matching
      • Exploiting scene constraints
      • Constrained matching
    • Multi-view stereo
      • Correspondence Linking Algorithm
        • Occlusions and visibility
        • Depth estimation and outlier detection
      • Some results
    • Conclusion

  • Modeling
    • Surface model
      • Texture enhancement
        • Example
      • Volumetric integration
        • Example
    • Lightfield model
      • structure and motion
      • Lightfield modeling and rendering
      • Experiments
      • conclusion
    • Fusion of real and virtual scenes
      • Augmenting video footage
    • Conclusion

  • Some results
    • Acquisition of 3D models from photographs
      • A Jain Temple in Ranakpur
      • The Béguinages of Leuven
    • Acquisition of 3D models from pre-existing image sequences
    • Virtualizing archaeological sites
      • Virtualizing scenes
      • Reconstructing an overview model
      • Reconstructions at different scales
    • More applications in archaeology
      • 3D stratigraphy
      • Generating and testing building hypotheses
    • Architecture and heritage conservation
    • Planetary rover control
    • Conclusion

  • Bundle adjustment
    • Levenberg-Marquardt minimization
      • Newton iteration
      • Levenberg-Marquardt iteration
    • Bundle adjustment

  • Bibliography
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • About this document ...