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qml基础学习 模型视图(一)
图1 gridview效果图
图2 listview效果图
图3 pathview效果图
如图1所示,这是一个GridView的简单示例,示例完成单击Add Item按钮实现新增项,点击项实现删除等功能。
1 import QtQuick 2.0 2 3 Rectangle { 4 width: 480; 5 height: 300; 6 7 //背景色渐变 8 gradient: Gradient { 9 GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#dbddde"; } 10 GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#5fc9f8"; } 11 } 12 13 //list模型默认9项 14 ListModel { 15 id: theModel 16 17 ListElement { number: 0; } 18 ListElement { number: 1; } 19 ListElement { number: 2; } 20 ListElement { number: 3; } 21 ListElement { number: 4; } 22 ListElement { number: 5; } 23 ListElement { number: 6; } 24 ListElement { number: 7; } 25 ListElement { number: 8; } 26 ListElement { number: 9; } 27 } 28 29 //Add Item按钮 30 Rectangle { 31 anchors.left: parent.left; 32 anchors.right: parent.right; 33 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; 34 anchors.margins: 20; 35 36 height: 40; 37 38 color: "#53d769"; 39 border.color: Qt.lighter(color, 1.1); 40 41 Text { 42 anchors.centerIn: parent; 43 44 text: "Add item!"; 45 } 46 47 //点击时新增项 实现model的动态新增 48 MouseArea { 49 anchors.fill: parent; 50 51 onClicked: { 52 theModel.append({"number": ++parent.count}); 53 } 54 } 55 56 property int count: 9;// 57 } 58 59 GridView { 60 anchors.fill: parent; 61 anchors.margins: 20; 62 anchors.bottomMargin: 80; 63 64 clip: true; 65 66 model: theModel;//绑定数据源 67 68 cellWidth: 45;//设置项大小 69 cellHeight: 45; 70 71 delegate: numberDelegate;//设置绘制代理 72 } 73 74 //自定义绘制代理 75 Component { 76 id: numberDelegate; 77 78 Rectangle { 79 id: wrapper; 80 81 width: 40; 82 height: 40; 83 84 //首先是一个渐变的矩形框 85 gradient: Gradient { 86 GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#f8306a"; } 87 GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#fb5b40"; } 88 } 89 90 //文本值是number的数值 91 Text { 92 anchors.centerIn: parent; 93 94 font.pixelSize: 10; 95 96 text: number; 97 } 98 99 //鼠标点击代理时,移除点击项100 MouseArea {101 anchors.fill: parent;102 103 onClicked: {104 if (!wrapper.GridView.delayRemove)//是否延迟移除105 {106 theModel.remove(index);107 }108 }109 }110 111 //GridView移除项 顺序动画112 GridView.onRemove: SequentialAnimation {113 //属性变化114 PropertyAction {115 target: wrapper;116 property: "GridView.delayRemove";117 value: true;118 }119 //数字动画120 NumberAnimation {121 target: wrapper;//目标对象122 property: "scale";//执行动画的属性123 to: 0;//结束值124 duration: 250;//动画持续时长125 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad;//动画执行曲线126 }127 PropertyAction {128 target: wrapper;129 property: "GridView.delayRemove";130 value: false;131 }132 }133 134 //GridView新增项 顺序动画135 GridView.onAdd: SequentialAnimation {136 NumberAnimation {137 target: wrapper;138 property: "scale";139 from: 0;//开始值140 to: 1;141 duration: 250;142 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad;143 }144 }145 }146 }147 }
1 import QtQuick 2.0 2 3 Item { 4 width: 300; 5 height: 480; 6 7 //渐变别景色 8 Rectangle { 9 anchors.fill: parent; 10 gradient: Gradient { 11 GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#4a4a4a"; } 12 GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#2b2b2b"; } 13 } 14 } 15 16 //主界面列表视图 17 ListView { 18 id: listView; 19 20 anchors.fill: parent; 21 22 delegate: detailsDelegate;//设置绘制代理 23 model: planets;//绑定数据源 24 } 25 26 ListModel { 27 id: planets; 28 29 ListElement { 30 name: "Mercury"; 31 imageSource: "images/mercury.jpeg"; 32 facts: "Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System. It is the closest planet to the sun. It makes one trip around the Sun once every 87.969 days." ; 33 } 34 ListElement { 35 name: "Venus"; 36 imageSource: "images/venus.jpeg"; 37 facts: "Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is a terrestrial planet because it has a solid, rocky surface. The other terrestrial planets are Mercury, Earth and Mars. Astronomers have known Venus for thousands of years."; 38 } 39 ListElement { 40 name: "Earth"; 41 imageSource: "images/earth.jpeg"; 42 facts: "The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. It is one of the four terrestrial planets in our Solar System. This means most of its mass is solid. The other three are Mercury, Venus and Mars. The Earth is also called the Blue Planet, ‘Planet Earth‘, and ‘Terra‘."; 43 } 44 ListElement { 45 name: "Mars"; 46 imageSource: "images/mars.jpeg"; 47 facts: "Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. Mars is dry, rocky and cold. It is home to the largest volcano in the Solar System. Mars is named after the mythological Roman god of war because it is a red planet, which signifies the colour of blood."; 48 } 49 } 50 51 Component { 52 id: detailsDelegate; 53 54 Item { 55 id: wrapper; 56 57 width: listView.width; 58 height: 30; 59 60 //列表项文本 61 Rectangle { 62 anchors.left: parent.left; 63 anchors.right: parent.right; 64 anchors.top: parent.top; 65 66 height: 30; 67 68 color: "#333"; 69 border.color: Qt.lighter(color, 1.2); 70 Text { 71 anchors.left: parent.left; 72 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; 73 anchors.leftMargin: 4; 74 75 font.pixelSize: parent.height-4; 76 color: ‘#fff‘; 77 78 text: name;//ListElement中的name 79 } 80 } 81 82 //列表项图标 83 Rectangle { 84 id: image; 85 86 width: 26; 87 height: 26; 88 89 anchors.right: parent.right; 90 anchors.top: parent.top; 91 anchors.rightMargin: 2; 92 anchors.topMargin: 2; 93 94 color: "yellow"; 95 96 Image { 97 anchors.fill: parent; 98 99 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit;100 101 source: imageSource;//ListElement中的imageSource102 }103 }104 105 //鼠标点击列表项 进行状态前切换,106 MouseArea {107 anchors.fill: parent;108 onClicked: parent.state = "expanded";//切换到展开状态109 }110 111 //详情页展开时,文本详细信息112 Item {113 id: factsView;114 115 anchors.top: image.bottom;//位于放大后的图标底部116 anchors.left: parent.left;117 anchors.right: parent.right;118 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom;119 120 opacity: 0;//默认透明不显示 当点击代理项时该属性会慢慢变得可见121 122 Rectangle {123 anchors.fill: parent;124 125 gradient: Gradient {126 GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#fed958"; }127 GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#fecc2f"; }128 }129 border.color: ‘#000000‘;130 border.width: 2;131 132 Text {133 anchors.fill: parent;134 anchors.margins: 5;135 136 clip: true;//可剪切137 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap;//文本支持换行138 color: ‘#1f1f21‘;139 140 font.pixelSize: 12;141 142 text: facts;143 }144 }145 }146 147 //项最大化时 右上角关闭按钮148 Rectangle {149 id: closeButton;150 151 anchors.right: parent.right;152 anchors.top: parent.top;153 anchors.rightMargin: 2;154 anchors.topMargin: 2;155 156 width: 26;157 height: 26;158 159 color: "#157efb";160 border.color: Qt.lighter(color, 1.1);161 162 opacity: 0;163 164 MouseArea {165 anchors.fill: parent;166 onClicked: wrapper.state = "";//点击恢复到默认状态167 }168 }169 170 //自定义代理状态171 states: [172 State {173 name: "expanded";174 //在点击列表项后 各项属相变化175 176 //代理高度铺满视图高度177 PropertyChanges { target: wrapper; height: listView.height; }178 //列表项的图标放大179 PropertyChanges {180 target: image;181 width: listView.width;182 height: listView.width;183 anchors.rightMargin: 0;184 anchors.topMargin: 30//距离顶部30像素185 }186 //文本详细信息可见187 PropertyChanges { target: factsView; opacity: 1; }188 //关闭按钮可见189 PropertyChanges { target: closeButton; opacity: 1; }190 //列表项视图191 PropertyChanges {192 target: wrapper.ListView.view;193 contentY: wrapper.y;194 interactive: false195 }196 }197 ]198 199 //项变化时 过程200 transitions: [201 Transition {202 NumberAnimation {203 duration: 200;204 properties: "height,width,anchors.rightMargin,anchors.topMargin,opacity,contentY";205 }206 }207 ]208 }209 }210 }
1 import QtQuick 2.6 2 3 Rectangle { 4 id: root; 5 width: 480; 6 height: 300; 7 8 PathView 9 {10 anchors.fill: parent;11 12 delegate: flipCardDelegate;13 model: 100;14 15 path: Path{16 startX: root.width / 2;17 startY: 018 19 PathAttribute { name: "itemAngle"; value: -45.0; }20 PathAttribute { name: "itemScale"; value: 0.5; }21 PathAttribute { name: "itemZ"; value: 0; }//属性值附加到代理上面22 PathLine { x: root.width/2; y: root.height*0.4; }//路径元素定义23 PathPercent { value: 0.48; }//控制两个元素之间的路径所占百分比24 PathLine { x: root.width/2; y: root.height*0.5; }25 PathAttribute { name: "itemAngle"; value: 0.0; }26 PathAttribute { name: "itemScale"; value: 1.0; }27 PathAttribute { name: "itemZ"; value: 100 }28 PathLine { x: root.width/2; y: root.height*0.6; }29 PathPercent { value: 0.52; }30 PathLine { x: root.width/2; y: root.height; }31 PathAttribute { name: "itemAngle"; value: 45.0; }32 PathAttribute { name: "itemScale"; value: 0.5; }33 PathAttribute { name: "itemZ"; value: 0; }34 }35 36 pathItemCount: 17;//可见元素数目37 38 preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5;39 preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5;40 }41 Component{42 id: flipCardDelegate;43 44 Rectangle{45 id: wrapper;46 47 width: 64;48 height: 64;49 antialiasing: true;//反锯齿50 51 //代理背景色渐变52 gradient: Gradient{53 GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "#2ed5fa"; }54 GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "#2467ec"; }55 }56 57 visible: PathView.onPath;//在PathView上的项可见,不在视图上的项不可见58 59 scale: PathView.itemScale;//缩放60 z: PathView.itemZ;//z值 数值大的在上面61 62 property variant rotX: PathView.itemAngle;//属性别名 主要是因为要在底下这个旋转过程中使用63 64 //动画过程旋转65 transform: Rotation {66 axis { x: 1; y: 1; z: 1; }//绕x轴旋转67 angle: wrapper.rotX;//旋转角度68 origin { x: 32; y: 32; }//旋转基点69 }70 Text{71 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;72 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;73 text: index;74 }75 }76 }77 }
qml基础学习(一) 基础概念
qml基础学习 模型视图(一)