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Change disk label using Gnome application

The volume label for my new USB disk is displayed as capital letters on my home PC although when I formatted this disk (FAT32) on Windows, I used lowercase letters. To transform the disk label back, I remembered the disk management tool in Gnome before I migrated from Gnome 3 to KDE Plasma. I hoped this tool may work. The package name for this application is gnome-disk-utility, while the real command is palimpsest. Then the disk label was changed as follows:

Now, it can be seen that although I‘ve migrated to KDE, some Gnome applications are still indispensable, like this disk utility tool and the file manager Nautilus: just remember that when I couldn‘t open pdf attachments of bibliography items in Zotero standalone version – the default application was somehow changed to FileLight, which I had never used before – it was finally Nautilus that came to rescue.

Another benefit of using Gnome disk utility is to eject CD-ROM. When in KDE Dolphin, after ejecting the CD-ROM, the tray will immediately be withdrawn into the box. There is no time for me to get out the CD disk. The ejecting function in Gnome disk utility performs well.