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HDU 4893 线段树

Wow! Such Sequence!

Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 781    Accepted Submission(s): 225

Problem Description
Recently, Doge got a funny birthday present from his new friend, Protein Tiger from St. Beeze College. No, not cactuses. It‘s a mysterious blackbox.

After some research, Doge found that the box is maintaining a sequence an of n numbers internally, initially all numbers are zero, and there are THREE "operations":

1.Add d to the k-th number of the sequence.
2.Query the sum of ai where l ≤ i ≤ r.
3.Change ai to the nearest Fibonacci number, where l ≤ i ≤ r.
4.Play sound "Chee-rio!", a bit useless.

Let F0 = 1,F1 = 1,Fibonacci number Fn is defined as Fn = Fn - 1 + Fn - 2 for n ≥ 2.

Nearest Fibonacci number of number x means the smallest Fn where |Fn - x| is also smallest.

Doge doesn‘t believe the machine could respond each request in less than 10ms. Help Doge figure out the reason.


Input contains several test cases, please process till EOF.
For each test case, there will be one line containing two integers n, m.
Next m lines, each line indicates a query:

1 k d - "add"
2 l r - "query sum"
3 l r - "change to nearest Fibonacci"

1 ≤ n ≤ 100000, 1 ≤ m ≤ 100000, |d| < 231, all queries will be valid.


For each Type 2 ("query sum") operation, output one line containing an integer represent the answer of this query.


Sample Input
1 1
2 1 1
5 4
1 1 7
1 3 17
3 2 4
2 1 5


Sample Output
1 a b  即把数组中第a个位置元素+b
2 a b  即求数组中[a,b]元素总和
3 a b  把数组[a,b]中元素变成和该元素最相近的斐波那契数(若两个斐波那契数和该元素差的绝对值一样,取最小的斐波那契数)
  1 //主要优化部分  :若某一段进行过3操作且没进行过1操作,那么再次对该段进行3操作时可以忽略此段   2 #include <cstdio>  3 #include <cstring>  4 #include <algorithm>  5 using namespace std;  6 #define N 100005  7 #define ll root*2  8 #define rr root*2+1  9 #define mid (a[root].l+a[root].r)/2 10  11 __int64 fi[100]; 12  13 struct node{ 14     int l, r; 15     __int64 sum; 16     int flag3; 17 }a[N*4]; 18  19 void build(int l,int r,int root){ 20     a[root].l=l;a[root].r=r; 21     a[root].sum=0;a[root].flag3=0; 22     if(l==r) return; 23     build(l,mid,ll); 24     build(mid+1,r,rr); 25 } 26  27 __int64 find(__int64 key,int n){                //二分查找和key最相近的斐波那契数  28     int l=1, r=n; 29     while(l<=r){ 30         int mm=(l+r)/2; 31         if(fi[mm]<=key&&mm==n) return fi[mm]; 32         else if(fi[mm]>=key&&mm==1) return fi[mm]; 33         else if(fi[mm]<=key&&fi[mm+1]>=key) { 34             if(abs(fi[mm]-key)<=abs(fi[mm+1]-key)) 35                 return fi[mm]; 36             else return fi[mm+1]; 37         } 38         else if(fi[mm]>=key&&fi[mm-1]<=key) { 39             if(abs(fi[mm-1]-key)<=abs(fi[mm]-key)) 40                 return fi[mm-1]; 41             else return fi[mm]; 42         } 43         else if(fi[mm]<key){ 44             l=mm+1; 45         } 46         else if(fi[mm]>key){ 47             r=mm-1; 48         } 49     } 50 } 51  52 void init(){                     53     fi[0]=1;fi[1]=1;fi[2]=2; 54     for(int i=3;i<=90;i++){ 55         fi[i]=fi[i-1]+fi[i-2]; 56     } 57 } 58  59 void down(int root){ 60     if(a[root].flag3==1)return;              //若进行过3操作则跳过  61     a[root].flag3=1;                           //把进行3操作标志改成1,说明该段进行过3操作  62     if(a[root].l==a[root].r){ 63         a[root].sum=find(a[root].sum,90);     64         return ; 65     } 66     down(ll); 67     down(rr); 68     a[root].sum=a[ll].sum+a[rr].sum;         //往上更新  69 } 70  71 void add(int p,__int64 val,int root){ 72     a[root].flag3=0;                        //进行过1操作,那么此段就不完全进行过3操作,所以把标志改成0  73     if(a[root].l==p&&a[root].r==p){ 74         a[root].sum+=val;   75         return; 76     } 77     if(p<=mid) add(p,val,ll); 78     else add(p,val,rr); 79     a[root].sum=a[ll].sum+a[rr].sum;                     //往上更新  80     a[root].flag3=min(a[ll].flag3,a[rr].flag3); 81 } 82  83 void update(int l,int r,int root){ 84      85     if(a[root].flag3) return;                  //若此段进行过3操作  则跳过  86     if(a[root].l>=l&&a[root].r<=r){ 87         down(root);                           //向下更新  88         return; 89     } 90     if(l<=mid) update(l,r,ll); 91     if(r>mid) update(l,r,rr); 92     a[root].sum=a[ll].sum+a[rr].sum;          //往上更新 93     a[root].flag3=min(a[ll].flag3,a[rr].flag3);              94 } 95  96 __int64 query(int l,int r,int root){ 97     if(a[root].l==l&&a[root].r==r)return a[root].sum; 98     if(r<=mid) return query(l,r,ll); 99     else if(l>mid) return query(l,r,rr);100     else return query(l,mid,ll)+query(mid+1,r,rr);101 }102 103 main(){104     int x, z, n, m;105     int y;106     __int64 yy;107     init();108     while(scanf("%d %d",&n,&m)==2){109         110         build(1,n,1);111         while(m--){112             scanf("%d%d",&z,&x);113             if(z==1){114                 scanf("%I64d",&yy);115                 add(x,yy,1);116             }117             else if(z==2){118                 scanf("%d",&y);119                 printf("%I64d\n",120                     query(x,y,1));121             }122             else {123                 scanf("%d",&y);124                 update(x,y,1);125             }126         }127     }128 }