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Bootstrap Edit 使用方法
Getting Started
<!-- rounded edit text --><com.beardedhen.androidbootstrap.BootstrapEditText android:id="@+id/txtOne" android:layout_width="150dp" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_margin="10dp" android:hint="rounded" bootstrapbutton:be_roundedCorners="true" android:gravity="center" bootstrapbutton:be_state="success"/>
The above code inserts a rounded bootstrap edit text with the state set to be succesfull. The following attributes can be added:
The state of the Bootstrap Edit Text e.g. warning, danger, success. Leave blank for default state.
Whether the Bootstrap Edit Text should have rounded corners
- and all the other variables for a typical edit text!
You can also change the Bootstrap Edit Text programmatically!
change whether the edit text is enabled or disabled!
change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text from warning, danger, success, or default.
change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to success
change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to warning
change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to danger
change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to default
- and all the functions for a typical edit text.
- Note: You can also set up listeners and interact as per regular edit texts