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Bootstrap Edit 使用方法

Getting Started

<!-- rounded edit text --><com.beardedhen.androidbootstrap.BootstrapEditText            android:id="@+id/txtOne"            android:layout_width="150dp"            android:layout_height="wrap_content"            android:layout_margin="10dp"            android:hint="rounded"             bootstrapbutton:be_roundedCorners="true"            android:gravity="center"            bootstrapbutton:be_state="success"/>

The above code inserts a rounded bootstrap edit text with the state set to be succesfull. The following attributes can be added:

bootstrapbutton:be_state="success" The state of the Bootstrap Edit Text e.g. warning, danger, success. Leave blank for default state.

bootstrapbutton:be_roundedCorners="true" Whether the Bootstrap Edit Text should have rounded corners

  • and all the other variables for a typical edit text!

You can also change the Bootstrap Edit Text programmatically!

txtItem.setEnabled(false); change whether the edit text is enabled or disabled!

txtItem.setState("default"); change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text from warning, danger, success, or default.

txtItem.setSuccess(); change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to success

txtItem.setWarning(); change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to warning

txtItem.setDanger(); change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to danger

txtItem.setDefault(); change the state of the Bootstrap Edit Text to default

  • and all the functions for a typical edit text.
  • Note: You can also set up listeners and interact as per regular edit texts