首页 > 代码库 > 怎么计算一个具体InnoDB的索引大小


一般情况下,我们看表信息可以用这个命令show table status:

mysql> show table status like t\G*************************** 1. row ***************************           Name: t         Engine: InnoDB        Version: 10     Row_format: Compact           Rows: 4186170 Avg_row_length: 34    Data_length: 143310848Max_data_length: 0   Index_length: 146030592      Data_free: 6291456 Auto_increment: NULL    Create_time: 2014-02-04 15:40:54    Update_time: NULL     Check_time: NULL      Collation: latin1_swedish_ci       Checksum: NULL Create_options:        Comment:1 row in set (0.00 sec)

而这里的都是预估值,我们可以通过ANALYZE TABLE获取精确的值:

Data_length: 143310848,    136Mb  clustered index size.

Index_length: 146030592,  139Mb secondary index size.


 CREATE TABLE `t` (  `a` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,  `b` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,  `c` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,  KEY `a` (`a`),  KEY `b` (`b`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1


ANALYZE table t;SELECT       sum(stat_value) pages,       index_name,       sum(stat_value) * @@innodb_page_size sizeFROM       mysql.innodb_index_statsWHERE           table_name = t       AND database_name = test       AND stat_description = Number of pages in the indexGROUP BY       index_name;+-------+-----------------+-----------+| pages | index_name      | size      |+-------+-----------------+-----------+|  8747 | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 143310848 ||  4456 | a               |  73007104 ||  4457 | b               |  73023488 |+-------+-----------------+-----------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> alter table t partition by key(c) partitions 4;Query OK, 4194308 rows affected (44.03 sec)Records: 4194308  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0mysql> show create table t\G*************************** 1. row ***************************       Table: tCreate Table: CREATE TABLE `t` (  `a` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,  `b` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,  `c` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,  KEY `a` (`a`),  KEY `b` (`b`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1/*!50100 PARTITION BY KEY (c)PARTITIONS 4 */1 row in set (0.01 sec)ANALYZE TABLE t;SELECT       sum(stat_value) pages,       index_name,       sum(stat_value) * @@innodb_page_size sizeFROM       mysql.innodb_index_statsWHERE           table_name LIKE t#P%       AND database_name = test       AND stat_description LIKE Number of pages in the indexGROUP BY       index_name;+-------+-----------------+-----------+| pages | index_name      | size      |+-------+-----------------+-----------+|  8848 | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 144965632 ||  5004 | a               |  81985536 ||  5004 | b               |  81985536 |+-------+-----------------+-----------+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> SELECT       sum(stat_value) pages,       table_name part,       index_name,       sum(stat_value) * @@innodb_page_size sizeFROM       mysql.innodb_index_statsWHERE           table_name LIKE t#P#%       AND database_name = test       AND stat_description LIKE Number of pages in the indexGROUP BY       table_name, index_name;+-------+--------+-----------------+----------+| pages | part   | index_name      | size     |+-------+--------+-----------------+----------+|  2212 | t#P#p0 | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 36241408 ||  1251 | t#P#p0 | a               | 20496384 ||  1251 | t#P#p0 | b               | 20496384 ||  2212 | t#P#p1 | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 36241408 ||  1251 | t#P#p1 | a               | 20496384 ||  1251 | t#P#p1 | b               | 20496384 ||  2212 | t#P#p2 | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 36241408 ||  1251 | t#P#p2 | a               | 20496384 ||  1251 | t#P#p2 | b               | 20496384 ||  2212 | t#P#p3 | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 36241408 ||  1251 | t#P#p3 | a               | 20496384 ||  1251 | t#P#p3 | b               | 20496384 |+-------+--------+-----------------+----------+12 rows in set (0.00 sec)



