首页 > 代码库 > c# ASP.Net 使用开源免费类库操作Excel

c# ASP.Net 使用开源免费类库操作Excel



  1. MyXls(http://sourceforge.net/projects/myxls/)
  2. Koogra(http://sourceforge.net/projects/koogra/)  
  3. ExcelLibrary(http://code.google.com/p/excellibrary/)
  4. ExcelPackage(http://excelpackage.codeplex.com/)
  5. EPPlus(http://epplus.codeplex.com/)
  6. LinqToExcel(http://code.google.com/p/linqtoexcel/)
  7. NetOffice(http://netoffice.codeplex.com/) 需安装Office Excel

从1-6的类库均不需要安装Office,不使用Office COM组件;而NetOffice需要安装Office,它提供的是与Office COM组件差不多的功能。


ASP.NET MVC File Management




Excel 与 Object 互相转换




  1. EPPlus(http://epplus.codeplex.com/)
protected void UploadButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e){    if (FileUpload1.HasFile && Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName) == ".xlsx")    {        using (var excel = new ExcelPackage(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream))        {            var tbl = new DataTable();            var ws = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.First();            var hasHeader = true;  // adjust accordingly            // add DataColumns to DataTable            foreach (var firstRowCell in ws.Cells[1, 1, 1, ws.Dimension.End.Column])                tbl.Columns.Add(hasHeader ? firstRowCell.Text                    : String.Format("Column {0}", firstRowCell.Start.Column));            // add DataRows to DataTable            int startRow = hasHeader ? 2 : 1;            for (int rowNum = startRow; rowNum <= ws.Dimension.End.Row; rowNum++)            {                var wsRow = ws.Cells[rowNum, 1, rowNum, ws.Dimension.End.Column];                DataRow row = tbl.NewRow();                foreach (var cell in wsRow)                    row[cell.Start.Column - 1] = cell.Text;                tbl.Rows.Add(row);            }            var msg = String.Format("DataTable successfully created from excel-file. Colum-count:{0} Row-count:{1}",                                    tbl.Columns.Count, tbl.Rows.Count);            UploadStatusLabel.Text = msg;        }    }    else     {        UploadStatusLabel.Text = "You did not specify a file to upload.";    }}