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//Get shared memory id            //shared memory key            const key_t ipckey = 24568;            //shared memory permission; can be            //read and written by anybody            const int perm = 0666;            //shared memory segment size            size_t shmSize = 4096;            //Create shared memory if not            //already created with specified            //permission            int shmId = shmget            (ipckey,shmSize,IPC_CREAT|perm);            if (shmId ==-1) {            //Error            }                         //Attach the shared memory segment                         void* shmPtr = shmat(shmId,NULL,0);                         struct commonData* dp =  (struct commonData*)shmPtr;                         //detach shared memory            shmdt(shmPtr);



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struct commonData {            int sharedInt;            float  sharedFloat;            char* name;            Struct CommonData* next;            };


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//Attach shared memory            struct commonData* dp =            (struct commonData*) shmat            (shmId,NULL,0);                         dp->sharedInt = 5;            .            .            dp->name = new char [20];            strcpy(dp->name,"My Name");                         dp->next = new struct commonData();


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struct commonData* dp =            (struct commonData*) shmat            (shmId,NULL,0);                         //count = 5;            int count = dp->sharedInt;            //problem            printf("name = [%s]\n",dp->name);            dp = dp->next;  //problem

结构 commonData 的成员 name 和指向下一个结构的 next 所指向的内存分别从进程A的地址空间中的堆上分配,显然 name 和 next 指向的内存也只有进程A可以访问。当进程B访问 dp->name 或者 dp->next 时候,由于它在访问自己地址空间以外的内存空间,所以这将是非法操作(memory violation),它无法正确得到 name和 next 所指向的内存。因此,所有的共享内存中的指针必须同样指向共享内存中的地址。(这也是为什么包含虚函数继承的C++类对象不能放到共享内存中的原因——这是另外一个话题。注:因为虚函数的具体实现可能会在其他的内存空间中)由于这些条件限制,放入共享内存中的结构应该简单简单。(注:我觉得最好避免使用指针)


想像一下把STL容器,例如map, vector, list等等,放入共享内存中,IPC一旦有了这些强大的通用数据结构做辅助,无疑进程间通信的能力一下子强大了很多。我们没必要再为共享内存设计其他额外的数据结构,另外,STL的高度可扩展性将为IPC所驱使。STL容器被良好的封装,默认情况下有它们自己的内存管理方案。当一个元素被插入到一个STL列表(list)中时,列表容器自动为其分配内存,保存数据。考虑到要将STL容器放到共享内存中,而容器却自己在堆上分配内存。一个最笨拙的办法是在堆上构造STL容器,然后把容器复制到共享内存,并且确保所有容器的内部分配的内存指向共享内存中的相应区域,这基本是个不可能完成的任务。例如下边进程A所做的事情:

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//Attach to shared memory            void* rp = (void*)shmat(shmId,NULL,0);            //Construct the vector in shared            //memory using placement new            vector<int>* vpInA = new(rp) vector<int>*;            //The vector is allocating internal data            //from the heap in process A‘s address            //space to hold the integer value            (*vpInA)[0] = 22;


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vector<int>* vpInB =            (vector<int>*) shmat(shmId,NULL,0);                         //problem - the vector contains internal             //pointers allocated in process A‘s address             //space and are invalid here             int i = *(vpInB)[0];

重用STL allocator

进一步考察STL容器,我们发现它的模板定义中有第二个默认参数,也就是allocator 类,该类实际是一个内存分配模型。默认的allocator是从堆上分配内存(注:这就是STL容器的默认表现,我们甚至可以改造它从一个网络数据库中分配空间,保存数据)。下边是 vector 类的一部分定义:

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template<class T, class A = allocator<T> >            class vector {            //other stuff            };


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//User supplied allocator myAlloc            vector<int,myAlloc<int> > alocV;

假设 myAlloc 从共享内存上分配内存,则 alocV 将完全在共享内存上被构造,所以进程A可以如下:

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//Attach to shared memory            void* rp = (void*)shmat(shmId,NULL,0);            //Construct the vector in shared memory            //using placement new            vector<int>* vpInA =            new(rp) vector<int,myAlloc<int> >*;            //The vector uses myAlloc<int> to allocate            //memory for its internal data structure            //from shared memory            (*v)[0] = 22;


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vector<int>* vpInB =            (vector<int,myAlloc<int> >*) shmat            (shmId,NULL,0);                         //Okay since all of the vector is            //in shared memory            int i = *(vpInB)[0];


一个基于共享内存的STL Allocator

清单 shared_allocator.hh 是一个STL Allocator的实现,SharedAllocator 是一个模板类。而 Pool 类完成共享内存的分配与回收。

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template<class T>class SharedAllocator {            private:            Pool pool_;    // pool of elements of sizeof(T)            public:            typedef T value_type;            typedef unsigned int  size_type;            typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;            typedef T* pointer;            typedef const T* const_pointer;            typedef T& reference;            typedef const T& const_reference;            pointer address(reference r) const { return &r; }            const_pointer address(const_reference r) const {return &r;}            SharedAllocator() throw():pool_(sizeof(T)) {}            template<class U> SharedAllocator            (const SharedAllocator<U>& t) throw():            pool_(sizeof(T)) {}            ~SharedAllocator() throw() {};            // space for n Ts            pointer allocate(size_t n, const void* hint=0)            {            return(static_cast<pointer> (pool_.alloc(n)));            }            // deallocate n Ts, don‘t destroy            void deallocate(pointer p,size_type n)            {            pool_.free((void*)p,n);            return;            }            // initialize *p by val            void construct(pointer p, const T& val) { new(p) T(val); }            // destroy *p but don‘t deallocate            void destroy(pointer p) { p->~T(); }            size_type max_size() const throw()            {            pool_.maxSize();            }            template<class U>            // in effect: typedef SharedAllocator<U> other            struct rebind { typedef SharedAllocator<U> other; };            };                         template<class T>bool operator==(const SharedAllocator<T>& a,            const SharedAllocator<T>& b) throw()            {            return(a.pool_ == b.pool_);            }            template<class T>bool operator!=(const SharedAllocator<T>& a,            const SharedAllocator<T>& b) throw()            {            return(!(a.pool_ == b.pool_));            }

清单pool.hh是 Pool 类定义,其中静态成员shm_ 是类型 shmPool,保证每个进程只有唯一的一个shmPool 实例。shmPool ctor 创建并附着所需大小的内存到共享内存上。共享内存的参数,比如 键值、段数目、段大小,都通过环境变量传递给 shmPool ctor。成员 segs_ 是共享段的数目,segSize_是每个共享段的大小,成员path_key_ 用来创建唯一的 ipckeyshmPool 为每个共享段创建一个信号量(semaphore)用于同步。shmPool 还在为每个共享段构造了一个 Chunk 类,一个 Chunk代表一个共享段。每个共享段的标识是shmId_, 信号量 semId_控制该段的访问许可,一个指向 Link 结构的指针表明 Chunk类的剩余列表。

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class Pool {            private:            class shmPool {            private:            struct Container {            containerMap* cont;            };            class Chunk {            public:            Chunk()            Chunk(Chunk&);            ~Chunk() {}            void* alloc(size_t size);            void free (void* p,size_t size);            private:            int shmId_;            int semId_;            int lock_()            };            int key_;            char* path_;            Chunk** chunks_;            size_t segs_;            size_t segSize_;            Container* contPtr_;            int contSemId_;            public:            shmPool();            ~shmPool();            size_t maxSize();            void* alloc(size_t size);            void free(void* p, size_t size);            int shmPool::lockContainer()            int unLockContainer()            containerMap* getContainer()            void shmPool::setContainer(containerMap* container)            };                         private:            static shmPool shm_;            size_t elemSize_;            public:            Pool(size_t elemSize);            ~Pool() {}            size_t maxSize();            void* alloc(size_t size);            void free(void* p, size_t size);            int lockContainer();            int unLockContainer();            containerMap* getContainer();            void setContainer(containerMap* container);            };            inline bool operator==(const Pool& a,const Pool& b)            {            return(a.compare(b));            }


假设进程A在共享内存中放入了数个容器,进程B如何找到这些容器呢?一个方法就是进程A把容器放在共享内存中的确定地址上(fixed offsets),则进程B可以从该已知地址上获取容器。另外一个改进点的办法是,进程A先在共享内存某块确定地址上放置一个map容器,然后进程A再创建其他容器,然后给其取个名字和地址一并保存到这个map容器里。进程B知道如何获取该保存了地址映射的map容器,然后同样再根据名字取得其他容器的地址。清单container_factory.hh是一个容器工厂类。类Pool的方法setContainer把map容器放置在一个已知地址上,方法getContainer可以重新获取这个map。该工厂的方法用来在共享内存中创建、获取和删除容器。当然,传递给容器工厂的容器需要以SharedAllocator作为allocator。

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struct keyComp {            bool operator()(const char* key1,const char* key2)            {            return(strcmp(key1,key2) < 0);            }            };            class containerMap: public map<char*,void*,keyComp,SharedAllocator<char* > > {};            class containerFactory {            public:            containerFactory():pool_(sizeof(containerMap)){}            ~containerFactory() {}            template<class Container> Container* createContainer            (char* key,Container* c=NULL);            template<class Container> Container* getContainer            (char* key,Container* c=NULL);            template<class Container> int removeContainer            (char* key,Container* c=NULL);            private:            Pool pool_;            int lock_();            int unlock_();            };


本文描述的方案可以在共享内存中创建STL容器,其中的一个缺陷是,在分配共享内存之前,应该保证共享内存的总大小(segs_* segSize_)大于你要保存STL容器的最大长度,因为一旦类Pool 超出了共享内存的,该类无法再分配新的共享内存。



  • Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition (Addison-Wesley, 1997).
  • Matthew H. Austern. Generic Programming and the STL: Using and
    Extending the C++ Standard Template Library (Addison-Wesley, 1999).


Grum Ketema has Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. With 17 years of experience in software development, he has been using C since 1985, C++ since 1988, and Java since 1997. He has worked at AT&T Bell Labs, TASC, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SWIFT, BEA Systems, and Northrop.