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Michael Jackson: the world's only Peter Pan

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No one told us / loved ones will fly embrace our love / to interstellar singing / dancing on the moon ...... the summer of 2009, in the crystal carriage and accompanied by a white horse, and a man named Michael Jackson‘s big boys, lonely sleep. He was born in innocence, innocence died. New Air Jordans 2015, He is a prince wearing red shoes, from 5 years old to jump 50 years old, out of the moon on the earth‘s dance; he is a person cry, singing for peace and freedom, called for the black-and-white reconciliation, even in Scream of the badly beaten; he just name the child, a lifetime to create the illusion of childhood, but he did not Peter Pan transparent wings can not fly back to his planet, we can not escape the secular linger. However, he had to accompany our shuttle countless beautiful dreams, dreams of magical dance tilted 45 degrees, there will be dancing rabbit, there will never be tears in the eye. Finally, he was gone, a fairy tale ending, but we sour rhythm of youth, and it has an end. Trapped childhood: Jackson is a child without a childhood. 5 years old, when with other children age are still practicing tying shoelaces when little Jackson has become a star. He could easily remember any melodies, dance superhuman ability to imitate him, and he and four brothers formed the Jackson 5 group began touring caravan around like life. However, Jackson‘s stardom slowly opened, and the nightmares go hand in hand. Father, brothers often beaten a few people, so adult about this experience in his television program, could not help but like a child crying.
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On the stage, he shine; audience, he was timid, shy boy, quiet as the blue sky. Throughout his childhood, in a closed training room through the window, many children in the downstairs basketball court in the game, and his only job in the world, performances, song one by one ...... years later, Jackson has a whole world, can no longer rebuild the lost childhood. Dance let him become king: "I became stars, has become months, become the lover and the beloved, victor and vanquished, masters and slaves, become a singer and the song, and the knowledge to know who I continued. dancing, dancing ...... dancing, jump left ...... dance. "Jackson, was in a" Dream dance poetry "poetry in, wrote this poem. Before Jackson, the music is mainly used to hear, let Elvis fans began to "see" the music, and then, Jackson into the endless fantasies in the dance, with his boyish transform the music world. In his world, the world is tilted, so with the "anti-gravity dancing shoes", with 45-degree tilt of the dance, in his eyes, Earth and Space within a whisker, so have swept the world space sliding ......  Cheap Jordans 2015 For Sale, only when dancing, his most confident assertive, only when the dance, he looked deep soul to focus. Dance, let a child into the world‘s king. Too late to struggle, it brought to the cloud: 22 years old, Jackson has become a generation King of Pop. 1984, at the 26th Grammy Awards ceremony, he was a person would be eight awards, at the same time, his "Thriller" became the best-selling album, was officially listed in Guinness World Records. He broke Elvis Presley‘s record breaking any aura of a white singer. He became a guest of President dignitaries, his curly hair, red lips and dancing became a loud American symbol, he went, as a flood of thousands of fans coming in, and if Duogunuomi cards like for him syncope, he even in the early 30s got the American Music Awards "special Achievement Award" the highest honor. All glory is too fast, too soon. He was among an inattentive, had a chance to struggle, it was the world Lift the towering clouds. However, no one was found, this was a big man wearing a crown, the heart still stationed one did not grow up, low self-esteem of black children. Children do not want to grow up: career, Jackson step by step to glory, however, his heart is in resisting the growth. His voice never grow up. Clear whether it is pure childhood or adulthood outpouring of emotion and moving interpretation of his songs, as always, androgynous, high-pitched loud; adult, he has also been a loyal audience of children‘s programs, and his idol was Mickey Mouse, small Peter Pan Peter Pan, Pinocchio puppet; he has refused to participate in automobile driver‘s license exam, like obtaining a driver‘s license, you get a pass to the adult world, he often teach Disneyland, in order to prevent being identified, they are often disguised slipped to the back door. • Michael Jackson‘s friends said he was a mental age of 12 years to stay in the big man. Neverland was never Island? Jackson built Neverland, seems to be his most vividly release of innocence. "Peter Pan," the fairy tale, in a Neverland (Naverland) where children never grow up. So he played with $ 17 million to build a Neverland, there are a small train, carousel, ornate street lights, playground ...... seems like a fairy-tale as beautiful and peaceful. He just wants to have a place where all can not have the time to create a childhood thing. He invited the children to share with him all over the world, especially those of poverty or disease troubled children. However, he will never think of is that this fairy-tale dream has become a turning point in his life the most embarrassing. Perhaps there should be called Neverland, never, because his Neverland only exist in his mind.

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Who will repair my shadow? Jackson loves children, said they would not lie, childlike, and finally he was brought to court their child care. 23 million buyout of the two children‘s childhood - a 12-year-old boy Jody and the other is a big boy Jackson. He spent a year as Neverland several million dollars, but twice suffered child sexual harassment and its trapped half. Although the final decision still his innocence, however, the lengthy litigation, destroying not only his career, but destroyed his entire dream. From then on, he did not invite any children to the manor guests. Fairy tale, Peter Pan had Wendy, he can cry, because someone helped him make up his own shadow. In reality, Michael Jackson but only in defamation, questioning the front row alone. Black and White No Captain Hook in the world of Michael Jackson, some more violent challenge. One day, when the whole world was surprised to find a shy boy standing on the pinnacle of the music world, he has many fans, get clear of countless awards, he was known as "The pop king", but some people may panic the discovery that he is a black man. Then, standing on the summit of the world‘s most Michael began this great adventure. His challenge is not only those endless ridicule, as well as all sorts of unfounded rumors. From peels bleach to homosexuality, pedophilia and then ...... and Jackson‘s response was simple and helpless, "When I looked at myself standing in front of the mirror, I know, I am a Negro. Lonely Peter Pan Jackson to face, in addition to countless number of framed and defamation, but also has a cruel betrayal. Cellular sister‘s betrayal and disinformation let him hurt, reporter Martin documentary full of innuendo meant to let him into betraying frustration, many have been shouting fans love him forever abandoned him in rumors away ...... he became lonely boats Xia. He lived in a loveless panic in the face of the passage and disappeared helpless, bitter, uneasy. He sings in "Will you be there" singles, you still care about me? You will protect me? You‘ll come to me? Never again miss People love him, but can not forgiving him, just confirmed his notes of love: love is a piece of soap, finally groan, they are too hard. Michael‘s death was sudden and let the whole world by surprise. 2009, when the black bell sounded, Jackson could not keep time, he put his left in tears in people. Users around the world with various languages ??mourning, the major media as "popular will go away," and other words to recall. But before this, the man accused of carrying almost all of the controversy and skepticism. Only after losing, I discovered its precious. People finally remembered that he was always singing to us youthful memories of men, he was breaking a record of music and a hero, he was the Guinness Book of World Records, "the maximum amount of contributions to charities worldwide artists." However, never missed again. In hindsight we never lost him.

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He is gone, we began to grow old This is certainly not the worst of times, but this is certainly not the best of times. Here no Jackson, no Leslie, no Beyond, no tower Khodorkovsky, the way to go, the way we get, and the way lost. "Handlebar steering wheel, air-conditioned compartment full of Michael Jackson‘s songs only in the drift, I did not find myself already in tears ......" old, a "70" to write this text, Jackson‘s death on him statement on behalf of the youth of the door crashing shut. new air jordans 2014 hot sale. Haruki Murakami said: "I ??always thought that people are slowly getting old, is not that people are instant aging." Jackson departed, our youth finish, we began to grow old, no strength to fly Neverland. He just had such a gorgeous spring brought us sharp, it linger in his heart, and never became a passing mark ......