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[leetcode]Search for a Range

Search for a Range

 Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value.

Your algorithm‘s runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n).

If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1].

For example,
Given [5, 7, 7, 8, 8, 10] and target value 8,
return [3, 4].


已排序,且时间要求O(log n),即用二分查找。二分查找上道题已经实现:[leetcode]Search Insert Position,该实现结果是,如果存在则返回其下标,如果不存在即返回其本该插入的位置下标。


然而本题我偷了一个懒,多开辟了O(n)的空间,完全用了[leetcode]Search Insert Position的代码


将int[]数组重新包装成double[],然后在double[]数组中查找target + 0.1和target - 0.1,这肯定是找不到的,二分法返回的都是本该插入的位置下标begin 和end,如果begin==end,则返回[-1,-1],否则返回[begin,end - 1]。


 1 public class Solution { 2     public int[] searchRange(int[] a, int target) { 3         if(a == null || a.length == 0) return new int[]{-1,-1}; 4         double[] aToDouble = new double[a.length]; 5         for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ 6             aToDouble[i] = (double) a[i]; 7         } 8         int begin = binarySearch(aToDouble,(double)target - 0.1); 9         int end = binarySearch(aToDouble,(double)target + 0.1);10         if(begin == end){11             return new int[]{-1,-1};12         }else{13             return new int[]{begin,end - 1}; 14         }15     }16     private int binarySearch(double[] a,double target){17         int begin = 0, end = a.length - 1;18         while(begin <= end){19             int mid = (begin + end) >> 1;20             if(a[mid] > target){21                 end = mid - 1;22             }else{23                 begin = mid + 1;24             }25         }26         return begin;27     }28 }