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From SQL to Cypher

package cn.dh.neo;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.Map;import org.neo4j.cypher.javacompat.ExecutionEngine;import org.neo4j.cypher.javacompat.ExecutionResult;import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService;import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node;import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType;import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction;import org.neo4j.graphdb.factory.GraphDatabaseFactory;import org.neo4j.graphdb.index.Index;import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.util.FileUtils;/** *  * <p>User: 裴东辉 * <p>Date: 2014-8-6  上午10:43:10 * <p>Version: 1.0 */public class Neosql {        public static enum RelationshipTypes implements RelationshipType {         FLLOW, //用户链          歌手出版专辑        EMAIL//用户-邮箱         专辑包含很多歌曲      }         public final String USERPK="name";    public final String EMAILPK="email";        /**     * 数据初始化     * @author 裴东辉     * @since 2014-8-6  上午10:46:18     */    public void initdata(){        try {FileUtils.deleteRecursively(new File("db/user.db"));} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();} //删除数据库        GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase( "db/user.db" );        try(Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()){             //节点索引            Index<Node> usersIndex = graphDb.index().forNodes("usersIndex");             //-----------------第1个用户,第1个用户的2个邮箱            Node node1 = graphDb.createNode();             node1.setProperty(USERPK, "admin");            usersIndex.add(node1, USERPK, node1.getProperty(USERPK));                        Node node1_1=graphDb.createNode();            node1_1.setProperty(EMAILPK, "softwareworker@126.com");            node1_1.setProperty("comment", "work");            usersIndex.add(node1_1, EMAILPK, node1_1.getProperty(EMAILPK));                        Node node1_2=graphDb.createNode();            node1_2.setProperty(EMAILPK, "dhsoftware8091@126.com");            node1_2.setProperty("comment", "home");            usersIndex.add(node1_2, EMAILPK, node1_2.getProperty(EMAILPK));                        node1.createRelationshipTo(node1_1, RelationshipTypes.EMAIL);            node1.createRelationshipTo(node1_2, RelationshipTypes.EMAIL);                        //-----------------第2个用户,第2个用户的2个邮箱            Node node2 = graphDb.createNode();             node2.setProperty(USERPK, "user");            usersIndex.add(node2, USERPK, node2.getProperty(USERPK));                        Node node2_1=graphDb.createNode();            node2_1.setProperty(EMAILPK, "usesoftware@126.com");            node2_1.setProperty("comment", "work");            usersIndex.add(node2_1, EMAILPK, node2_1.getProperty(EMAILPK));                        Node node2_2=graphDb.createNode();            node2_2.setProperty(EMAILPK, "dhusehome@126.com");            node2_2.setProperty("comment", "home");            usersIndex.add(node2_2, EMAILPK, node2_2.getProperty(EMAILPK));                        node2.createRelationshipTo(node2_1, RelationshipTypes.EMAIL);            node2.createRelationshipTo(node2_2, RelationshipTypes.EMAIL);                        //----两个用户之间的关联关系            node1.createRelationshipTo(node2, RelationshipTypes.FLLOW);                        tx.success();        }finally{            graphDb.shutdown();        }    }             /**     * select * from t_user  where name = ‘admin‘     * start user=node:usersIndex(name = {name} ) return user ,其中的{name}通过一个Map的参数传递过去params     * 1、SQL starts with the result you want — we SELECT what we want and then declare how to source it. In            Cypher, the START clause is quite a different concept which specifies starting points in the graph from            which the query will execute.        2、From a SQL point of view, the identifiers in START are like table names that point to a set of nodes or            relationships. The set can be listed literally, come via parameters, or as I show in the following example,            be defined by an index look-up.        3、So in fact rather than being SELECT-like,             the START clause is somewhere between the FROM and the WHERE clause in SQL.     * @author 裴东辉     * @since 2014-8-6  上午11:08:44     */    public void findUserByName(String name){        GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase( "db/user.db" );        try(Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()){             ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDb);              Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();            params.put("name",name);            ExecutionResult result = engine.execute( "start user=node:usersIndex(name = {name} ) return user",params);              Iterator<Node> nodeIta=result.columnAs("user");            Node node=null;            while(nodeIta.hasNext()){                node=nodeIta.next();                infoln(node+"-"+node.getProperty(USERPK));            }            tx.success();        }finally{            graphDb.shutdown();        }    }        /**     * 1、select t_email.*            from t_user join t_email on t_user.id = t_email.user_id            where t_user.name = ‘admin‘        2、start user=node:usersIndex(name = {name})             match user-[:EMAIL]->email             return email        3、Unlike SQL which operates on sets, Cypher predominantly works on sub-graphs.             The relational equivalent is the current set of tuples being evaluated during a SELECT query.        4、The shape of the sub-graph is specified in the MATCH clause.             The MATCH clause is analogous to the JOIN in SQL.             A normal a→b relationship is an inner join between nodes a and b             both sides have to have at least one match, or nothing is returned.        5、We’ll start with a simple example,             where we find all email addresses that are connected to the person “admin”.             This is an ordinary one-to-many relationship.        6、There is no join table here, but if one is necessary the next example will show how to do that,             writing the pattern relationship like so: -[r:belongs_to]-> will introduce (the equivalent of) join table available asthe variable r.             In reality this is a named relationship in Cypher, so we’re saying “join Person to Group viabelongs_to.”             To illustrate this, consider this image, comparing the SQL model and Neo4j/Cypher.     * @author 裴东辉     * @since 2014-8-6  上午11:40:10     */    public void findEmailByUserName(String name){        GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase( "db/user.db" );        try(Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()){             ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDb);              Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();            params.put("name", name);                        ExecutionResult result = engine.execute( "start user=node:usersIndex(name = {name})  match user-[:EMAIL]->email  return email",params);              Iterator<Node> nodeIta=result.columnAs("email");            Node node=null;            while(nodeIta.hasNext()){                node=nodeIta.next();                infoln(node+"-"+node.getProperty(EMAILPK));            }            tx.success();        }finally{            graphDb.shutdown();        }    }                public void info(Object j){System.out.print(j.toString());}    public void infoln(Object j){System.out.println(j.toString());}    /**     * @author 裴东辉     * @since 2014-8-6  上午10:42:54     * @param args     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        new Neosql().initdata();        new Neosql().findUserByName("user");        new Neosql().findEmailByUserName("admin");    }    }