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Css Study - 横向MENU




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<style>        #topMenu {            height: 30px;            width: 100%;            border-bottom: solid 2px #4cb6ea;            text-align: right;        }            #topMenu ul {                position: absolute;                right: 30px;                height: 30px;                line-height: 30px;            }            #topMenu a {                font-size: 16px;                font-weight: bold;                padding: 5px 15px 8px 15px;                border-top: solid 2px #4cb6ea;                border-left: solid 2px #4cb6ea;                border-right: solid 2px #4cb6ea;                border-top-left-radius: 5px;                border-top-right-radius: 5px;                background-color: #4cb6ea;                color: #fff;            }                #topMenu a:hover {                    color: #666;                    text-decoration: none;                    background-color: #fff;                }    </style>
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