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LeetCode "Text Justification"

Just take care of corner cases!

class Solution {public:    vector<string> fullJustify(vector<string> &words, int L) {        vector<string> ret;        int startInx = 0;        while (startInx < words.size())        {            //    Get word count a line            int wcnt = 0, spcnt = 0;            int i = 0;            bool lastRm = false;            for (i = startInx; i < words.size(); i++)            {                wcnt += words[i].length();                spcnt = i - startInx + wcnt;                if (spcnt >= L)                {                    lastRm = spcnt > L;                    break;                }            }            if (!lastRm) // good luck            {                string line;                for (int j = startInx; j <= i && j < words.size(); j++)                {                    line += words[j];                    if (j < i) line +=  ;                }                if (line.length() < L)    // should only happen to last word                {                    line.append(L - line.length(),  );                }                ret.push_back(line);            }            else    // needs to chop last one            {                //    Handle spaces                spcnt -= words[i].length() + 1;                int slotCnt = i - startInx - 1;                int sp2fill = L - spcnt + slotCnt;                vector<string> sp;                 if (slotCnt == 0) slotCnt = 1;                sp.resize(slotCnt);                for (int k = 0; k < sp2fill; k++)                {                    sp[k % slotCnt] +=  ;                }                //    Compose                string line;                for (int j = startInx; j < i; j++)                {                    line += words[j];                    if (j < i - 1 || (i - startInx) == 1)                    {                        line += sp[j - startInx];                    }                }                ret.push_back(line);            }            startInx = lastRm ? i : i + 1;        }        return ret;    }};