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Wall-walking: Mexico

Enrique Pe?a Nieto was castigated at home for his presidential summit with Donald Trump in August. He argued that early dialogue might mitigate potential harm. That strategy will soon be tested. Security matters seem stable; Mr Trump is unlikely to tinker with measures that keep out the drug-traffickers he has often complained about. But his victory sent the peso tumbling; the central bank will probably raise interest rates, hobbling an economy already strained by falling demand in America. The real risk is that Mr Trump will tear up "the worst trade deal in history": the North American Free-Trade Agreement, which underpins $580bn a year in bilateral trade. After Mr Trump’s victory, Mr Pe?a pointedly said that Mexico and America "are friends, partners and allies". Criticised for his soft touch, the Mexican president may wish to strike a harsher tone in time. But he faces a touchy and as-yet untested counterpart.

drug-traffickers 毒贩  to be a trafficker in sth 非法经营sth

castigate: vt.严厉批评  mitigate: vt.缓和  

tinker with: 摆弄  tumbling: n.震荡

hobble: vt.束缚束脚  strain: vt.紧张  

underpin: vt.加强  bilateral trade: 双边贸易

pointedly: adv.刻意地  touchy: adj.棘手的  

as-yet: 到现在为止



President Franklin Roosevelt famously declared Dec. 7 “a date which will live in infamy” in an address to the nation the following day, during which he asked Congress for a declaration of war.

address n.演说  to give or dediver an address发表演说



The guided-missile destroyer USS Halsey will render pass-in-review honors to the USS Arizona, and a missing man flyover will be conducted above Pearl Harbor during the ceremony, the Navy said. The attack killed 2,335 service members and 68 civilians.

assault: n.袭击  sexual assault=rape  

aircraft: n.飞行器(单复数同形)  infamy: n.声名狼籍

guided-missile destroyer: n.导弹驱逐舰  

commitment: n.承诺  reconciliation: n.和好

cruiser: n.巡洋舰  destroyer: n.驱逐舰  

submarine: n.潜水艇  shrine: n.神庙

