首页 > 代码库 > 常用的字符串文件文件夹操作



 1 /* ******* StrDirFile.h ********** 2 ********* 文件操作函数声明 ********** */ 3  4 /* author: autumoon */ 5  6 #ifndef _STR_DIR_FILE_ 7 #define _STR_DIR_FILE_ 8  9 #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type=‘win32‘ name=‘Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls‘ version=‘‘ processorArchitecture=‘x86‘ publicKeyToken=‘6595b64144ccf1df‘ language=‘*‘\"")10 11 #include <afxdlgs.h> //打开文件12 #include <ShlObj.h> //浏览文件夹13 14 class CStrDirFile15 {16 public:17     CString m_strInput;18     CStrDirFile();19     CStrDirFile(const char szPath[]);20     CStrDirFile(CString strPath);21 22 public:23     bool IsDir();24     bool IsDir(CString strPath);25     bool IsFile();26     bool IsFile(CString strPath);27 28     //字符串操作29     char* CstringToChar(CString strCstring); //注意防止通过修改char*指向的内容损坏CString结构30 31     CString GetDirOfDir();//获取目录的上一级目录32     CString GetDirOfDir(CString strDirPath);//获取目录的上一级目录33     CString GetDirOfFile(); //获取文件的所在的目录34     CString GetDirOfFile(CString strFilePath); //获取文件的所在的目录35     CString GetNameOfDir(CString strDirPath); //获取某个路径的最里层的目录名36     CString GetNameOfFile(CString strFilePath, bool bWithSuffix = true); //获取全文件全路径中的文件名37     CString FloatToCstring(const float fNum, const int nDigit = 6);38     CString IntToCstring(const int nNum);39     CString ParseLineInCsv(CString strLine, const int nColumn); //返回csv行的某一列的值40     CString ShowTheInput(); //显示当前输入参数41 42     //文件操作43     bool IfExistFile();44     bool IfExistFile(const char szPath[]);45     bool IfExistFile(CString strFilePath);46 47     //后缀相关的字符串注意都使用小写48     CString OpenSuffixFile(const char szPath[]); //打开特定类型的文件,返回路径49     CString OpenSuffixFile(CString strSuffix = CString("txt")); //打开特定类型的文件,返回路径50     CString OpenSuffixFile(const int nSuffix, ...); //打开多种类型的文件,返回路径51     CString OpenFile(); //打开任意类型的文件,返回路径52     CString OpenTXT(); //打开txt文件,返回路径53 54     int ParseTXTFile(CStringArray* pArrContentInFile);55     int ParseTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray* pArrContentInFile);56     int ParseTXTFile(CString strFilePath, CStringArray* pArrContentInFile);57     int SaveTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend = false);58     int SaveTXTFile(CString strTxtPath, CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend = false);59 60     //文件夹操作61     bool IfExistDir();62     bool IfExistDir(const char szPath[]);63     bool IfExistDir(CString strDirPath);64 65     CString BrowseDir(char szTips[]);66     CString BrowseDir(CString strTips = CString("请选择文件夹")); //浏览一个文件夹67     CString BrowseDirPlus(CString strTips = CString("请选择文件夹")); //浏览一个文件夹, 带新建按钮68 69     int ReadCurrentDirs(CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder); //读取当前目录下的目录,不包含子目录70     int ReadCurrentDirFiles(CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[] = ".txt"); //读取当前目录下的文件,不包含子目录71     int ReadDirs(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder, bool bIncludeSub = true); //读取当前目录下的目录72     int ReadDirFiles(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[] = ".txt", bool bIncludeSub = true); //读取当前目录下的文件73 74 };75 76 77 #endif //_STR_DIR_FILE_



  1 /* ******* StrFileDir.cpp **********  2 ********* 文件操作函数实现 ********** */  3   4 /* author: autumoon */  5 #include "StrDirFile.h"  6   7 /* 构造函数 */  8 CStrDirFile::CStrDirFile():m_strInput("D:\\autumoon")  9 { 10  11 } 12  13 CStrDirFile::CStrDirFile(const char szPath[]) 14 { 15     CString strPath(szPath); 16     m_strInput = strPath; 17 } 18  19 CStrDirFile::CStrDirFile(CString strPath):m_strInput(strPath) 20 { 21  22 } 23  24 bool CStrDirFile::IsDir() 25 { 26     return IfExistDir(m_strInput); 27 } 28  29 bool CStrDirFile::IsDir(CString strPath) 30 { 31     return IfExistDir(strPath); 32 } 33  34 bool CStrDirFile::IsFile() 35 { 36     return IfExistFile(m_strInput); 37 } 38  39 bool CStrDirFile::IsFile(CString strPath) 40 { 41     return IfExistFile(strPath); 42 } 43  44 CString CStrDirFile::GetDirOfDir(CString strDirPath) 45 { 46     if (strDirPath.Right(1) == \\) 47     { 48         strDirPath = strDirPath.Mid(0, strDirPath.GetLength() - 1); 49     } 50  51     int index = strDirPath.ReverseFind(\\); 52  53     if (index != -1) 54     { 55         return strDirPath.Mid(0, index); 56     } 57     else 58     { 59         return strDirPath; 60     } 61 } 62  63 CString CStrDirFile::GetDirOfFile() 64 { 65     return GetDirOfFile(m_strInput); 66 } 67  68 CString CStrDirFile::GetDirOfFile(CString strFilePath) 69 { 70     if (IsDir(strFilePath)) 71     { 72         return strFilePath; 73     } 74  75     int index = strFilePath.ReverseFind(\\); 76     return strFilePath.Mid(index + 1, strFilePath.GetLength() - index -1); 77 } 78  79 CString CStrDirFile::OpenFile() 80 { 81     CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("所有文件(*.*)|*.*||")); 82  83     CString szFileName(""); 84  85     if (IsDir()) 86     { 87         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput; 88     } 89     else 90     { 91         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile(); 92     } 93  94     if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) 95     { 96         szFileName = dlg.GetPathName(); 97     } 98  99     return szFileName;100 }101 102 CString CStrDirFile::OpenTXT()103 {104     CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, _T("txt文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*||"));105 106     CString szFileName("");107 108     if (IsDir())109     {110         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput;111     }112     else113     {114         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile();115     }116 117     if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)118     {119         szFileName = dlg.GetFileName();120     }121 122     return szFileName;123 }124 125 CString CStrDirFile::OpenSuffixFile(CString strSuffix)126 {127     if (strSuffix.Left(1) == .)128     {129         //delete the ‘.‘ before suffix130         strSuffix = strSuffix.Mid(1, strSuffix.GetLength() - 1);131     }132 133     CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, strSuffix + "文件(*." + strSuffix + ")|*." + strSuffix + "|所有文件(*.*)|*.*||");134 135     CString szFileName("");136 137     if (IsDir())138     {139         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput;140     }141     else142     {143         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile();144     }145 146     if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)147     {148         szFileName = dlg.GetPathName();149     }150 151     return szFileName;152 }153 154 CString CStrDirFile::OpenSuffixFile(const int nSuffix, ...)155 {156     va_list argp;157     char* para;158     va_start(argp, nSuffix);159 160     CStringArray arrSuffixs;161     CString strSuffix;162     for (int i = 0; i < nSuffix; i++)163     {164         strSuffix = va_arg(argp, char*);165         arrSuffixs.Add(strSuffix);166     }167     va_end(argp);168 169     //打开多种类型170     for (int i = 0; i < nSuffix; i++)171     {172         if (arrSuffixs[i].Left(1) == .)173         {174             //delete the ‘.‘ before suffix175             arrSuffixs[i] = arrSuffixs[i].Mid(1, arrSuffixs[i].GetLength() - 1);176         }177     }178 179     CString strTemp("");180     for (int i = 0; i < nSuffix; i++)181     {182         strTemp += arrSuffixs[i] + "文件(*." + arrSuffixs[i] + ")|*." + arrSuffixs[i] + "|";183     }184 185     CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, strTemp + "所有文件(*.*)|*.*||");186 187     CString szFileName("");188 189     if (IsDir())190     {191         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = m_strInput;192     }193     else194     {195         dlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirOfFile();196     }197 198     if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)199     {200         szFileName = dlg.GetPathName();201     }202 203     return szFileName;204 }205 206 bool CStrDirFile::IfExistFile()207 {208     return IfExistFile(m_strInput);209 }210 211 bool CStrDirFile::IfExistFile(const char szPath[])212 {213     CString strFilePath = CString(szPath);214     return IfExistFile(strFilePath);215 }216 217 bool CStrDirFile::IfExistFile(CString strFilePath)218 {219     CFile file;220     if (file.Open(strFilePath,CFile::modeRead))221     {222         file.Close();223         return true;224     }225     return false;226 }227 228 CString CStrDirFile::OpenSuffixFile(const char szPath[])229 {230     CString strPath(szPath);231     return OpenSuffixFile(strPath);232 }233 234 int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile(CStringArray* pArrContentInFile)235 {236     return ParseTXTFile(m_strInput, pArrContentInFile);237 }238 239 int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray* pArrContentInFile)240 {241     CString strFilePath(szPath);242     return ParseTXTFile(strFilePath, pArrContentInFile);243 }244 245 int CStrDirFile::ParseTXTFile(CString strFilePath, CStringArray* pArrContentInFile)246 {247     CStdioFile file;248     file.Open(strFilePath, CFile::modeRead);249 250     if (!file.m_pStream)251     {252         return -1;253     }254     CString szLine;255     while(file.ReadString(szLine))256     {257         pArrContentInFile->Add(szLine);258     }259 260     return 0;261 }262 263 int CStrDirFile::SaveTXTFile(const char szPath[], CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend)264 {265     CString strTxtPath(szPath);266     SaveTXTFile(strTxtPath, arrContent, bAppend);267 268     return 0;269 }270 271 int CStrDirFile::SaveTXTFile(CString strTxtPath, CStringArray& arrContent, bool bAppend)272 {273     CStdioFile file;274     if (bAppend)275     {276         file.Open(strTxtPath, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite|CFile::modeNoTruncate);277         file.SeekToEnd();278     }279     else280     {281         file.Open(strTxtPath, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite);282     }283 284     for (int i = 0; i < arrContent.GetCount(); i++)285     {286         file.WriteString(arrContent[i]);287     }288     file.Close();289 290     return 0;291 }292 293 294 bool CStrDirFile::IfExistDir()295 {296     return IfExistDir(m_strInput);297 }298 299 bool CStrDirFile::IfExistDir(const char szPath[])300 {301     CString strDirPath(szPath);302 303     return IfExistDir(strDirPath);304 }305 306 bool CStrDirFile::IfExistDir(CString strDirPath)307 {308     //本方法不能判断根目录309     WIN32_FIND_DATA fd;310     bool ret = FALSE;311     HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(strDirPath, &fd);312     if ((hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))313     {314         //目录存在315         ret = TRUE;316 317     }318     FindClose(hFind);319 320     return ret;321 }322 323 CString CStrDirFile::BrowseDir(char szTips[]/* = "请选择文件夹"*/)324 {325     CString strTips = CString(szTips);326     return BrowseDir(strTips);327 }328 329 CString CStrDirFile::BrowseDir(CString strTips/* = CString("请选择文件夹")*/)330 {331     CString szFileFolderPath;332     TCHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH];333     BROWSEINFO biFolder;334     biFolder.hwndOwner = NULL;335     biFolder.pidlRoot = NULL;336     biFolder.pszDisplayName = NULL;337     biFolder.lpszTitle = strTips;338     biFolder.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_STATUSTEXT;339     biFolder.lpfn = NULL;340     biFolder.lParam = 0;341 342     LPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&biFolder);343     if (!pidl)344     {345         return "";346     }347     else348     {349         SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, pszPath);350         m_strInput = pszPath;351         return pszPath;352     }353 }354 355 CString CStrDirFile::BrowseDirPlus(CString strTips/* = CString("请选择文件夹")*/)356 {357     CString szFileFolderPath;358     TCHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH];359     BROWSEINFO biFolder;360     biFolder.hwndOwner = NULL;361     biFolder.pidlRoot = NULL;362     biFolder.pszDisplayName = NULL;363     biFolder.lpszTitle = strTips;364     biFolder.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_STATUSTEXT | BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE;365     biFolder.lpfn = NULL;366     biFolder.lParam = 0;367 368     LPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&biFolder);369     if (!pidl)370     {371         return "";372     }373     else374     {375         SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, pszPath);376         m_strInput = pszPath;377         return pszPath;378     }379 }380 381 CString CStrDirFile::GetNameOfDir(CString strDirPath)382 {383     int index = strDirPath.ReverseFind(\\);384     return strDirPath.Mid(index + 1, strDirPath.GetLength() - index -1);385 }386 387 CString CStrDirFile::GetNameOfFile(CString strFilePath, bool bWithSuffix)388 {389     int index = strFilePath.ReverseFind(\\);390     CString strFileName = strFilePath.Mid(index + 1, strFilePath.GetLength() - index - 1);391 392     if (bWithSuffix)393     {394         return strFileName;395     }396     else397     {398         int nIndexOfDot = strFileName.ReverseFind(.);399         if (nIndexOfDot == -1)400         {401             return strFileName;402         }403         else404         {405             return strFileName.Mid(0, nIndexOfDot);406         }407     }408 409 }410 411 CString CStrDirFile::FloatToCstring(const float fNum, const int nDigit)412 {413     CString strTemp;414     strTemp.Format(_T("%.") + IntToCstring(nDigit) + _T("lf"), fNum);415     return strTemp;416 }417 418 CString CStrDirFile::IntToCstring(const int nNum)419 {420     CString strTemp;421     strTemp.Format(_T("%d"), nNum);422     return strTemp;423 }424 425 CString CStrDirFile::ParseLineInCsv(CString strLine, const int nColumn)426 {427     CString strContent;428     AfxExtractSubString(strContent, strLine, nColumn, ,);429     return strContent;430 }431 432 CString CStrDirFile::ShowTheInput()433 {434     return m_strInput;435 }436 437 char* CStrDirFile::CstringToChar(CString strCstring)438 {439 #ifdef _UNICODE440     USES_CONVERSION;441     return W2A(strCstring);442 #else443     return (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)strCstring;444 #endif445 }446 447 int CStrDirFile::ReadCurrentDirs(CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder)448 {449     if (IsFile())450     {451         return -1;452     }453 454     return ReadDirs(m_strInput, pArrDirsInFolder, false);455 }456 457 int CStrDirFile::ReadCurrentDirFiles(CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[]/* = ".txt"*/)458 {459     if (IsFile())460     {461         return -1;462     }463 464     return ReadDirFiles(m_strInput, pArrFilesInFolder, szSuffix, false);465 }466 467 int CStrDirFile::ReadDirs(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrDirsInFolder, bool bIncludeSub/* = true*/)468 {469     CFileFind ff; 470     DWORD size = 0; 471     CString szDir = strPath + _T("\\*.*"); //搜索路径,包括所有子目录 472     BOOL ret = ff.FindFile(szDir); 473 474     while (ret) 475     { 476         ret = ff.FindNextFile(); 477 478         if(!ff.IsDots()) 479         { 480             if(ff.IsDirectory() && !ff.IsHidden()) 481             { 482                 //子目录结点,递归483                 pArrDirsInFolder->Add(ff.GetFilePath());484                 if (bIncludeSub)485                 {486                     ReadDirs(ff.GetFilePath(), pArrDirsInFolder);487                 }488             } 489         } 490     }491 492     return 0;493 }494 495 int CStrDirFile::ReadDirFiles(CString strPath, CStringArray* pArrFilesInFolder, char szSuffix[]/* = "txt"*/, bool bIncludeSub/* = true*/)496 {497     CFileFind ff; 498     DWORD size = 0; 499 500     CString szDir = strPath + _T("\\*.*"); //搜索路径,包括所有子目录 501     BOOL ret = ff.FindFile(szDir); 502 503     if (IsFile(strPath))504     {505         return -1;506     }507 508     while (ret) 509     { 510         ret = ff.FindNextFile(); 511 512         if(!ff.IsDots()) 513         { 514             if(ff.IsDirectory() && bIncludeSub) 515             { 516                 //子目录结点,递归517                 ReadDirFiles(ff.GetFilePath(), pArrFilesInFolder, szSuffix, bIncludeSub);518             } 519             else 520             { 521                 if (ff.GetFileName().MakeLower().Find(CString(szSuffix)) != -1)522                 {523                     pArrFilesInFolder->Add(ff.GetFilePath());524                 }525             } 526         } 527     }528 529     return 0;530 }

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