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C#无限极分类树-创建-排序-读取 用Asp.Net Core+EF实现之方法二:加入缓存机制

在上一篇文章中我用递归方法实现了管理菜单,在上一节我也提到要考虑用缓存,也算是学习一下.Net Core的缓存机制。

关于.Net Core的缓存,官方有三种实现:

1.In Memory Caching 我理解是在内容中实现,这种方法适用于单服务器的生产环境。

2.a Distributed Cache 分部式缓存实现。

3.Response Cache 这种方式我理解为客户端缓存。


微软官方提供的实现In Memory Caching 方法时有一个微软标准的示例,GitHub地址是  在这里


 1 if(!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out greeting)) 2             { 3                 // fetch the value from the source 4                 greeting = _greetingService.Greet("world"); 5  6                 // store in the cache 7                 _memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, greeting, 8                     new MemoryCacheEntryOptions() 9                     .SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)));10                 _logger.LogInformation($"{cacheKey} updated from source.");11             }12             else13             {14                 _logger.LogInformation($"{cacheKey} retrieved from cache.");15 }
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也就是 _memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out greeting)这一段负责从缓存中取出缓存内容;而_memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, greeting, new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()



public interface IAdminTreeService    {        /// <summary>        /// 全部节点数据树        /// </summary>        AdminUserTree GetAllTreeData { get; }    }


  1  public class AdminTreeServices:IAdminTreeService  2     {  3         /// <summary>  4         /// EF数据访问配置  5         /// </summary>  6         private readonly ApplicationDbContext _basecontext;  7   8         public AdminTreeServices(ApplicationDbContext context)  9         { 10             _basecontext = context;             11         } 12  13         /// <summary> 14         /// 建立无限极节点树-管理菜单 15         /// </summary> 16         /// <returns></returns> 17         public AdminUserTree GetAllTreeData 18         { 19             get 20             { 21                 AdminUserTree result = new AdminUserTree(); 22                 //初始化一个节点做为根节点 23                 result.NodeID = 0; 24                 result.Text = "管理员菜单"; 25                 result.Url = ""; 26                 result.ParentID = -1; 27                 result.Location = ""; 28                 result.OrderID = 0; 29                 result.Comment = "来源为数据库"; 30                 result.ImageUrl = ""; 31                 result.PermissionID = 0; 32                 result.Level = 0; 33                 result.ChildNumberl = 0; 34                 //把根节点传递给递归方法去创建子节点 35                 result.ChildNode = BuildMenuTree(result, -1); 36                 return result; 37  38             } 39             40         } 41          42  43         /// <summary> 44         /// 递归创建子节点方法 45         /// </summary> 46         /// <param name="node">要为其分配子节点的父级节点</param> 47         /// <param name="levelID">层级关系</param> 48         /// <returns></returns> 49         protected List<AdminUserTree> BuildMenuTree(AdminUserTree node, int levelID) 50         { 51             var listtree = _basecontext.Admintree; 52  53             //从数据库中取出node节点的全部子节点 条件:m.ParentID==node.NodeID 54             List<AdminUserTree> lt = listtree.Where(m => m.ParentID == node.NodeID) 55                                             .Select(m => new AdminUserTree() 56                                             { 57                                                 NodeID = m.NodeID 58                                             , 59                                                 Text = m.Text 60                                             , 61                                                 Url = m.Url 62                                             , 63                                                 ParentID = m.ParentID 64                                             , 65                                                 Location = m.Location 66                                             , 67                                                 OrderID = m.OrderID 68                                             , 69                                                 Comment = m.Comment 70                                             , 71                                                 ImageUrl = m.ImageUrl 72                                             , 73                                                 PermissionID = m.PermissionID 74                                             }) 75                                             .ToList(); 76  77             if (lt != null) 78             { 79                 //节点深度 80                 node.Level = levelID + 1; 81                 //子节点数量,便于前端递归输出时调用 82                 node.ChildNumberl = lt.Count; 83                 for (int i = 0; i < lt.Count; i++) 84                 { 85                     //递归调用创建子节点 86                     lt[i].ChildNode = BuildMenuTree(lt[i], node.Level); 87                 } 88                 return lt; 89  90             } 91             else 92             { 93                 return null; 94             } 95  96  97  98  99         }100 101     }

3.管理页面基类 AdminBase.cs:

 1 public class AdminBase: Controller 2     { 3         /// <summary> 4         /// EF数据访问配置 5         /// </summary> 6         private readonly ApplicationDbContext _basecontext;         7         private readonly IAdminTreeService _adminTreeService; 8         private readonly ILogger<AdminUserTree> _logger; 9         private readonly IMemoryCache _memoryCache;10 11 12         /// <summary>13         /// 管理菜单 这里是基数,声明为属性以便控制器里面可以用到14         /// </summary>15         public AdminUserTree leftMenu { get; set; }16 17 18         public AdminBase(ApplicationDbContext context,19                             IMemoryCache memoryCache, 20                             ILogger<AdminUserTree> logger, 21                             IAdminTreeService adminTreeService)22         {23             _basecontext = context;24             //初始化无限极分类管理菜单25             _logger = logger;26             _adminTreeService = adminTreeService;27             _memoryCache = memoryCache;28             leftMenu = GetAdminTreeByCache();29         }30 31         /// <summary>32         /// 从缓存中读取节点树33         /// </summary>34         /// <param name="httpContext"></param>35         /// <returns></returns>36         public AdminUserTree GetAdminTreeByCache()37         {38             string cacheKey = "AdminTree-Base";39             AdminUserTree adminTree;40 41             //获取缓存内容的一种方式42             // greeting = _memoryCache.Get(cacheKey) as string;43             44             //另一种获取缓存内容的方式,45            // alternately, TryGet returns true if the cache entry was found46             if (!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out adminTree))47             {48                 //缓存中不存在该内容,从数据接口中通过访问数据库获取。49                 adminTree = _adminTreeService.GetAllTreeData;50 51                 // 绝对过期时间方法,在设置缓存时3分钟后过期52                 //_memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, adminTree,53                 //    new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()54                 //    .SetAbsoluteExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3)));55                 //相对过期时间方法,相对于最后一次调用后3分钟过期56                 _memoryCache.Set(cacheKey, adminTree,57                     new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()58                     .SetSlidingExpiration(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3)));59                 //记录日志60                 _logger.LogInformation($"{cacheKey} From Data."+DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(3).ToString());61             }62             else63             {64                 //记录日志,这里表示当前数据是从缓存中读取的。65                 _logger.LogInformation($"{cacheKey} From Cacha."+DateTime.Now.ToString());66             }67 68             return adminTree;69 70         }71 }

4.最后不要忘记了在Startup.cs中加入以下代码 :

1 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)2         {3             …………4              services.AddMemoryCache();5 6              services.AddTransient<IAdminTreeService, AdminTreeServices>();7




C#无限极分类树-创建-排序-读取 用Asp.Net Core+EF实现


 1 /// <summary> 2     /// 无限极节点类 3     /// </summary> 4     public class AdminUserTree 5     { 6         /// <summary> 7         /// 节点信息 8         /// </summary> 9         public int NodeID { get; set; }10         /// <summary>11         /// 节点名称12         /// </summary>13         public string Text { get; set; }14         /// <summary>15         /// 父节点ID16         /// </summary>17         public int ParentID { get; set; }18         /// <summary>19         /// 对应的链接地址20         /// </summary>21         public string Url { get; set; }22         public int? PermissionID { get; set; }23         public int? OrderID { get; set; }24         public string Location { get; set; }25         public string Comment { get; set; }26         public string ImageUrl { get; set; }27         /// <summary>28         /// 层级29         /// </summary>30         public int Level { get; set; }31         /// <summary>32         /// 子节点数目(很重要)33         /// </summary>34         public int ChildNumberl { get; set; }35 36         /// <summary>37         ///  子节点 (子节点是一个List)这种用法叫什么?38         /// </summary>39         public List<AdminUserTree> ChildNode { get; set; }40     }
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按照先前的计划,下一步该研究一下用户及权限的内容了,这次我打算研究一下 ASP.NET Identity 身份验证和基于角色的授权,网上有很多相关的资料了,可我还是没有看明白怎么和我实际的项目相结合。估计要花几天时间了!


C#无限极分类树-创建-排序-读取 用Asp.Net Core+EF实现之方法二:加入缓存机制